A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 114 Miss Xu Lun wants to become stronger


Who are you!

"Weather Report" had a cold face and summoned the substitute without saying a word, "Weather Report!"

Unexpectedly, Anna Sui suddenly stopped him.


"Weather Forecast" was puzzled and looked at his companions in confusion.

Anna Sui pondered for a moment, then tilted her head pretending not to care, "Don't be impulsive, she doesn't seem to have any ill intentions."

Jon: .

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Brother, are you attracted to me?

At this moment, Emporio shouted in disbelief, "What are you talking about, Anna Sui!"

Shota in baseball uniform pointed at Jon, "This guy is obviously a man!"


Anna Sui and "Weather Forecast" were a little confused.

No matter how you look at it, the person in front of you must be an extremely rare beauty.

Jon scratched his eyebrows and said, "I can explain this."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

The "thought stamp" in Anna Sui and "Weather Forecast"'s subconscious suddenly disappeared.

The two of them were in a trance.

Rub your eyes and look carefully.

The gentle girl disappeared.

Instead, there was a handsome black-haired young man.

Anna Sui \u0026 "Weather Forecast":


It’s so annoying!

What's going on?

"Don't be nervous, I'm not your enemy." Jon smiled, "Actually, I'm here to join you."

As the words fell, the room fell into a deathly silence.

"Weather Forecast" still dare not relax;

Emporio was thoughtful.

As for Anna Sui.

It was a look of despair.

After a long time, Emporio said, "You said you came to join us?"

"That's right." Jon nodded.

After a pause, he raised a finger and said, "I can help you defeat the 'White Snake' and his true form."

Hearing this, Emporio showed excitement, "Do you know who the true form of the 'White Snake' is?"

"Of course." Jon sat cross-legged on the ground quite casually, "But I can't tell you for the time being."

Macau’s first online casino


Sorry, I got involved.

The first Riddler of the Qiao family is online!

I've read the script, I know everything, I just won't say anything.

Hey, just playing~

Three black lines appeared on Emporio's forehead.

After chatting for a long time, why don't you just leave it here to amuse the children?

"Weather Forecast" stared at Jon and said solemnly: "You are not welcome here, please leave."

Oh, throw me away, right?

Jon threw the king bomb with his backhand, "Wes Blumarin, are you sure you don't want to get your original memory back?"

Hearing this, "Weather Forecast" was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he reacted and asked eagerly: "Do you know me?"

I know you.

So familiar.

Not only do we know each other, I also know that your substitute can turn people into snails.

Meeting the "Weather Forecast"'s eyes, Jon smiled and said nothing.

"Weather Forecast" took a deep breath, "Who are you? Who am I?"

The tense atmosphere disappeared, and the philosophical atmosphere became more intense.

Jon waved his hand, "Sorry, I can't talk about your past yet."

"Weather Forecast":

Riddler Get Out of Gotham (×)

The Riddler gets out of the ‘Green Dolphin Prison’ (√)

Half the story, arsenic mixed with rice.

If it weren't for his scruples, "Weather Forecast" would have smashed it with his fist!

To be honest, isn't this just a disgusting person?

Emporio and "Weather Forecast" were "silenced" by Jon.

Anna Sui, who had emerged from the shadow of broken love, said with a cold expression: "You kid, stop pretending to be a ghost here.

Who are you and what is your purpose? "

Jon smiled.

"My name is Jon Joestar. As for the purpose, it's very simple."

He said word by word: "I want to join forces with you to create a new world together."

Threesome: Speechless.jpg

This guy definitely has some serious illness!

After a 'cordial and friendly' exchange, Jon returned to the cell area.

He walked straight up to the second floor and came to room 206. "Xulun, I have good news for you!"

Quesi was startled and hurriedly stuffed something into her pocket.


Jon narrowed his eyes, seeing and hearing the domineering energy sweeping over him like a tide.

Sensing something, he raised a smirk on his lips and took out a Polaroid from his fourth-dimensional pocket.

On the other side, Quesi was dumbfounded.

Retrieving items from the air?

Isn’t it so magical?

"Stop hiding and release my precious granddaughter quickly."

There was no trace of anger on Jon's face, and he said calmly: "I am a genuine 'gender equality' person. If you piss me off, I will hit you even if you are a woman."

Quesi twitched the corners of her mouth.

You say this as if you are not a woman.


She looked at Jon quietly.

She is white and thin, with no flesh at all on her arms.

Although the ability to "retrieve objects from the air" is a bit tricky, his own 'Cuckoo Doll' is not easy to mess with.

Light versus dark.

The advantage is mine!

——This fight can be fought.

A glint flashed in Quesi's eyes.

To strike first is to be strong, but to strike later is to suffer disaster.

Take it, you!

With a 'swish' sound, a terrifying stand-in about the size of a mouse flashed out.

Jon stood motionless, and suddenly countless transparent filaments appeared from behind!

When Quesi saw it, she secretly thought something bad.

But at this time, it was too late for her to recall the 'Cuckoo Doll', and she could only watch as her stand-in was entangled in thin threads.

[Do you want me to seize the 'authority' of this substitute? 】Little D classmate said in his mind.

"No need." Jon replied casually.

The main body and the substitute felt the same. Quesi's cheeks turned strangely red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Let go of my 'Cuckoo Doll'."

Jon glanced at this ignorant woman.

The thought moved slightly, and all the transparent filaments penetrated into the body of the 'Cuckoo Doll'.


Quesi shook a few times as if she was electrocuted, and in the blink of an eye, she collapsed on the ground like mud.

Jon was stunned for three or four seconds.

Is there something wrong with this unfortunate bitch's screams?

Forget it, no matter so much.

Using Qi to control the wind, he waved, and the "mouse Xu Lun" hidden in Kuisi's pocket finally got out of trouble.

Sitting in Qiaoen's palm, Xu Lun breathed a sigh of relief, and said half in fear and half helplessly: "I owe you another favor."

"It's okay."

Jon didn't care at all whether they were there or not.

Ignoring the slightly trembling Kuisi, he placed Xu Lun on the table.

Then, raise the Polaroid and press the shutter.


The famous photo passed down from generation to generation was born!

Xu Lun:? ? ?

the next day.

The first floor of the cell block.

"I'm too weak."

Xu Lun sighed.

Immediately, her eyes flashed, "Jon, please tell me how to become stronger!"

After pondering for a moment, Jon nodded.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will mercifully teach you the secret secrets of the Joestar family."

"The secret secret!" Xu Lun's pupils trembled, "There is such a thing?"


Jon raised his head with a look of reminiscence on his face, "This is the secret of warfare created by my father, Joseph Joestar.

Both I and Jotaro have defeated many powerful enemies with this method. "

Hearing this, Xu Lun took a deep breath.

That stinky old man who looks expressionless all day actually has an unknown past.

Jon patted his granddaughter on the shoulder and said, "Xu Lun, you have to remember that this method was originally passed down from male to female.

But because you and I are so close to each other, I reluctantly make an exception for you.

Listen well and study hard. "

Xu Lun pricked up his ears.

In the girl's nervous and expectant eyes, Jon said seriously: "When encountering an enemy, use your legs to exert strength, unite your waist and horse, twist and kick on the ground!"

Xu Lun blinked and repeated Jon's words in his mind.

The more I thought about it, the more something felt wrong.

She stood up suddenly, "What is the secret of warfare? Isn't this just running away!"

Jon pretended to knock his head, "Hey, it's exposed~"

Xu Lun was so angry that he almost threw out his fist.

She pressed her chest with her hands and murmured: "Calm down, Xu Lun, you have to calm down."

Jon was bored.

After pausing for a few seconds, he stretched out three fingers and said, "Okay, don't let the emotion management show go.

I have three ways to make you stronger.

First, strengthen the body's combat effectiveness - do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and ten kilometers of long-distance running every day. If you persist for three years and all your hair falls out, you will be the "strongest person".

Second, strengthen the combat effectiveness of the avatar - find a teacher for you and let him teach you how to use the avatar.

Third, cheating - I have a 90% new 'arrow' here. Prick it and you will become stronger if you survive it. If you cannot survive it, you will be finished. "

Xu Lun was stunned and speechless.

Could it be

Isn't there a more reliable way?

She pinched her eyebrows.

First of all, it is impossible to cheat, and the third method is absolutely amazing!

The first method would take too long. She didn’t want to suffer here for three years, not to mention losing her hair, so she had to pass!

It seems that the only option is the second method.

Xu Lun asked: "Who are you going to let me teach me how to use a substitute?"

Without waiting for Jon to answer, she continued: "Let me tell you first, if it were you, I would rather learn by myself."

What's wrong with me?

My ‘Gate.Quiet.ACT2’ is the ultimate stand-in among stand-ins, and it’s a real bug!

[That’s right, long hair means short knowledge! 】

Jon snorted coldly, "You want to learn from me, but I won't teach you yet."

Glancing at Xu Lun, he said calmly: "The teacher I chose for you is someone who has the same type of substitute as you."

‘Same type of stand-in’?

Hearing this, Xu Lun felt a sense of expectation in his heart.

ten minutes later.

‘Ghost House’.

"Emporio, this is my relative, Kujo Xu Lun." Jon introduced Xu Lun to Shota in the baseball uniform.

"Hello, sister Xu Lun."

Emporio greeted politely.

Xu Lun quickly returned the greeting, "Hello, it's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me."

After scanning the room, Jon didn't find Anna Sui or "Weather Forecast" and asked, "Where are those two people?"

Emporio pointed to the clock on the wall, "It's not time yet, there are some slight differences in the free time in the men's prison and the women's prison."

"That's right." Jon said he understood.

As if he had returned to his own home, he asked Xu Lun to sit down.

Xu Lun:.

No, why is there such a strange room on the road leading to the music room?

Also, who is this kid?

Who are ‘those two people’?

Xu Lun felt like a village girl who had just entered the city and didn't understand anything.

She looked at her nominal elder.

Jon Joestar.

What did you do behind my back?


Why does it sound weird?

Jon didn't know Xu Lun's inner thoughts.

Under the gaze of the two people, he clapped his hands.

The ‘Gateway to Time and Space’ is open!

"Long time no see, Jon." Kakyoin was summoned with a smile on his lips, "Do you need my help?"

"Retrieving objects from the air" is not enough, let's start "changing into a living person", right?

Seeing the stranger suddenly appearing in the house, Xu Lun and Emporio looked blank.

Jon took the initiative to hug Huahua, "Kakyoin, did your entrance examination go well?"

Kakyoin nodded and spoke openly: "After returning from Morio Town, Jotaro and I studied carefully for a while.

Now, we are already students of Dongda University. "



Xu Lun's ears twitched slightly when he heard a certain name.

She looked at the red-haired young man who was about the same age as herself, and said sheepishly: "Um, is the 'Jotaro' you are talking about 'Jotaro Kujo'?"

"Of course." Kakyoin looked at Xu Lun, "Who are you?"

Xu Lun couldn't help but be speechless.

Jon took the initiative to take over the conversation, "Kakyoin, this is Kujo Xuren, Jotaro's daughter."

Kakyoin was stunned for a moment.

Then, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Jon, you still like to joke so much. Jotaro is not married yet, how could he have a daughter as old as him?"

Jon patted his friend on the shoulder, "Huahua, have you forgotten my stand-in ability?"

He pointed at Xu Lun, who had a complicated expression on his face, "In this world, she is indeed Jotaro's daughter, and it's true."

Kakyoin was speechless.

Oh my god, is she really my best friend’s daughter?

Huahua looked at Xu Lun curiously.

Xu Lun also looked at Huahua curiously.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

Then Kakyoin smiled.

He turned to Jon and said, "He looks very similar to Jotaro."


Jon smiled too.

Xu Lun's head was covered with black lines, he held his forehead helplessly and sighed, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

at the same time.

An airport in Africa.

"Ding dong, check-in for flight 245C to the United States is about to begin."

The radio sounded, and Jotaro stood up from the bench and put the photo securely into his windbreaker pocket.

Beside him, his companion shook hands with him and said goodbye, "Jotaro, I hope there will be another chance to work with you in the future."

Jotaro nodded, "I will definitely do it, Charles. When the matter in the United States is settled, I will come back and continue to study marine ecology."

After pondering for a moment, Charles said hesitantly, "Now is the critical stage of research, if it's not something important."

Before he finished speaking, Jotaro waved his hand and interrupted, "This matter is very important to me."

As he finished speaking, Xu Lun's face flashed in his mind.

Jotaro lowered his hat, "Nothing in this world is more important than this."

"All right."

Charles had to give up persuasion.

Jotaro waved his hand.

Walking towards the boarding gate with steady steps.

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