A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 140 Kingdom Assassin

In the desert night, my heart hurts so much that I can't breathe.

——Fanny Valentine

the next day.

"Okay, Johnny, please repeat the content of "LESSON 1". "


"Classmate Johnny? Is classmate Johnny here?"

"Don't fight with the substitute, but try to attack the main body."

"Very good, Jero-san."


"Please repeat the content of "LESSON 2". "

"Normally, if the main body is injured, it will affect the substitute; if the substitute is injured, it will also affect the main body. You must be flexible during combat!"

"Very good, then, please repeat the content of "LESSON 3". "

"The stronger the mental power, the stronger the substitute's ability. In short, just trust the substitute!"

Chatting while riding fast.

Jon and Jello had a great time asking and answering questions.

Johnny pinched his eyebrows and focused on his left arm.

Although there were no clues on the outside, he could clearly feel that something was inhabiting his flesh and blood.

Jon said that this 'thing' was his opportunity.

A thought came to my mind.

Johnny's armor began to spin rapidly like a razor.

The "holy miracle" caused by the "mutilated limb".

Let him have a substitute.


Its ability is to spin its nails at high speed, fire them like bullets, and also use them to slice apart targets.

how to say?

It is a quite simple and practical ability.

Johnny secretly tried to do things that the rotating nails can do, including but not limited to 'scraping cheese', 'stirring coffee', 'brushing teeth', 'rolling noodles', and 'shaving'.

"Hey, Johnny, what are you thinking about?"

Suddenly, Jero's voice rang in his ears.

Johnny came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, please don't pay attention to me."

Hearing this, Jero pulled the reins and drove the horse to Johnny, "Be serious, Johnny. You have to listen to the class carefully like me."


So, it starts again, right?

Under Johnny's helpless gaze, Jon coughed lightly and said, "LESSON 4" - The essence of substitute warfare is intelligence warfare. When facing the enemy, you must observe more, use your brain more, and use your strengths and avoid weaknesses to remain invincible. "

The conversation changed, "For example, our stalker three hundred meters behind us, how do you determine whether he is a substitute messenger, and what are his substitute abilities?"

Um? !

Jero and Johnny quickly turned back.


A spotted horse like a cow hangs diagonally far behind!

"Another killer?" Jero's right hand slid towards the iron ball unconsciously, and he said angrily: "One wave after another, it's really endless!"

Johnny's eyes flickered, as if he was considering whether to strike first.

Jon took a look.

Good guys, you two are planning to start a fight before we know whether we are friends or foes?

As expected of a student brought out by someone like me, Qiao, it can be said that he is very NICE~

far away.

Manden Tim suddenly felt a chill, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast!

With a sharp look in his eyes, he pulled out the revolver in his gun bag.

After investigation, Manden Tim can be 100% sure that the three guys in front were the ones who killed the 'Fenfang family'.

The thought of such a despicable scoundrel roaming the free western land made him sincerely unhappy.

"Your good days are over!" Manden Tim whispered.

After saying that, he pinched the horse's belly.

‘Xilulu! ’

The spotted horse raised its hooves.

It took dozens of breaths to catch up with the three 'murderers'.

"According to the laws of Arizona and the authority granted to me by the state security officer, you are under arrest!" Mandon Tim raised his pistol in a threatening manner, "Guys, just stay put and we can avoid a lot of trouble."

No one spoke.

What he responded to was an iron ball and a rotating piece of armor!

Mandon Tim quickly pulled the trigger.

Unexpectedly, the iron ball and armor were more powerful than the revolver.

The proud cowboy secretly thought something was wrong, so he quickly summoned a substitute ('Oh, lonely me'), connected his body with a rope, and narrowly avoided the attack.

Jero and Johnny were stunned for a moment.

Then, the two reacted.

"Johnny, use that move!"


Hearing this, Manden Tim's heart beat rapidly.

‘That trick’?

It's too late, but it's soon.

A green ball appeared in Jero's hand, which was his substitute - the 'Iron Ball Destroyer'


In Mandon Tim's eyes as if he was facing a formidable enemy, the 'Iron Ball Destroyer' kept spinning, coming like a meteor!

It's impossible to hide.

At the critical moment, Manden Tim swung his body and folded it into a V-shape in a strange posture.

‘Buzz. ’

When he finished all this, he inexplicably found the sound of insects in his ears.


It's not the chirping of insects, but the rapidly rotating armor!

"Take the move! Spin combo!"

Following the master's words, the 'Iron Ball Destroyer' flew onto the armor, and with the help of the spin, accelerated and rebounded, and hit Mandon Tim's chest without any bias!


The proud cowboy immediately fell off his horse, rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

When Jon saw it, he couldn't help but applaud, "Wonderful, really wonderful."

From the time Mandon Tim appeared to the end of the battle, it only took a minute or two.

Almost an instant kill!

What else is there to say?

Just call 6 and that's it.

Jello, hey, hey, happy.

Johnny was also full of joy.

After laughing for a while, the question came.

That is.

Do you want a last hit?

"Don't look at me. It's you who beat me, it has nothing to do with me." Jon spread his hands like a bear.

Don't ask Qiaoqiao, Qiaoqiao doesn't know anything.

Johnny and Jello, look at me and I'll look at you.

Finally, it was Jero who said, "Forget it, let's let this guy go. It sounds incredible, but my intuition has always been accurate. He shouldn't be a bad person."

Hearing what Jero said, Johnny, who had originally planned to eradicate the situation, was too embarrassed to speak, so he could only echo, "So be it."

‘Ta’ ‘Ta’ ‘Ta’ ‘Ta’

The sound of hooves started again.

The three of them drifted away.

Forty minutes later.

One gray and one black, two fast horses rode together.

Seeing Mandon Tim who was seriously injured and unconscious, Misers Robinson, who was riding a gray horse, tugged on the reins and said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, this man has traces of Gerald Zebelin's iron ball on his body."

"Really?" Oyegmoba on the black horse swept down.

After pondering for a moment, he got off his horse, turned on the kettle, and poured water to wake up Mandon Tim.

"Hey." He stared with eyes as dull as dead fish, "Have you ever seen a guy with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a cowboy outfit?"

Mandon Tim, who had suffered serious internal injuries, was still not very conscious and asked weakly: "What did you say?"

"I said, have you ever seen a guy with blond hair and blue eyes in a cowboy outfit? His name is Jero Zeppelin. He is the winner of the first stage."

"Gero Zeppelin." Mandon Tim repeated the name, and his eyes suddenly widened, "Gerro Zeppelin!?"

Seeing this, Mises Robinson and Oyegmoba looked at each other.

Two illusory figures quietly emerged behind them.

"STAGE 2", a midway outpost.

‘Shade’ Hotel.

"I can finally have a good rest." Jero threw the salute on the bed casually, "I'm exhausted after running around for so many days."

"Jero, if we want to ensure victory in the second stage, we can only rest here for one night. At five o'clock tomorrow morning, we have to set off before dawn." Johnny reminded softly.

"I know, Johnny, you are so long-winded." Jero waved his hand indifferently.

Although it seems that he is not in shape, in his heart he cares more about winning the 'S.B.R' competition than anyone else.

At this moment, the chubby waiter shouted from outside the door: "Is player Gerold Zeppelin here? I have a letter from you here."


Who will write to Jero?

Johnny looked at Jero in confusion.

Jero's heart moved, and he pretended to be relaxed and said: "Wow, you must be my admirer."

With that said, he put his hands in his pockets, came to the door alone, and took the letter with the wax seal of "The Kingdom of Naples" from the waiter's hand.

In the room, Jonny pursed his lips, as if he was talking to himself, or as if he was telling Jon on purpose, "Jero has many secrets."

"Who doesn't have any secrets?" Jon asked, leaning on the bed.

Johnny was speechless.

After a pause, he added: "Speaking of which, cousin, I have never seen your substitute before."

I'm not sleepy anymore when it comes to this.

Jon smiled and poked out a few transparent filaments from behind.

Johnny blinked, "These 'threads' are your substitutes?"

"Yes." Jon nodded.

Johnny scratched his brow.

Although it looks a bit curious, it is far from as scary as Jero said.

From this point of view, Jero's heart is really delicate.

the other side.

"To Gerard Zeppelin.

Fifty kilometers north of here, we have prepared a "zombie horse" for you, try to get it.

"Zombie Horse" has the effect of eliminating horse fatigue and healing injuries. I think it should be useful to you."

After reading the entire letter, Jero folded the letter and put it into his pocket.

Then, he sighed softly.

Turning around and returning to the house, Jero put on his usual cheerful smile again, "What's wrong? What's wrong, what are you two talking about?"

"We were talking about cousin's substitute." Johnny said matter-of-factly.


Upon hearing this, Jero became interested.

He quickly pulled up a chair and sat down, looking like a good baby.

"My stand-in is not an ordinary stand-in." Anyway, nothing happened, and Qiaoen blew Classmate D to the sky. "Phase movement, dimensional travel, authority seizure, everything is possible."

It’s not over yet.

He cleared his throat and continued: "I won't talk about pause time, acceleration time, and rewind time. They are just small tricks. There is no need to mention space confinement, space compression, and space connection. As for mind control and the like, it is not on the table. .”

Overt disparagement.

It's actually flattering.

【Hey, shame(..)】

Jero and Johnny were dumbfounded.

I obviously know every letter, but why the combination sounds so confusing.

Taking a deep breath, Johnny praised in an applauding tone: "It's amazing, really, to be honest, it's simply amazing."

It's all about acting.

Not a trace of emotion.

Jero was amused by Johnny and slapped his thigh, "Johnny, what's your reaction? Even if you don't mind, you don't have to deal with Jon like this."

Jon: .

So, no one believes the truth these days, right?

The conversation started to get interesting.

Jero said excitedly: "By the way, I came up with a song in the past few days."

After saying that, before Johnny and Jon could react, he started humming.


That's about it, oh, by the way, there's a second verse, which is probably a repeat of 'Mozzarella'.

What do you think? "


Jon: .

The wheel of fate is still rolling forward.

I don’t know if it was the influence of Jon’s butterfly, but the famous ‘Pizza Song’ actually appeared in advance!

Jon clapped his hands stiffly, "I think it's good."

Johnny nodded, "Yes, yes, very good."

The brothers looked at each other.

"You think so too?"

"Of course, especially the 'Mozzarella' part, it sounds very ethereal."

"Ah, yes, yes!"

"It will definitely be a big hit when it spreads to Europe!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

"Ya Bai, Jero is going to become a star!"

"Now, let's quickly ask him for an autograph."

The two of them were talking like cross talk, one sentence after another, making Jie Luo's face turn red.

He waved his hands repeatedly, "Hey, it's not as good as you say."

After a few seconds of silence, Jon and Jonny looked at Jero at the same time and said in unison: "Sorry, I lied."

Immediately, the two looked at each other again.

"That's so funny. What is 'pizza mozzarella'?"

"It was hilarious."

"Sure enough, you feel the same way."

"Isn't it obvious?"


He stared at the Joestar brothers blankly, and after about four or five seconds, he suddenly turned his head.

"That's enough! You guys who don't know how to appreciate music, I won't care about you anymore until tomorrow morning!"

Gerard Zeppelin was angry.

Johnny and Jon rush to remedy the situation.

"Hey, we were just joking."

"Hey, Jero, lookme!"

"How about I treat you to a big dinner tonight."

"Did you hear that, Jero? My cousin wants to treat us!"

Jero was unmoved.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Jero opened the door without saying a word.

Outside the door, a chubby waiter held a plate of fruit and said with a smile: "Dear contestants, please try the free fruit provided by the sponsor at this time."

In the desert, fruits are rare.

Jero didn't think much and picked up a piece of honeydew melon.

Unexpectedly, a safety needle with a countdown dial suddenly fell from the honeydew melon.

Jero couldn't react.

The next second.

There was an explosion.

‘BOOM! ’

Meanwhile, outside the hotel.

"My stand-in 'Listen to my rhythm (oye Como va)' can turn anything it touches into a bomb. Once the safety pin falls off, it will explode, making it impossible for Gerard Zeppelin and his companions to escape."

Oyegmoba said confidently.

Beside, Misers Robinson couldn't help but sneer.

Manden Tim was dumbfounded.

He turned his head stiffly, "There are still innocent people in there."

"so what?"

Oyegmoba asked disapprovingly.

Looking Manden Tim up and down, he warned in a calm tone: "Be honest, cowboy. If you still want to live, don't make me angry."

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