A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 111 Imprisonment

Moonlight shines into the cell.

The scene was eerily quiet.

Jon turned his head and said, "Um, put your pants on first."

Xu Lun said nothing and stared blankly at the stranger who suddenly appeared in the cell.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

A full five seconds passed.

She suddenly came to her senses, her face flushed.

Jon felt helpless, "So, can you put your pants on first?"

Hearing this, Xu Lun was excited, quickly grabbed the waistband of his pants, lifted them up, and put on his pants and pants.

Jon breathed a sigh of relief.

Shouldn't relatives be extremely jealous when they meet each other?

Why are you blushing so much when you get to him?

Having said that, my nephew, how did you educate your daughter if you dare to generate electricity by yourself in the detention center?


An unscrupulous oceanographer is often away from home?

That's okay.

Xu Lun gritted his teeth, "Who are you!"

She quickly glanced at the intact cell door, "Also, how did you get in?"

"It's a long story." Jon laughed dryly, "First of all, I want to introduce myself——

I'm Jon, Jon Joestar. "


Xu Lun was slightly startled.

It seems that his grandma Heli’s original surname was ‘Jostar’.

She stared at Jon suspiciously, suddenly shook her head, and said sternly: "No, you haven't answered my question yet!"

"I have already answered." Jon spread his hands like a bear, "I am Jon Joestar, your grandma's brother and your father's uncle. As for how I got in."

He raised a finger and said, "I have many abilities, one of which is to travel through the 'Gateway of Time and Space'.

In other words, I come from a different world. "

Xu Lun, who has not yet awakened to the 'freedom of stone', does not believe in Jon at all, "Time travel? Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

Wait a moment.

These are not the point!

Xu Lun hesitated as he thought of something.

She forced herself to speak, "You saw it just now, right? It was me. That one."

Jon shook his head, "No."

【This is a lie. 】

Jon's expression was unusually calm, "It was too dark, I didn't see anything."

[Hey, this Jon is so arrogant, he actually deceived his granddaughter! 】

Hearing this, Xu Lun's face looked better and his mood calmed down a lot.

Jon couldn't help but praise himself.

It's really yours, Jojo.

Without you, the Oscar’s value would have dropped by at least three levels.

[Show some shame, partner, I’m too lazy to complain.]

"Shut up!" Jon said angrily in his heart.

Then, he looked at Xu Lun with a solemn expression.

“If you listen to what I say next, don’t be afraid.

I'm from another world, and I'm truly part of the Joestar family. "

Jon pulled the collar and showed Xu Lun the star-shaped birthmark on the back of his neck. "You, your father, and your grandma also have the same birthmark. I'm right."

Xu Lun's hands unconsciously covered his back shoulders and remained silent.

Seeing this scene, Jon knew that the other party had begun to believe his words, so he struck a chord while the iron was hot: "Although your father never lets you come into contact with dangerous things, our Joestar family does have powers that are difficult for ordinary people to master.

This power is called a 'substitute'. "

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

The cell door is wide open.

Xu Lun suddenly jumped up from the bed.

Jon smiled, "Don't be nervous, this is just to show you a little bit of my abilities."

"You" Xu Lun felt a little confused and said incoherently: "I was your substitute just now. But how is this possible?!"

Just think about it and know how ordinary people would react when exposed to supernatural forces.

Jon clicked his tongue.

Ah Qiang, you are doing great harm to others!

Just then, a young policeman walked past the door.

When he saw the open cell door and looked at Xu Lun and Qiaoen in the cell, his face turned pale.

However, before the policeman blew his whistle, Little D flew out at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye and put his finger between the opponent's eyebrows.

‘Izanami’ activates (crossed out)

‘Thought Stamp’ Implantation!

Jon waved to the person outside the door, "You didn't come here tonight. You were sleeping on the table."

"Yeah, I've been sleeping on the table."

The policeman nodded like a puppet and staggered away.

Xu Lun, who couldn't see the substitute, was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

This is


Jon seemed to hear the other person's thoughts.

Turning his head, he smiled and said, "Look, this is the power of a substitute."


Xu Lun couldn't help but swallow.

Suddenly, she reacted and grabbed Jon's arm, "Whether you came through time or not, you can take me out of this hellish place, right?"

Jon blinked, "Yes, yes."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Lun became excited, "Then take me out! I want to find my boyfriend!"

"What kind of boyfriend are you looking for?" Jon's face straightened, "Break up with me!"


Xu Lun was unhappy, "Who do you think you are?"

"I am your uncle and grandpa, and you are my granddaughter." Jon replied seriously.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Xu Lun was too lazy to listen to Jon's 'nonsense' anymore, so he simply stopped pleading with him and ran directly to the door.

Jon pointed a little bit.


‘Space Confinement’ takes effect.

Xu Lun was like a fish sealed in cement, frozen instantly.

"Silly boy, what about your unlucky boyfriend who misses you? You have to count the money after being sold, right?" Jon, who had read the script of "Sea of ​​Destruction", said earnestly: "Don't think about it. How can the person who makes you angry with a perfect person be a good person?"


A girl in love cannot listen to anything else.

Xu Lun looked unhappy.

Jon was happy.

Not to mention, this "Yakamashi" sentence has a bit of Jotaro's feel.

He approached Xu Lun, reached out and pinched the two Mickey Mouse ears on his head.


The feel is average.

"What are you doing? Let me go." A drop of cold sweat flowed from Xu Lun's forehead, but he still refused to give in. "I'm warning you. If you want to do anything to me, my boyfriend will not let you go!" "


The fist is hard.

Jon raised his hands in surrender, "It's so scary~"

He walked to the opposite side of Xu Lun and said word by word: "In order to prevent your boyfriend from causing trouble to me, I have no choice but to kill him first."

"How dare you!" Xu Lun's eyes turned red.

Jon gave the silly bitch a slap in the face without any courtesy, "You have to be polite when talking to elders, do you understand?"

(The agent boss of a certain ‘J’ organization who wishes to remain anonymous: You are playing with double standards, right? You are not respectful when you talk to me?)

Xu Lun was furious, and his forehead was visibly red.

Jon chuckled, "I won't harm you, you can rest assured of that."

After a pause, he then said: "When it gets daybreak, your lawyer will find you and give you a few things.

The most important of these is an amulet in the shape of a beetle.

Also, don’t believe anything that lawyer says, because he was basically hired by your boyfriend to make you angry. "

After finishing his words, Jon snapped his fingers.

The ‘space confinement’ is lifted.

Xu Lun took a few steps back silently and looked at Jon in shock.

Jon shrugged.

"That's it for now, it's up to you to believe it or not."

Jon makes a good point.

At dawn, the pot-bellied policeman came to Xu Lun's cell and said, "Kongtiao Xu Lun, someone wants to see you."

Xu Lun took a deep breath and looked at a corner in the cell.

The policeman was furious, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Xu Lun pursed his lips, walked to the door obediently, and asked the police to put handcuffs on him.

The entire journey was silent.

Xu Lun came to the interview room.

Her exclusive lawyer has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Xu Lun, the lawyer said methodically: "Xu Lun, your crime is theft and hit-and-run.

Because you already have two previous convictions for theft, you cannot be released on bail.

That's how it is

Next, you will be sent to the detention center of the Green Dolphin Prison, where you will be tried. "

Xu Lun sat quietly, looking at the lawyer constantly.

The lawyer straightened his tie unnaturally and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No~" Xu Lun drawled.

After pondering for a few seconds, she sighed in displeasure.

"I said, Mr. Lawyer, what is a theft conviction? I just borrowed someone else's motorcycle to ride, right?

Now I am still bringing out the old accounts from when I was fourteen."

Xu Lun slammed the table, "In short, I am innocent. Since you have received the money, you must do your best to defend me!"

The lawyer nodded solemnly, "Of course, I will do my best."

Xu Lun stared into the lawyer's eyes, unable to see any flaws, so he had to suppress his doubts for the time being.

She changed the subject, "When can I see my mother?"

"This is not possible for the time being." The lawyer said in a deep voice, "However, Madam is very worried about you and asked me to bring you something."

As he spoke, he motioned to the policeman in charge of surveillance to hand Xu Lun a tray.

In the tray are clothes, magazines, and skin care and toiletries.

And of course, the amulet Jon was talking about!

Xu Lun felt a chill in his heart and subconsciously picked up the amulet.

Unexpectedly, the sharp thorn actually pricked her hand!


A well-spoken American curse came out of his mouth.

Xu Lun was in pain and threw the amulet far away.

The lawyer was unmoved and explained: "This amulet was specially asked by your father Jotaro Kujo to bring it to you.

He is currently doing research somewhere in Africa, and I'm afraid it will be some time before he comes back to see you. "

"Look at me?"

Xu Lun twirled his fingers with a look of disdain on his face, "How could someone like him come to see me?"

By the way, when will we meet next? "

"If nothing else happens, the next time we meet, we should be at the detention center of the Green Dolphin Prison." The lawyer stood up slowly. "Xu Lun, I have wronged you first in the past few days."

The brief visit is over.

Xu Lun returned to the cell.

Next, she will be transferred to the detention center of the Green Dolphin Prison.

However, because transport vehicles to transfer suspects are not always available, Xu Lun has to wait in the cell for a period of time.

When the police walked away, she looked at a corner in the cell and said, "Jon Joestar, are you here?"

No one answered.

Xu Lun scratched his hair.

Could it be that everything that happened last night was just a dream?

Otherwise, there is something wrong with my mind.

Xu Lun sat down and twitched his lips, "Just think about it, how could there be such incredible things as time travel and substitutes."

"You're right."

Jon appeared from behind Xu Lun at some point, pinching his 'mouse ears' and nodding slightly.

Xu Lun:.

Turning around suddenly to escape from someone's clutches, Xu Lun stared at Jon angrily, "Don't do such boring things again!"

Jon curled his lips, "Boring? I think it's quite interesting."

To be fair, who wouldn't be interested in the donuts on Xu Lun's head?

Xu Lun was speechless.

Jon smiled and said, "How about it? Did your lawyer give you that amulet?"

Mentioning this, Xu Lun's face looked a little ugly, "I got stabbed accidentally."

"I lost it accidentally, right?" Jon said with an indifferent expression, "It's okay, just leave it."

Xu Lun:? ? ?

Jon put his hands in his pockets, and the old god said: "The more you try to catch some things, the easier it is to lose them."

Xu Lun shook his head, "I don't understand."

Jon blinked, "You will understand when the time comes."

this damn guy

Why are you babbling?

Xu Lun frowned.

Just then, the police came.

Jon entered the 'other world' first and said to Xu Lun: "Face your fate bravely, Xu Lun.

This time, I'll help you. "


Xu Lun still had many questions he wanted to ask.

But, Jon has disappeared.

The policeman walked to the door of the cell and said arrogantly: "Suspect No. 2201, get out. It's time for you to move."

Xu Lun stood up.

Take a deep breath.

Xu Lun was not the only one on the transport vehicle that transferred the suspects. Ames Rostilo, who was in the prison next door, was also in the vehicle.

Ames sat carelessly and said casually: "Hey, Xu Lun, haven't you always said that you are innocent? Why are you going to the Green Dolphin Prison like me?"

"Of course I am innocent." Xu Lun seemed worried, "After the trial, everything will be revealed."

Just saying.

Suddenly, a strange voice came to her ear, "We will cross the bridge in ten minutes."


Xu Lun raised his head and asked doubtfully: "Are we about to arrive?"

Ames was puzzled, "Xu Lun, this car is airtight. How did you know we were coming?"

Xu Lun was confused, "Weren't you talking just now?"

At this time, the policeman in the cab opened the iron window and said to the guard in the carriage: "We will be there in ten minutes. Be ready for the handover."

Ames reacted for a few seconds, then his eyes suddenly widened, "Xulun, you."

Xu Lun shook his head, "I don't know what's going on. I just feel that my hearing is inexplicably sharper."

Ames opened his mouth, scratched his own dreadlocks, and said with a dumb smile: "Xu Lun, you are such an interesting guy.

My name is Aimes Rostilo. "

"Nice to meet you, Ames." Xu Lun shook hands with Ames.

Seeing that Xu Lun had a good personality, Ames pondered for a moment and vaguely reminded: "Xu Lun, this is your first time in prison. Do you have any cash on you?"


Xu Lun was slightly stunned and said casually: "I should take it with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a 'click' sound, and several thick stacks of banknotes fell into Xu Lun's lap.

Xu Lun and Ames: (O_O)?!

The two of them looked at each other and saw deep shock in each other's eyes.

"Wait!" The sharp-eyed Ames suddenly noticed something and lowered his voice: "There are words on it."

Xu Lun took a look.


The ink on the outermost note is still wet.

She took it out and whispered softly: 'Eat when you should, drink when you should, my good granddaughter, please don't wrong yourself. ’

Xu Lun:.

Don't ask, it's my uncle's love.

Using money to clear the way, Xu Lun's "transfer to prison" was extremely smooth.

Furthermore, Ames was not beaten by the prison guards as in his original destiny.

Enter the single cell in the detention center.

Xu Lun glanced around and put his things on the bed.

Then, she said: "Come out."

After saying that, Jon walked out of the 'other world' and smiled: "Kiss or not, we are a family.

How about it? Grandpa still feels sorry for you. "

"I said, can you please stop taking advantage of me? You obviously look about the same age as me." Xu Lun rolled his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, she hesitantly stretched out her hand, "Anyway, I still want to thank you, and I will find a way to pay back the money.


I have one more thing to trouble you.

Please help me see if this thing is the 'substitute' you call it? "

Qiaoen looked solemn and grabbed Xu Lun's hand.

In the palm of your hand, there are thin threads looming under the skin.

"You" Jon shook his head.

Xu Lun was so nervous that he didn't even dare to breathe.

"Your lifeline is too short. It doesn't look like you will have a long life at first glance."

Jon pursed his lips rather regretfully.

Xu Lun:? ? ?

Who asked you to read my palm?

Also, what does "it doesn't look like you have a long life at first glance"?

Bah, bah, bah, what a bad luck!

In a state of excitement, the thread in Xu Lun's palm suddenly shot out from her fingertips and wrapped around Jon's forearm in a strange way.

"Hiss!" Xu Lun was startled and gasped instinctively.

Jon was not surprised and said in a deep voice: "You see, your substitute can turn his body into a thread and manipulate it freely."

"Control line" Xu Lun silently repeated Jon's words.

Jon rolled his eyes, "Everything in the world has its name, and the substitute is no exception. So, you have to give it a name."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "If you don't have a clue, I have a ready-made name here."


Xu Lun looked at Qiaoen in confusion.

Jon raised a finger, "Since your stand-in has the ability to control wires, why not call it - 'Teletubbies'!"

Xu Lun: ∑(O_O;)

‘Teletubbies’ is a name that people on Earth can come up with?

She objected without thinking: "No!"

Jon looked very regretful, "What's wrong? How cute."

"In short, if it doesn't work, it won't work!" Xu Lun refused to give in, "I make the decision about my substitute!"

Jon sighed helplessly.

Immediately, he pulled out a folding chair from his personal space and sat down majestically.

"In that case, I won't go into details about the substitute names.

Next, I want to talk to you about "destiny". "


This is the second time Xu Lun has heard this word.

She crossed her arms and sat on the bed opposite Jon, "Speak, I'm listening."

"Then I'll tell you the truth, Xu Lun, in the near future, to be precise, March 21 next year." Jon's expression was calm, "You will be killed."

Just now they said my life span was short, and now they said I would be killed.

The first and last echoes Belong to Yes.

Xu Lun didn't take it seriously, "Really?"

"Not only you, but your father will also be killed."

Jon stretched out his hand and pointed to the star-shaped birthmark on the back of his neck, "The blood of the Joestar family will surround the murderer in 'Heaven'." "

These words are getting more and more outrageous.

Xu Lun curled his lips, "What else?"


Keep editing.

I believe you lose with just one punctuation mark.

"No more." Jon spread his hands, "That's all I have to say."

Xu Lun blinked, "The story is good."

Jon smiled at this.

‘I didn’t know what the song meant when I first heard it, but when I heard it the next time, I already understood the meaning of the song’

My stupid granddaughter, there will be times when you beg me.

The conversation is over.

Jon stood up and said: "Since you don't believe it, I won't waste my time.

When you want to find me, remember to pat the star-shaped birthmark on your back shoulder three times. "

After saying that, he nodded slightly, dragged the folding chair into the 'other world', and disappeared in an instant.

Xu Lun pursed his lips, looked down at his restored palm, and then at the place where Jon disappeared, his expression uncertain.

She really didn't believe Jon's 'nonsense'.


Xu Lun shook his head and murmured in a voice that could only be heard by himself: "Even if that guy really has the ability to predict, there is no way I will be killed."

After pondering for a moment, she snorted coldly.

"I, Kongtiao Xu Lun, am not someone to be trifled with!"

Time flies by.

Jon didn't show up again.

And Xu Lun finally got the opportunity to meet with the lawyer.

"I have bad news here." The lawyer was still wearing a burgundy suit and spoke slowly.

"Xu Lun, the prosecutor believes that you drank alcohol and stole cars, which caused the traffic accident."

A trace of suspicion flashed in Xu Lun's eyes, "Stealing a car? Where's Romeo, what did he say!"

"He said that the car was indeed stolen." The lawyer said solemnly.

Ah this

Xu Lun's mentality collapsed.

"What's the matter? He clearly told me that the car belonged to his family!"

The lawyer ignored the annoyed Xu Lun and continued: "So, it was Romeo who was driving that day?"

Xu Lun subconsciously wanted to deny it.

Because she loves Romeo.

For the sake of 'love', she is willing to protect her first love!

But Jon's face flashed in his mind for no apparent reason.

Xu Lun hesitated.

At the same time, a voice sounded in her heart - 'Don't believe anything that lawyer says, because he was basically hired by your boyfriend to make you angry. ’

Xu Lun was extremely confused.

The lawyer's eyes twitched slightly, and he pretended to be fine and asked again, "Xu Lun, was Romeo the driver that day?"

Xu Lun opened his mouth.

Finally, she nodded with difficulty, "Yes."


The lawyer was confused.

No, why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

To be honest, shouldn't a little girl like you who is so easy to deceive just fool someone into taking the blame?

Xu Lun noticed something was wrong with the lawyer's expression and immediately became extremely vigilant.

Is it true that Romeo?

Xu Lun remained calm and silent.

The lawyer suddenly came to his senses, covered up his gaffe with indifference, and said: "Since you weren't the one driving the car, it's easy to handle."

Xu Lun leaned forward slightly, "What do you mean?"

"You can get out of jail, but before you can do that, you have to sign a series of bonds to ensure that your testimony is legally binding."

As the lawyer spoke, he took out a large pile of messy documents from his briefcase.

"Sign them and you'll be free again."

Xu Lun glanced at the thick stack of documents.

After thinking for a long time, she suddenly smiled and said, "I refuse."

"What?" The lawyer thought he heard wrongly, "What did you just say?"

Xu Lun gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I said, I won't sign these bullshit!"

"I think you may have some misunderstandings about these guarantees."

The lawyer wanted to say something else.

Suddenly, Xu Lun punched the bulletproof glass with his fist, "Stop talking nonsense, you and Romeo are in the same group, right?"

His thoughts were exposed, and a trace of panic inevitably flashed across the lawyer's face.

Although it was only for a short moment.

However, Xu Lun still caught it.


Xu Lun's mood continued to sink.

What flowers bloom before and under the moon.

What an oath of love.

They are all lies!

"Xu Lun, what are you talking about?" The lawyer wanted to make a last attempt, "I am your exclusive lawyer, how could I collude with outsiders to harm you!"

Still acting?

You really think I'm a stupid bitch!

Xu Lun's eyes almost burst into flames.

Feeling the owner's anger, the unnamed blue avatar flew out from behind her, shattered the bulletproof glass with a fist, and roughly grabbed the lawyer's hair.


Before the words of begging for mercy could be uttered, the lawyer's face came into close contact with broken glass.

one time! Twice! Three times!

Emotional outbursts.

Xu Lun has lost control!

Hearing the noise, the prison guards outside the meeting room rushed in and restrained Xu Lun neatly.

"Let me go!" Xu Lun shouted.

The real body was in danger, so the blue avatar immediately let go of the lawyer and flew towards several prison guards with a cold expression.

However, before it could swing a fist powerful enough to penetrate the bulletproof glass, the prison guard's electric shock device knocked Xu Lun unconscious.

The riot came to an abrupt end.

Half an hour later, court.

"The defendant Kongtiao Xu Lun was charged with theft, murder, body dumping, and intentional injury.

The crime was unpardonable and he was sentenced to seventeen years in prison! "

After reading out a series of crimes, the judge lowered the judgment hammer with a serious expression.

Xu Lun, who was locked in a straitjacket, screamed: "I did not kill anyone, I am innocent!"

Next to him, the lawyer with his head wrapped in a bandage said calmly, "Give up Xu Lun, from the judge to the jury, everyone is Master Romeo's people.

Stop resisting. Resistance is useless. You should just go to jail obediently. "

His exposed eyes revealed a malicious look, "It's only been seventeen years, so quickly."

"No! I don't want it!" Xu Lun didn't want to be thrown into prison without any explanation, so he shouted, "Jon! Come out quickly! I know you are here!"

No one responded.

The judge thought Xu Lun was going crazy and waved his hand impatiently, asking the prison guards to take her away.

"let me go!"

Being restrained by the prison guards, Xu Lun struggled desperately.

The corner of the lawyer's mouth curled up into a sneer.

There is a saying that goes well - 'Those who have wronged you know better than you yourself how wronged you are'.

Xu Lun was extremely anxious.

She tried summoning a stand-in.

However, in the case of mental instability, the substitute cannot exert its due power at all.

The threads were broken inch by inch.

The damage was transmitted to her body, causing her to fall into stress shock.

that's all.

Xu Lun was imprisoned in the "Green Dolphin Prison" in a coma.


Seventeen years and three months.

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