A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 104 Please, please marry my mother

One or two glasses does not count as wine, three or four glasses are used to gargle your mouth.

I drank for more than half an hour.

Jon secretly thought that Luffy and the others should have left the Shampoo Islands.

So he stood up and said goodbye.

"I still have something to do, Mr. Reilly. That's it for today."

Reilly didn't stop him and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go. If you have time, remember to have a drink with my old man."

Jon nodded.

After saying hello to the proprietress Xia Qi, he left the bar.

Come outside.

Countless black muzzles were raised.

Jon was not surprised and put his hands in his pockets with a calm expression.

The leader of the navy, the rear admiral, said tremblingly: "Qiao Qiao Qiao Star, just surrender and you are under arrest!"

Hearing this, Jon took a step forward expressionlessly.

The sailors retreated one after another, their horror was palpable!

The corners of Jon's mouth raised slightly.

this time

I still got it.

After pondering for a few seconds, he picked up the character of 'Pirate Emperor' and said calmly, "Back off, you are no match for me."

As soon as the words fell, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Almost all the sailors were asking their superiors with their eyes.

The rear admiral swallowed quietly.

Swear to God, he really wanted to run away.

However, the big cloak on his body always reminds him that he is a navy carrying "justice".

Behind him are thousands of civilians in the Shampoo Islands!

The rear admiral took a deep breath and held down his trembling hands, "Jon Joestar, others are afraid of you, but I, Matt Verom, am not afraid of you."

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his tone, "Get ready to shoot!"


The muzzle of the gun was raised again.

Jon was speechless.

You are so brave, go and fight against the Tianlong people.

Aren’t those fat-brained pieces of garbage more harmful than me?

He shook his head and walked straight to the naval battle formation.

Matt Verom's heart was beating fast and he hurriedly ordered, "Fire!"

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’.

Old-fashioned flintlock guns spit out dazzling tongues of flame.

Jon didn't dodge and let the projectiles hit him.




Just kidding, with the dual blessings of 'Big Buddha Form' and 'Blue Dragon Form', these things are amazing if they can break through defenses.

Matt Verom drew his sword out of its sheath and slashed at Jon with all his strength.

Jon still didn't hide.

Pinch it with your fingers.

'Ding! ’

Sparks spattered from the blade.

The 'impact force' was activated, and Matt Verom's beloved knife was broken in response!

Kick, kick, kick.

The poor rear admiral took four or five steps back, his legs weakened, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Looking up at the man in front of him, he unconsciously muttered: "Weird. Monster."

Jon:? ? ?

To be fair, if you cut me with a knife and I only broke your weapon, it would be considered very kind.

Ignoring the frustrated rear admiral, Jon continued walking forward.

Suddenly, the substitute's cocoon reflected excitement.


Jon stopped.

Looking inside, he unexpectedly found that the bright crystal wrapping little D's body had cracked several hideous gaps!

Through the gap, he saw slowly moving filaments and gurgling black and purple bubbles.

Jon was stunned for a moment.

This style of painting.

A little curious.


Feel the thoughts of the body.

Little D, classmate, is angry.

Jon had no choice but to send a message to apologize, "Sorry, next time I speak ill of you, I will try my best to go behind your back."


Student D: I thought it was raining, but it turns out you made me speechless.

Put on such an inconspicuous thing.

As a stand-in, the pressure is really great.

Seeing that Jon had stopped moving, the sailors were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

Matt Verom gritted his teeth and stood up, hissing: "Don't leave! Jon Joestar, your opponent is me!"

Jon came back to his senses and glanced at the rear admiral, who had a strong sense of justice but was a bit weak.

At this time, a burly figure appeared outside the encirclement.

Katakuri said nothing.

With a 'buzz' sound, the overlord's domineering energy swept over like a tsunami!

Like cutting wheat, the sailors rolled their eyes and fell down.

Before he fell into coma, Matt Verom held on to his strength and turned his head with difficulty, "You"

"I am the Flour Minister of the 'BIGMOM Pirates', Charlotte Katakuri." Katakuri said slowly, "First time meeting you, Mr. Joestar."

‘BIGMOM’ actually took the initiative to send people to contact the ‘Uncrowned Emperor’?

What on earth are these pirates going to do!

With many doubts, Matt Verom fell on his back.

Jon pursed his lips.

It’s really here.

Auntie’s special messenger for proposing marriage.

And, what a coincidence that it’s Ka Er?

He put his hands in his pockets and asked knowingly: "So, what do you want from me?"

"Mr. Joestar, I won't beat around the bush." ​​Katakuri said with a serious face, "Please, please marry my mother!"

Even though he had been prepared in his heart, Jon was still shocked when he heard this.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

For a moment, I didn't know how to speak.

On the contrary, the cocoon of the substitute deep in the soul is constantly flashing, bulingbuling.

That probably means - 'Promise him! Promise him! ’

After a long time of reaction, Jon coughed lightly and said, "I refuse."

Katakuri seemed to have expected such a reply from the other party, and added: "Mr. Joestar, as long as you marry my mother and successfully give birth to children, any island of "All Nations", anyone under "All Nations" or Items, take your pick. "

As the saying goes, "A female college student holds gold bricks in her junior year, and a woman in her 30s receives a fortune."

Charlotte Lingling is indeed wealthy.

As the queen of "all nations", she has this confidence.

The key is.

Jon couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

He waved his hand, "Stop talking, I will not marry your mother."

Katakuri was a little disappointed and said in a deep voice, "Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Yo ho.

Listening to this meaning, the proposal of marriage is turning into a robbery?

Jon said with a faint smile: "Katakuri, I don't even give Kaido face, are you more powerful than Kaido?"

I, Jon Joestar, am the man who fought against Kaido and broke his opponent's dragon horns.

It's not throwing shurikens from 800 miles away, but a real head-on confrontation.

You alone may not be able to defeat me!

Hearing the subtext in Jon's words, Katakuri explained: "Don't get me wrong, the 'BIGMOM Pirates' have no intention of being your enemy."

After a pause, he continued: "I know that you have a close relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates.

In fact, our ‘BIGMOM Pirates’ also want to establish a similar relationship with you. "

The ‘New World’ is jointly run by four pirate emperors.

Now that the fifth ‘Uncrowned Emperor’ has emerged, it is natural to win over him.

For this reason, the captain of the ‘BIGMOM Pirates’ even sacrificed his appearance

However, the effect is not very good.

Jon blinked, "You mean forming an alliance?"

Katakuri said firmly, "Yes, we want to form a pirate alliance with you."

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