A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 567 The First Fallen Lord

In the somewhat astonished eyes of the three venerables, the power of the Imperial Arms was restrained and frozen in the air, unable to exert any power.

This is a distance calculated in light-years. Theoretically, the Emperor's Ultimate Soldiers can easily penetrate it, but Yun Ye is still the Lord of the Cave Heaven and is blocked by various rules.

Breaking space is no longer established in the Tianqian universe.

Although this imperial weapon is powerful, it is not a powerful force and cannot exert all kinds of magical powers to forcibly resist Yun Ye's cave power.

For a time, the Imperial Dao Jibing was suppressed, constantly eroding the charm of the Dao, and consuming the vast power contained within.

Yun Ye's power is endless and endless, but the Imperial Dao Jibing does not have such good things.

The three great sages looked at each other, with some solemnity showing in their eyes.

Their spiritual thoughts swept out, and Bianzhou resonated.

"My venerable lords, please take action quickly. Although the Lord of the Cave Heaven may extend his life for thousands of years, life and death are decided by others. When the Lord of the Cave Heaven falls, we will also be buried with him. Could it be that you want to join us at this moment?" reset?"

When the Supreme Emperor Datong opened his mouth, he was shrouded in golden light, which was extremely sacred, but the inner layer was like a skeleton, and he had paid various prices to extend his life.

The echo of spiritual thoughts is not the true words.

Bianzhou was shaken by this spiritual thought. It seemed peaceful, but it filled the hearts of the people in Bianzhou with great terror. Many monks had already had a premonition that their own death was imminent.

But in the end, death did not come, and was swept away by the chaos energy, smoothing out the fluctuations.

"I follow the king's path with the intention of ascending to immortality and rewriting the world. Anyone who stands in my way will be killed without mercy. You should think carefully about this."

Yun Ye's indifferent gaze came to him. He was rising and falling in the chaotic energy sweeping out from the beginning of the world. He gradually showed his true appearance, reflecting the entire Bianzhou. The extremely powerful power was boiling under the full operation of Tiangan Cave, and the world was in chaos. Life and death in the palm of your hand.

He wanted to scare many venerable people and not cause more trouble.

New Heavenly Dynasty.

Many monks looked shocked, and they were a little confused.

But soon, from that unique breath, they confirmed it.

"Is this your Majesty? He has already reached the summit!"

"So many venerables want to salute His Majesty the Water King. Hahaha, great, simply great. I didn't expect His Majesty to be so powerful when he was born. It seems we are about to rise!"

"More than rising, this is going against heaven!"

Only then did the senior officials of the Xintian Dynasty realize the terror of their own ruler. In their eyes, killing the Eastern King was already the highest level. They could not understand the upper limit of the power to create the world. But the attitude of all the venerables today at least shows that His Majesty is in the realm of venerables. Very invincible.

The debut is the peak!

The battle of this lifetime is all about becoming an emperor. The Water King, who has already stood at the top of the throne, obviously has the possibility of becoming an emperor. This is a great blessing for chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

Many monks looked at Shui Wuge with excitement.

In the Xintian Dynasty, Shui Wuge was the only monk who received the divine status, and the other monks were only awarded the divine seal.

"Since His Majesty has declared war, there can only be one outcome. Let's start taking action, with Luoyu as the center and radiating to all directions in Bianzhou."

"Everywhere you go, you surrender or die."

Shui Wuge's expression was solemn, with a coldness in her beauty. Many monks immediately handed over their orders and accepted the order. The New Heaven Dynasty was officially born and entered this vast world stage.

Outside the Xintian Dynasty.

Many monks also showed joy after the horror of life and death. They knew that if the Lord of the Cave Heaven had not taken action, they would have been shocked to death by the fluctuations of these venerable spiritual thoughts. They were too weak!

The rest of their lives after the disaster obviously made them have some affection for this unknown God Lord. In a battle of this level, they actually used their remaining strength to protect them. Regardless of whether it was a little effort for this God Lord, they were all favored.

The most direct change of this thought is that tomorrow's power gradually increases.

Human hearts can be manipulated.

Yun Ye's thoughts flashed through his mind, but he had no intention of using the Tomorrow Sword.

He looked at the three great lords, slowly raised his hand, and the power of creation reached its peak, replaying the process of creation, and the world came and went in the palm of his hand.

Trapped in infinite time and space, unable to break free, the faces of the three venerables changed. They felt the breath that made them tremble. They saw the Milky Way starry sky covering Bianzhou falling, and the Tiangan Universe was extracting power to form the power in Yun Ye's hands.

That is a lotus flower.

Born from chaos.

Blooming and withering represents birth and death. The lotus is only its outer shape. No one can tell what is the innermost part. Just as soon as it was born, the fourteen venerables were all horrified. This is a sure-fire killing move. It seems that This divine master doesn’t want to hold on to anything!

The cloud night released this lotus flower and enveloped the three venerables.


Because the distance between the Imperial Army and the Supreme Soldiers was infinitely longer, even though there was still a protective force coming to protect the three venerables, they were still unable to do so.

Venerable Limin was shattered on the spot and fell directly.

Change of authority.

The entire Bianzhou was experiencing visions one after another, and a tragic song was played.


The vision of the fall was sealed within Bianzhou, but the vision was still astonishing. The heaven and earth changed dramatically, and vast spiritual energy rained down, benefiting the entire Bianzhou.

A huge amount of light escorted a figure as it ascended to the sky, and a tragic song was played during this period, lingering for a long time. This was a vision of the return of power after the death of the Venerable. Theoretically, it was not that the world was grieving, but that the carrier of power disappeared, and the huge power gradually separated. It caused turmoil in heaven and earth.

This kind of agitation is the rule of "death", and its contagion is naturally extremely strong. No life can see "death".

Heaven and earth mourn together.

In fact, life is mourning together.

Venerable Limin died at this point, and his power appeared as an entity, illuminating all things. However, compared to Venerable Limin, he has tended to become silent.

"It's terrible to fall so easily."


The two venerables lowered their eyes, and neither of them made a move to take this honorable position. This was the other's bag, and there was no need for them to waste their efforts.

"Having the power to enslave all peoples for one's own strength has created a special attraction, so was it swallowed up first?"

Various pasts appeared in front of Yun Ye.

It was the process and techniques used by Venerable Li Min that were all read by him, and he understood them all in the blink of an eye.

This so-called servitude of the people does not refer to ordinary mortals, but refers to people with cultivation. When the power is activated, Lord Limin can extract the vitality and cultivation of all the ruled within the scope of his rule, and use this as nourishment to activate the power. .

The higher the level of cultivation, the longer the power can be maintained.

Mortals are the last option.

"This kind of usage is really a waste of natural resources."

Yun Ye raised his hand, and the hazy entity of the throne fell into his hand, and turned into an ancient tripod with a thought.

A strange color flashed in his eyes, and the power of creating the world rolled open, crushing and swallowing the ancient cauldron.

Immediately, the Tiangan Cave began to expand.

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