A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 592 The Transparent Dome Becomes an Immortal

"Water Emperor, it's all over here. Today is the end. Even if you hold the Dao Code, you still can't go against the trend of the world!"

The emperor uses the world as his sword, and the three thousand worlds rotate, and the great momentum crushes everything.

The woman with long blue hair and wearing colorful fairy clothes was silent. The boundless water realm emerged behind her, and the colorful glow shone on the world, containing infinite power.

Unfortunately, facing the emperor who has three thousand worlds as his sword, all this seems too fragile and is rapidly collapsing.

The Emperor Daotian appeared in the boundless water realm, and the ultimate power blessed the cave sky. This was indeed able to fight the Emperor, but it could not last long, and the Water Emperor was still in decline.

As all parties competed for victory in the Red Sky Realm, her Imperial Daotian power also fell into an absolute disadvantage and it was indeed difficult to fight.

"It's too early to speak, God will be destroyed."

After all, the Water Queen holds the Caixia Daode. The light of her fairy clothes not only offsets the power of the infinite world that is destroying the boundless water realm, but also sweeps out twelve colorful clouds of light, destroying the Emperor's three thousand worlds. The sword cuts.

"A futile struggle."

The emperor took action with all his might.

Using the Dao Code only turns the battle into a protracted war, and the gap between the two cannot be reversed.

This is a battle that has a beginning and no end.

Yun Ye watched the battle between the two emperors many times. The two emperors seemed to have noticed his gaze, but they didn't pay attention.

After many observations, Yun Ye has understood the effect of Caixia Taoism and the role of Caixia Taoism.

Caixia True Immortal is a true immortal who will only be before the future Taoist Lord becomes an immortal. She is only a few hundred thousand away from the current era. Legend has it that she is a wisp of twelve colorful rays of rays of light raised by nature. She is born sacred and becomes an emperor immediately - not The Emperor of Humans, but the Emperor of Heaven and Earth. This kind of status allowed her to easily become an immortal after entering the human dynasty.

Many kings of the Great Demon Tribunal said that no demon can become an immortal in the world, and this is an unworkable path.

However, this is a conclusion they drew only because they did not understand history.

The True Immortal Caixia successfully reincarnated as a human, awakened the Taoist weapon, and finally ascended to heaven and became an immortal.

During her period as a natural emperor, there was no so-called magic method at all. She relied entirely on the power of her nature to gain enlightenment. However, it was only after she was reincarnated as a human that she formed the Caixia Spiritual Technique.

This method relies heavily on talent and character. Only women with pure nature and supreme talent can practice it. A maid of Caixia Zhenxian was recognized by the Taoist scriptures, and then she drifted away and never appeared again. Red Heaven Realm.

The process of practicing the Caixia Taoist Code is to gather the light of heaven and earth and get close to the true body of the former emperor of heaven and earth.

The final twelve-colored ray of light has a speed that surpasses all others. No matter how fast it is originally, after this ray of light appears, its speed will be immediately reduced to a level weaker than that of the ray of light. Relying on this power, the Water Emperor can always strike first. Damage can always be avoided.

However, the absolute difference between the Emperor and the Water Emperor is the cave sky. The Emperor opened up three thousand worlds, called the Infinite World, and his power is endless.

Even though the Water Emperor has cheating methods like the Dao Code, he relies on the power of his own imperial Dao as support and cannot continue fighting indefinitely.

Every battle has the same ending, never changing.

The Water Emperor was defeated!


The Emperor's sword penetrated the Water Emperor's chest, and even the Immortal Clothes could not stop her. Her power was completely dimmed, and she could no longer activate the Immortal Clothes transformed from this code. Although some of the power of the latter could manifest itself, it also had basic methods. There is no way to fight against the emperor who already stands at the pinnacle of the mortal world.

"This confrontation is finally over, and immortality is achieved in one fell swoop."

The Emperor raised his head and looked at the sky, and a Tianmian Taoist artifact that belonged to him and carried the prayers of the entire Red Heaven Realm human race appeared.

He defeated the Water Emperor, but he was free of interference and did not need to swallow the Water Emperor's Heavenly Crown Dao Artifact.

Rather, it would be better to say that the Tianmian Taoist weapon held by the Water Emperor is a completely dead Taoist tool of the Ni clan. If it is swallowed, it will cause pollution.


The Water Emperor looked at this scene, his fingers pressed against the sword, and blood flowed down, but he didn't say anything, let alone struggle to stop it.

The Emperor waved his hand and suddenly crushed the Tianmian Taoist Artifact. The infinite reverberations it possessed were like a white light that penetrated the heaven and earth, suddenly surrounding him.

The next step is to make a wish and become an immortal, or to change the rules of the world. Even if a true immortal blocks his way, he has nothing to fear, but he will die!

He is indeed dead, but countless world gods will also take a step closer to the red sky. One day, these true immortals will no longer have a chance to take action!

However, just when the result was determined, both the Emperor and the Water Emperor's figures flashed for a moment, and both of them looked shocked at the same time.


The melodious hymn that resounds throughout the world is gradually played, deep and full of hope, soothing the soul and looking forward to the future.

This hymn is a song of immortality, a congratulation for the birth of a new true immortal and the coming of new rules.

"what happened?"

The emperor waved his hand, and the world turned upside down, sweeping everything away to find out the reason.

This hymn has nothing to do with him. He has just activated the Tianmian Dao Artifact and has not yet made a wish. Why is there a hymn for becoming an immortal?

However, this reaction was too late, the world was shattered layer by layer, and everything was rewritten.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Water descended to the earth, and chains of divine magic locked the two of them, and horrific wounds appeared on their bodies.

"This is……"

Shen Mieshi suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

The Heavenly Crown Dao Artifact, which was supposed to penetrate heaven and earth and give the Emperor the power of immortality, also dissipated like smoke and dust, as if it were completely false.

Countless memories just "wake up".

He understood everything that happened.

"I see……"


The transparent dome, which looks like a young man and wears an elusive white robe, stands expressionlessly in the white light pillar. His figure has left the material world and the red sky world, and the power entwined in his body has completely disappeared.

He has become an immortal.

Rules are things that cannot be seen, touched, or felt, but are everywhere. At this time, the Tongming Qiong suddenly became an immortal.

The name of his immortal path resounded throughout the Red Heaven Realm and penetrated deeply into people's hearts at this moment.

"The True Immortal of Heaven..."

"Future Taoist Lord..."

"The angler on the other side..."

Hymns were chanting their names, and countless fragments flashed by. The meaning of these names was also known to all red-born creatures at this moment.

Follow the laws of nature.

Take control of the future.

Fishing for the possibility of victory, being in a different world from ordinary people, standing on the other side.

——He became an immortal so quickly that he had no reaction time at all.

"what happened?"

This is the question of countless monks in the world. These names are not Emperor and Water Emperor at all, and their figures are completely opposite to those of the two emperors.

I can't understand, what happened?

"It seems that we have caught a trace."


Yun Ye finally made progress in mastering the magic of the future. His figure disappeared into ashes, ending his journey to heaven.

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