A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 599 The Essence of Spiritual Energy

The position of honor is the realm of practicing authority.

The imperial monks are in the third realm, while the holy monks are in the first realm. They all need to obtain a powerful entity before they can start practicing.

Power is the power of the world, and the title of the multiverse is "god". Although it is not a "god of the world" and is a world of its own, it can also be said to be the top god in mythology.

There are too many conditions required for a mortal to develop this level of power, and it is almost impossible to develop a power entity in the first realm.

Today's holy path can only be practiced with the help of the powerful entities left by the predecessors. The threshold is so high that it is difficult to measure. It can be said that the road has been blocked for three days.

Yun Ye first practiced the Imperial Path for three days, and then converted to the Saint Path for three days. In fact, it made no difference whether he knew the practice of the Saint Path in advance or not.

When he was in the Dharma Realm, he had no way to obtain the entity of power, and naturally he could not practice the holy path normally. In the end, he could only change from the imperial path to the holy path.

"The Lord of the Cave Heaven created the world, which is equivalent to being born to control the rules. There is no need to practice power. Even in the revered position, he simply increases the scale of the Cave Heaven. As the scale increases, the control of various powers will naturally soar."

Yun Ye stretched out his hand, and the Ten Heavenly Stems continued to perform, and various powers appeared.

According to the criteria for judging the status of the throne, he was a "quasi-emperor" as soon as he stepped into the throne. After all, he had already opened up a cave beyond the fourth day.

Gain authority, use authority, develop authority, master authority, open up the fourth day.

Theoretically speaking, opening up the fourth day is the perfect state of honor. Taking another step forward can only lead to becoming an emperor, so it is called a quasi-emperor.

Yun Ye opened the cave in advance, which was equivalent to skipping all realms and reaching the peak.

But it's just that the realm has reached its peak.

In terms of scale and strength, Yun Ye still had room for improvement, so he spent a thousand years devouring the secret realm and annexing the positions and authority of the major forces.

In the past thousand years, Yun Ye has been growing all the time, and has become completely invincible. Even if he has not yet broken through the imperial path, he can claim to be so.

Unless the Kamimie clan is resurrected, all the emperors will not be enemies in one, and it will be difficult for them to take any move. Their levels are completely different.

Like the Kamimie clan, he is a person of the level of Emperor and Celestial Emperor.

In other words, the emperor of emperors!

In the Xuan Realm, Yun Ye is the only one since the creation of the Shen Mie clan. What's more, this is Tiangan Cave, which has been blended with Hong Tian's immortal magic, and has already surpassed the emperor!

As for the shortcomings, there is only one, that is, the resource consumption of Tiangan Cave is far beyond that of Five Elements Cave and Four Elements Cave.

If Yun Ye becomes emperor, I am afraid that the spiritual veins of the entire Red Sky Realm will be exhausted, so that now the Kingdom of Tomorrow has to devote all its efforts to researching elixir technology to increase the efficiency of elixirs into spiritual energy as much as possible.

Fortunately, the Red Sky Realm has actually been unified. Even if there is no emperor, this peaceful environment can promote an explosion of technology.

The secrets of elixirs, spiritual veins, and even spiritual energy are gradually being revealed...

This kind of research has been repeated many times in the past, but the inheritance was cut off due to the destruction of the world, resulting in the inability to develop further.

The nine main magic medicines that appeared in the Rain World Secret Realm were the highest achievements of the Emperor's Era, but they were only at the medicine level, and were far from being able to withstand super-advanced magic. This resulted in the average strength of the Emperor's Era being low, just stronger than it is now. .

Fusion of magic medicine can greatly improve the physical body of monks, allowing monks to transform high-intensity energy, which is a crucial step in the practice system.

Without more powerful magic medicine technology, it would be impossible to create monks who master more powerful magic methods.

The Yin-Yang Cave has never been able to take shape, precisely because the human body cannot withstand too much force.

Yin is the spirit, Yang is the body, and the Yin-Yang Cave is to open a cave in the body.

The power that created the world is one of the highest powers and the highest law in the Red Sky Realm. There is no other power. How can you bear it without the heaven-defying divine body?

This is truly a heaven-defying divine body in the literal sense. After all, the power that created the heavens and the earth is "the very nature of heaven".

If you want to go against the will of heaven, even if your divine body is not qualified to possess all five elements, you may have to approach immortality.

"Aura is the omnipotent force, the foundation of the Red Sky Realm, and the high-level energy bred from a huge accumulation of matter that can form the entire universe."

"The world was born at the beginning of the world, and endless matter was derived to form time and space. Generally, the gathering of matter in the universe will only collapse, but in the Red Sky World, spiritual energy can be born. Its direct source is that the world has the law of the creation of the world."

"Chaos never left the Red Sky Realm, so aura was born, and the method that created the world was born, so it became a singular point of diversity."

Do all worlds have the ability to extract energy from the void?

Yun Ye once thought so.

But it's not.

Generally, once the universe is created, the total amount of matter and energy is fixed and will not increase even a single cent. It forms a cycle of its own and is destined to die.

The reason why the Red Sky Realm can become a singularity, a center of diversity, and a place where mortals can become immortals is precisely because of the reversal of this theorem.

The power that created the world has never disappeared in the Red Sky Realm. It can continuously draw out the energy of the void and allow the multi-dimensional power to return to its own realm. When it reaches its peak, the Red Sky Realm becomes a singular point and immortals are born.

Every person who becomes an immortal is weakening the authority of the gods of the entire multiverse. This is an unreasonable and unreasonable situation.

Likewise, he is also the guardian of the Red Heaven Realm, preventing all beings who covet the Red Heaven Realm.

Of course, the birth of a true immortal is not all a good thing. At least for humans, things are slipping towards the abyss.

For the multiverse, true immortals are also the biggest variable. World gods who were originally unable to devour each other have been given the opportunity to devour each other and evolve. The more true immortals there are, the stronger the world gods will covet the Red Sky Realm, and they will follow their instincts to find near.

In the end, they swarmed up, tearing apart the True Immortal and Red Heaven Realms, and gained the spiritual and physical sublimation that could only be felt at the beginning of the world.

The possibility of something like spiritual energy falling from the power that created the world explains everything in the world.

Whether it is spiritual veins or elixirs, the secret that can produce spiritual energy is the biggest mystery in the Red Sky Realm. The method of Cave Heaven is the method that was born after the completion of this research. It can be said to be the method that reaches the ultimate!

The Kingdom of Tomorrow first researched elixirs and spiritual veins, which is definitely the right path. However, the Kingdom of Tomorrow does not have the assistance of Tomorrow now, and its research capabilities have declined significantly. It took thousands of years to accumulate responses before it reached the realm level, surpassing the period of the first generation of Kingdom of Tomorrow. of tomorrow.

Next, there will be more and more rapid technological development.

The method of cave heaven was born after many eras of true immortals, and the research difficulty is naturally extremely high. However, with countless people working hard in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, and with the help of Taoist rules, they will complete this great cause at a speed far exceeding that of their predecessors.

In the blink of an eye.

Thousands of years have flown by again.

Two or three thousand years of peace have made the order of the Red Sky Realm more stable.

The scene of peaceful and prosperous times spread throughout the Red Sky Realm. Everyone worshiped the Lord as a god, setting up countless tablets and worshiping day and night.

Tomorrowland's technology has finally made a breakthrough, and has developed the most perfect underlying elixir.

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