A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 138 The target of public criticism

The first stage of the ‘S.B.R’ competition has ended, and the rankings are freshly released:

First place, Gerard Zeppelin

Second place, Sand Man

Third place, Jon Joestar

Fourth place, Jonny Joestar

Fifth place, Poklock

Sixth place, Diego Brando

Seventh place, Manden Tim

eight place,

"Why is this like this?" After crossing the line, Poklock covered his face in pain, "I am obviously one in five billion super lucky people!"

"Damn it." Diego cursed in his heart, his face so gloomy that he was about to drip with water.

Sunao, who was always running on his legs, was breathing heavily. He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were serious, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with his performance.

of course.

Some people cry, and some people laugh.

Jero proudly raced around the field, venting his inner ecstasy wantonly.

Jon and Johnny looked at each other and smiled relaxedly.

What a win, let’s pop the champagne~

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

The cork bounced off, and the pale golden wine was poured into the clear goblet.

The feast begins.

The three of them, Jon, deservedly became the protagonists of the banquet.

Reporters swarmed around like sharks that smelled blood, flashing lights.

"Jon, you are strong enough to win the first stage, why should you sacrifice your own victory? Is this your tactic?"

"Jero, look here, please smile!"

"Johnny, you and Jon have the same last name, are you brothers?"

Not far away, Manden Tim smiled and shook his head, "It's so popular."

Suddenly, the security officer came over with a solemn face and lowered his voice: "Tim, please come with me. There were several nasty murders in the first stage."

Manden Tim's eyes flashed, "Let's go!"

The horse returned to the midway track of "STAGE 1", where competition organizer Stephen Steele had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Security Officer, Mr. Tim." Stephen Steele greeted him proactively.

The security officer and Manden Tim took off their hats in return.

Immediately, Manden Tim dismounted and carefully explored the murder scene. Even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, when he saw the three corpses with tragic deaths, he still couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes.

"There is no doubt," he said, "This was not an accidental horse fall or animal attack, but 100% homicide!"

Pressing the brim of his hat, Manden Tim gritted his teeth and said, "In other words, someone killed these three unlucky guys under the eyes of thousands of contestants."

Taking a deep breath, he then spoke, "When I think of such evil people hidden among the contestants, I can't feel at ease and win the championship!"

The righteous cowboy, Mandon Tim, has captured countless wanted criminals from Montana in the north to Texas in the south.

The security officer trusted his noble character and asked, "This is the situation, Tim, do what you think is right."

Manden Tim nodded, "I will investigate this matter to the end."

Think for a moment.

He changed the topic and said, "By the way, there is one more thing."

The security officer and Stephen Steele quickly listened.

"Whose daughter is the beautiful girl on the carriage over there? To be honest, I want to pursue her."

Security Officer:

Stephen Steele: Σ(дlll)

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Finally, the security officer coughed lightly and said truthfully: "Tim, Miss Lucy is Mr. Steele's wife."

Hearing this, 'Manden Mengde Tim' scratched his eyebrows with regret, "It's a pity, it's such a pity."

the other side.

After finally escaping from the reporters' blockage, Jon came to the dining table and picked up a glass of champagne by himself.

Diego, who was also at the dining table, said calmly, "The teammates you are talking about are Gerald Zebelin and Jonny Joestar?"

"Yes." Jon looked at Diego, "They are very powerful."

Diego snorted, "If you and I join forces, we will do better!"

Jon was noncommittal.

After a pause, he smiled and said: "Diego, you didn't make the top five in the first stage."

‘Galen whispers’

Silence broke through the defense again and belonged to yes.

Diego said angrily: "That was just an accident. I won't lose again in the second stage!"

"Who can't talk nonsense?" Jon looked at Diego with a half-smile, "My team wants to achieve absolute victory, and those who are holding back are not qualified to join us."

Holding back?

you mean

I, Diego Brando, the noble son of British horse racing, will hold you back, Jon Joestar! ?

Diego was absolutely furious.

"Don't get excited, my friend, I'm just stating the simplest fact." Jon smiled secretly in his heart, but put on a calm expression on his face, "And the fact is, in the first stage, you Only ranked sixth."

Without giving the other party a chance to speak, he added: "Of course, I still admire you personally, but you and I are both adults. There are some things that I won't say, but you should understand.

Let's do this, as long as you can win any of the top five in the second stage, our cooperation will still be established, and the prize money of 50 million US dollars will be worth every penny. "

First affirm, then deny, then affirm tactfully, and then make a request.

Before the concept of PUA existed, Jon started PUA on Diego.

Diego had never seen such a battle before, and said with a cold face: "I will prove my strength."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Jon smiled brightly.


No matter which world.

Dio's comedian temperament is hard to conceal.

At this moment, Johnny approached on horseback and said with a serious face: "Cousin, I advise you to stay away from Diego Brando."

"Oh?" Jon pretended to be puzzled, "Why, that guy is good at riding. If he joins us, it will definitely be a big help."

"He is a person who cannot be trusted. Although Dio is a talented rider with considerable strength in the British equestrian community. However, he is also a person who will do anything for money and victory. Most of the negative news about him is like weeds. Same.

For example, when he was twenty years old, he chose to marry an eighty-three-year-old woman in order to obtain property. As a result, the old woman died three months later. "

Johnny stared at Jon seriously.

That probably means

——You taste it, you taste it carefully.

"Haha." Jon laughed.

No matter how many times you hear it, Diego jokes never get old.

After laughing for a while, he said seriously: "Johnny, if you want to win the game, you need to unite all the forces that can be united."

Unite all forces that can be united (×)

It seems like it would be fun to team up with Dio (√)

Johnny seemed to want to say something else.

Jon spoke first and said: "Besides, don't worry about the horoscopes yet. We will discuss this matter after "STAGE 2" is over. "

Johnny sighed and could only nod, ".Okay."

After chatting for a while, Jero came over.

"Hey, Jon, Jonny." He showed his gold teeth, "Guess how high the winning odds of the three of us have increased?"

It’s strange that a nationally sensational event like ‘S.B.R’ doesn’t have outside betting. At the end of the first schedule, all three of Jon and Jon were on the favorites list to win the championship.

And because of the team formation, the odds of the three winning the championship continued to rise, almost to the point of being terrifying.

Jon blinked and raised a finger, "One for one?"

"Twenty for one!" Jero corrected.

Twenty for one?

Jon couldn't react.

Jero glanced around and said solemnly: "I think someone is deliberately manipulating this to increase our odds and make gamblers bet crazily on us, and then"

He made a knife gesture, "Send killers to kill us on the way. Crazy gambling money!"

Therefore, when capital comes to the world, every pore from head to toe is dripping with blood and filth.

After listening to Jero's guess, Jon said indifferently: "Okay, let them do it."


It is not certain who will kill whom.

I just learned grappling, how can I bear this injustice?

Jero lowered the brim of his hat and said, "Anyway, you have to be mentally prepared. I'm afraid the upcoming matches won't be that easy."

"STAGE 2", from Santa Maria Novella Church to Monument Valley, the track totals 1,200 kilometers.

Different from "STAGE 1", the route selection, daily travel distance and camping and repair time of "STAGE 2" are completely decided by the contestants themselves.

That is to say.

This is a long-distance rally lasting twelve to eighteen days!

“In this kind of long-distance race, water source is the top priority, so when “STAGE 2” evolves to the end, it will definitely become a battle for water source.

The focus is on how to save water, and when crossing the desert, our counterweights and carry-on supplies must be as light as possible."

Jero was still explaining the precautions for "STAGE 2" to the brothers Jon and Johnny, when Jon suddenly raised his hand.

"That." He scratched his eyebrows, "I can solve the problem of water sources."

Jero and Johnny:? ? ?

Jon didn't explain, he just stretched out his palm and said, "Ripples are running fast."

‘Zi Zi’

The golden arc danced, the moisture in the air gathered, and a group of crystal clear water droplets appeared out of thin air.

After coming back to his senses, Zero grabbed Jon's hand.

The wet touch from his palm made him feel ecstatic.

It's actually true!

Ha ha.

In this way, wouldn't the championship of the second stage be in hand?

OK, Jon, you did a great job!

"Ripples can still do this kind of thing?" Johnny's heart was beating wildly, "It's incredible!"

"Okay, the power of ripples is so magical." Jon smiled and nodded.

His Ripple Qigong has been strengthened to allow him to simply control the four basic elements of wind, water, earth, and fire.


If it weren't for the fact that 'retrieving objects from the air' was so appalling, it wouldn't be so troublesome to use.

"NICE! Jon, as long as you are here, we will never lose!" Jero let go of Jon's hand, rubbed it on himself a few times, and then took out the map he carried with him, "With the water source guaranteed, we can The number of routes to choose from has greatly expanded.”

The excited Jero didn't notice that there were many stern and greedy looks cast from every corner of the camp.

Like a pack of wolves hiding in the dark.

the next day.

September 26th.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

"Contestants, please take your seats!"

"Contestants who start the race early will have their final results cancelled!"

“In addition, if a player has to announce his withdrawal during the game, please make a flag with your number and keep it on the route. The rescue team and the carriage carrying the referee will rush to rescue later.

In addition, if you are in a situation where you can continue the game, but you still ask the rescue team for water, food, medicine, etc., you will be judged as voluntarily abandoning the game, so please pay special attention! "

"Countdown to the game, ten, nine, eight"

There was a "bang" gunshot.

The game officially begins!

Jon took the lead and stood out from the crowd.

On the train in the distance, Stephen Steele shook his fist and explained to the guests: "As expected, Jon Joestar and his 'Jueying' once again took the lead."

Everyone in the car had different expressions.

Some cheered, some said nothing.

Back to the track.

The distance between Jon and the other contestants is growing.

Jero and Johnny followed closely behind.

The three of them formed a "triangular" riding formation. With a pull on their bridles, they deviated from the normal track and plunged into a remote path.

Surprisingly, at least two hundred contestants followed without hesitation!

"Jon Joestar, if you want to test me, you have to survive the siege." Looking at Jon's back, Diego murmured.

Immediately, he grabbed the horse's belly and ran towards another track without looking back.

‘Ta’ ‘Ta’ ‘Ta’ ‘Ta’

Horse hooves flying.

In the blink of an eye, six hours flew by.

There were only seven contestants left behind Jon and the others.

However, Jero and Johnny did not relax.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that those people are just looking for trouble.

as expected.

After being completely out of sight of the organizers of the competition, the seven people chose to take action without hesitation. Aiming at the backs of Jon and the other three, he pulled out his gun and fired wildly.

"Johnny, kill them!"

How could Jieluo, who had already been warned, indulge these people and throw the iron ball at will?

‘Whoosh! ’

The iron ball with a weak electric arc hit the ground directly. After being transmitted, countless stone cones protruded. The pursuers were unaware and fell off their horses one after another.

Johnny took the opportunity to fire several shots.


Not a single shot hit.

No way, not everyone can be a ranger.

The horse's back is too bumpy, and without training, it is difficult to shoot accurately.

Seeing this, Jon raised his hand.

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

Take a good look at my cousin.

This is ‘unarmed Thomson ripple running’!

Although they both share the same surname of ‘Joestar’, the difference is not even the slightest bit different.

Jero can only use four words to evaluate Jon.

——Like a god of war!

Raising his hand to catch the iron ball, Jero cheered: "Well done!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a sniper bullet flew from nowhere and hit Jero's head.

Jero was shocked and lowered his head subconsciously.

But at this moment, another bullet whizzed in!

At the critical moment, Jon took action.

With a flick of his finger, the compressed air bullet shot away the sniper bullets without any hitches.

On the mound hundreds of meters away, the hidden sniper rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Just now

what happened?

On the side, his companion couldn't help but cursed: "Concentrate! You idiot, don't waste bullets!"

"I understand, Father."

After hearing the scolding, sniper Andre Feng lowered his head and pulled the trigger again.

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