A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 107 Door. Requiem. ACT2 (Part 1)

Acting begins.

Moreover, the performance was very successful!

Wind, thunder, fire, flash.

The Shampoo Islands seemed to be in the middle of an apocalypse.

The Tianlong people were panicked.

The common people were frightened.

Even the slave with numb eyes raised his head uncharacteristically and looked up at the thick clouds above his head.

‘Admiral’ VS ‘Pirate Emperor’

Which one is weak and which one is strong?

Time passed by minute by minute.

The battle is getting fiercer!

Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky and landed right on the naval station.

The sailors were stunned for a moment.

They reacted immediately and showed excited expressions.

"General Porusalino!"

"Mr. Kizaru, how is the battle going?"

"How's Jon Joestar doing?"

Kizaru wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and his tone was as incomprehensible as ever, "Ah, he is indeed one of the few great pirates. Even I don't take advantage of him."

Hearing this, the sailors' expressions darkened.

Even General Kizaru couldn't subdue that 'pirate madman'?

Jon Joestar, what a terrible man!

"It's a pity, but it seems that the Chambord Islands can't be saved." Kizaru said calmly, "The only thing I can do is to hold off Jon Joestar as much as possible. Go and notify the Celestial Dragons and let them Leave immediately."

After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

Above the clouds.

"I'm home."

Jon took the initiative to say hello to Kizaru.

While speaking, he very casually sprayed down a breath of dragon's breath that looked intimidating but actually had no power.

Kizaru nodded, raised his hand and shot dozens of beams of light.

You do your thing and I do mine.

The two gangsters chatted while performing.


"What's the matter, Mr. Porusalino?"

"What are your plans after acquiring the Chambord Islands?"

"I don't have any plans. I told you a long time ago that I just made it up temporarily."

"Declaring war on the Navy and the World Government on a whim? What a terrible young man."

"What about you, Mr. Porusalino, are you an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army?"


"Some people say that you are Straw Hat Luffy's uncle."


"Some people say that your true identity is the principal of 'Fangye Kindergarten'."


Tell a joke.

I, Porusalino, Admiral.

This left a young man who was more than thirty years younger than me speechless.

"Mr. Porusalino"

Jon wanted to say something else.

At this moment, the cocoon of the substitute deep in the soul cracked.

Then, a nostalgic voice sounded in my mind.

【partner! did you miss me? 】

Hearing this, Jon felt ecstatic in his heart.

Little D’s classmate.

My baby.

You have finally completed your evolution!

With a slight thought in his mind, a black and purple figure flew out of Jon's body.

Look carefully.

Little D’s new form has completely gotten rid of the fixed shape of the ‘door’ and evolved into a human-like body.

Moreover, unlike the humanoid stand-ins such as 'Platinum Star' and 'Golden Experience', the form of Little D-classmate is more similar to...

Slender ghost?

Jon didn't know how to describe it, but he was tall and thin, with no facial features, and looked quite strange.

Not only that.

Countless illusory filaments are connected behind Little D's back, extending into the void, making it look like a puppet tied with silk threads.

Little D showed his hands.

There is an eye in the palm of each hand.

In the eye in the palm of the left hand is a slowly rotating hour hand;

In the eye in the palm of his right hand is a Möbius strip.

Jon couldn't help but swallowed.


At first glance, the painting style is quite curious.

But once you accept this setting.

Still quite handsome!



Seeing Jon distracted, Kizaru thought something was wrong.

Jon came back to his senses and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now."

"That's it~" Kizaru touched his unshaven chin, "I just want to remind you that those nobles can't sit still."


Jon looked down.


There were already many fleeing Tianlong people on the street.

He clicked his tongue in displeasure, as if talking to himself or telling Kizaru, "I only agreed to spare you, but I didn't say you could take away the treasures and slaves."

Kizaru was unmoved.

Seeing this, Jon felt confident.

With one stroke of the dragon's claw, pieces of flame clouds were separated.

Thunder suddenly fell!

Impartially hitting a certain Draco noble wearing a bubble helmet.

[Ding, kill the Tianlong people, reward experience *666]

Little D is unwilling to be left alone to show his sense of existence.

Three black lines appeared on Jon's forehead, and he said via voice: "Now is not the time for you to perform your repertoire (referring to the pretend system). Since you have completed your evolution, let me see your new abilities!"

【Ah. 】Little D’s classmate couldn’t help but sneer.

It raised its right hand.

‘Space Confinement’ is activated.

The world is stagnant!


Even though Kizaru had experienced strong winds and waves, he still couldn't help but feel anxious when he was suddenly locked in place.

Jon opened his mouth.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Little D raised his left hand again.

‘Reverse flow of time’ is activated.

The Tianlong who had just died actually stood up intact!

Under the horrified gaze of the entourage and thugs, the appearance of the Tianlong man returned to his youth bit by bit. In a few breaths, he transformed from a middle-aged baby to a newborn baby, and then from a newborn baby to a swaying baby. Tadpole with tail.

[I control part of the time and space authority, and I am no longer restricted by time and space. 】

[Congratulations, partner, you have become the ultimate immortal creature. 】

[By the way, can I call you Jon from now on? 】


Its ability is very simple to say

In short, four big words - control time and space.

Control time and space arbitrarily based on permissions.

To a certain extent, he is invincible!

Jon was stupid.

Although he had already expected Requiem × Requiem, the abilities he gained must be unbelievable.

But he didn't expect that he could defy nature to such an extent.

This isn't right.

The reason why I, Qiao, am able to achieve the strength and status I have today is all due to my personal efforts!

Are you going to do such a big trick on me all of a sudden?


So cool!

"Little classmate D, am I now capable of being the protagonist of an invincible novel?" Jon said happily.

Unexpectedly, what little classmate D said instantly poured cold water on him.

[I'm sorry, you who control part of the time and space authority are only immortal, not immortal. 】

[If you encounter an existence beyond common sense, such as Saitama in the "One Punch Man World", you will still die. 】

Jon curled his lips, "In this case, you seem to be of no use."

Classmate Little D:? ? ?

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