A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 583: Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth, Eight Great Emperors’ Ultimate Weapons

The battle between the Immortal Formation and the Cave Heaven is a spectacle that has not been seen for many eras.

Although this formation is only called the Immortal Formation, it is still a formation at the level of the Imperial Dao, but it controls the eight Imperial Dao extreme soldiers and the power of a hundred venerables...

This has already changed qualitatively and is extraordinary.

When the heaven and earth were trapped in the Immortal Formation, the eight Imperial Dao extreme soldiers were fully revived, and the power they burst out was far beyond the order of eight times.

Yun Ye was a trick to suppress the four Imperial Dao extreme soldiers. With the advantage of home court, he directly launched the Infinite Dao Canon, which suppressed them instantly.

Moreover, only one of the four Imperial Dao extreme soldiers was fully revived, and the power of the other three extreme soldiers was not actually displayed, and it was not really one against four.

Until now, these four Imperial Dao extreme soldiers have been trying to break free, and Yun Ye had to consume his strength to suppress them.

As one grew stronger, the other grew weaker, and Yun Ye really showed a decline in dealing with this Immortal Formation.

The power of the creation of heaven and earth was in operation, but it was only evenly matched, not crushed.

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth, the eight great imperial weapons, and the power of a hundred venerables are intertwined. This is no less powerful than the power of the creation of the world..."

"Even the ten methods of the heavenly stems cannot form an absolute restraining force, and can only be suppressed by force."

Yun Ye used the heavenly stem universe as a calculator, waved his hand to form a mysterious true method, abandoned all kinds of changes, and only went to build his own domain.

The heavenly stem universe became deeper and deeper, covering the red sky realm. The blue sky barrier that should have been forcibly knocked open was eroded and gradually lost its color.

He did not attack, but focused on opening up the double sky. His power was consumed in this process, but it would also become the foundation for the future.

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him step into the blue sky realm!"

Many venerables said coldly, seeing that the situation was critical, and finally completely broke out the power of the imperial weapon.

There was a whisper that surpassed all living beings, dense and dense, like the death of the tarsal bones, accompanied by a terrifying aura, showing a phantom of a god.

The man who holds this supreme weapon of the imperial way has achieved great success. He is called the Venerable of the Death Realm. He is the descendant of the Ten Thousand Slaughters of Bones Emperor. His death energy completely activates this supreme weapon.

The supreme weapon of the imperial way and the divine weapon of the heavenly way do not require the holder to have much strength to fully revive, but in this case, they are still weaker.

Only the great cultivators who fully understand the method behind the divine weapon of the imperial way can use this divine weapon to the extreme and obtain the power to kill gods and gods!

"The Ten Thousand Slaughters of Bones, this is the first emperor after the opening of Xuantian. He is the biological son of Xuantian Zhenxian. It is rumored that this divine weapon has been used by the Bones Emperor from the time he was born until he became an emperor. He has killed countless people and monsters, and even stained the blood of the Monster Emperor. It is an imperial way killing weapon that a living person cannot control at all!"

"After the extreme yang, it is the extreme yin again? This is really a killing calamity between heaven and earth, with no vitality!"

The Demon Luo Dao Master sat cross-legged in the Eternal Immortal City, with the Blood God Pearl on his head, his expression gloomy. The foundation of these terrible existences is too strong, and he is far inferior.

Although they are both the inheritance of the Imperial Dao, they are in the border continent. Even if the Demon Luo Dao Domain has tried its best to optimize the Dao field, the upper limit is still far inferior to the two continents of heaven and earth.

The holder of the Wan Tu Divine Weapon is from the Earth Continent and is one of the most outstanding figures in the Earth Continent today. He knows that there is a huge gap.

And there is more than one such person, and there are also immortals who are eyeing him covetously. Even if the Lord of the Cave Heaven is extremely powerful, can he really survive this death?


The Sun Dao Lord also took action, holding the Sun God Seal, forming the Yin and Yang forces with the Wan Tu Divine Weapon, and directly blasted through the Heavenly Stem Universe and hit Yun Ye in front of him.

Yun Ye, who was standing in the chaotic air, frowned, and the Time Divine Light swept over and fixed the attack, but with the immortals in front, he did not use the Dao Code rashly. The power of the Time Divine Light was not absolute. After shaking violently, a huge explosion occurred, which made the chaotic air around Yun Ye fade a lot.

"This Tiangan Cave Heaven has its limits after all, break through it."

Many leaders of the imperial forces have seen great storms and even repeated history and fought with the emperors. Although Yun Ye is a genius, it is not enough to daunt them. The killing array is unraveling, penetrating the Tiangan universe from all directions, and creating many gaps.

This undoubtedly weakened Yun Ye's power, making it difficult for him to quickly erode the blue sky and enter the true realm.

Ni Xinguang was also more and more surprised in the process of controlling this formation. It can be said that this formation diagram is really from the hands of the Taoist, which is simply ingenious!

"This formation diagram is enough to become the foundation of our clan. It is difficult for ordinary people to gather multiple pieces of imperial weapons, but our clan has sealed up many creations of the same level."

Ni Xinguang nodded and recognized this treasure. She liked it, and Tianguang Daozhu couldn't not give it to her. This is exactly the purpose of Tianguang Daozhu.

Becoming a running dog of the immortal clan is an opportunity for the rise of Tianguang Daozong. It must be said that even if she saw it, she also recognized this replacement.

After all, this formation diagram is indeed invincible. Even if the immortals have countless treasures, they still make her feel that it is of extraordinary value.

The eight imperial weapons are fully revived at the same time, and the murderous aura shatters the world. The outer side of the Red Heaven Realm is turned upside down. The areas not protected by Yun Ye are all shaken. The sudden divine light may wipe out the scenery of a state at any time, and the casualties are incalculable.

The Red Heaven is in ruins, too many lives are wailing, and no one can stop such a war.

Many imperial masters try their best to activate the magic weapons.

The Wan Tu magic weapon is a sword. One cut is the scene of death of all things. It is also the most eye-catching among the many imperial weapons. The power is too terrible. There is a whispering voice. Those who hear it, no matter how high or low their cultivation is, are entangled by the death aura and their vitality is plundered.

This is a killing weapon that looks like the god of death reaping lives. Even if the divine will of the emperor is only passively effective, it can curse and kill all life below the emperor. Now it has been activated by the venerable and blessed by the immortal formation, and it has cooperated with many emperors and venerables. The power of the position is fused, and the power is naturally increased to a higher level.

Yun Ye was struck, and the life on the planet also died in large areas, making him shake his head and have to allocate some strength to guard against this magic weapon.

He carved out an infinite space to fight against these divine soldiers, and separated the living planets far away.

But after all, the Tianqian Universe is only the perfection of the Xuan Realm. Facing the crystallization of the power of eight supreme emperors, hundreds of sages, and the combination of the marvelous and extraordinary immortal formation, it is just that the Tianqian Universe in the Xuan Realm is no match, and cracks are cut out one after another. The strength is greatly weakened, and it is obviously difficult to stand alone.

"His power is still recovering. What on earth is this..."

Ni Xinzhao frowned. Like many imperial masters, he had already discovered the abnormality.

She couldn't understand what was going on. Why could this person burn his power violently, but his power was endless, with no signs of exhaustion?

Logically speaking, this is impossible.

If the cave can recover so quickly, doesn't it mean that the energy is infinite, and a cave can support the entire Red Heaven Realm monks?

This is obviously impossible.

The cave can absorb void energy, but it can only grow slowly while maintaining its own operation. It can only grow significantly when the cultivation level is advanced. Normal combat must consume the energy stored in the cave. After it is exhausted, it cannot be recovered in a short period of time. recover.

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