A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 560: Future Divine Law, Peeping into the Future

"Strength: S+ (clone, excluding Taoist scriptures)."


Yun Ye pushed up his non-existent glasses, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

After meeting the venerable Nine-Star Heavenly Sect, Yun Ye roughly understood how to measure the strength of the venerable position.

His own clone's strength data is clear, and Yun Ye also understands in which aspect a monk who can surpass his clone will win.

The strongest monk in Yokkai Island is definitely an exceptional being. He has surpassed his clone in terms of absolute strength, and there is no room for trickery.

Yun Ye masters the Ten Heavenly Stems and can imitate any power. If he wants to defeat him, he must crush him while restraining his power.

This is the embodiment of absolute strength.

"Being stronger is EX, being stronger is also EX, but you don't have to worry too much. The plan remains as usual, find a suitable demon."

Yun Ye already knew the situation of Qiong Shen Dao Domain from the memories of passers-by, so there was no need to waste time entering to investigate.

And just when Yun Ye was running the Ten Heavenly Stems and activating the divine magic in the future to deduce the most suitable situation, he suddenly became extremely alert.

"Something's wrong! The monks here can only get in and out?"

The monks I saw coming and going before were all from the Boundary Sea Fortress. This fortress is a temporary trading market without any spiritual energy and is not used for living. Therefore, the people here leave immediately after the transaction, either returning or heading to the Qiongshen Dao Domain. .

There is no doubt that the real city is behind the curtain, located in the realm of Qiong Shen Dao.

As for Yun Ye, who was reading memories along the way, there was not a single person who came out of the Qiong Shen Dao Realm. This was undoubtedly quite abnormal.

Could it be that something happened in the Qiongshen Dao Realm?

The book of reincarnation appeared in Yun Ye's hand, as did the Infinite Dao Code and the Nine Lives Canon. The two books containing special power emerged with power.

The Infinite Dao Code can amplify divine magic, and the Nine Life Ceremony itself is also the highest divine magic weapon, and can also increase divine magic.

With the blessing of two great treasures and the status of the Lord of the Cave, Yun Ye's deduction power has reached unprecedented heights.

As soon as a thought occurs, the magic of the future moves, and massive information starts from the present and continues to extend to the future.

Unlike the Nine Lives Divine Law, the Future Divine Law only has a straight future with no branches.

In the future, Yun Ye found a suitable disaster beast and gave it power, and began to attack the Qiong Shen Dao Domain. However, just at the beginning, the Venerable took action and wiped it out.

Then Yun Ye sent out a stronger disaster beast and engulfed the venerable one. With the venerable death, the entire Tianluo Mingxin Sect was shocked and invited out a self-proclaimed ancestor who had been involved in the future Dao Lord for ten thousand years. The battle to become emperor.

The ancestor killed the calamitous beast, then promulgated a decree, built altars and arranged ritual arrays in various places, as if he was preparing for something.

Yun Ye was just a clone, and the individual strength he could create was limited, and he didn't want to be exposed, so he gave up sending stronger disaster beasts and began to observe the effects of the ritual array.

As time went by, Yun Ye discovered that this ritual formation turned out to be a formation that swallowed luck. Then he was discovered, and many sages came to hunt him down...

Yun Ye opened his eyes with a hint of doubt: "Did the Tianluo Ming Xin Sect set up the ritual array to find us who killed the Venerable?"

"It's not like that, before we took action, the Qiong Shen Dao Realm had already changed. We were only allowed to enter but not leave." Tomorrow said.

"try again."

Yun Ye closed his eyes and continued to draw out the power of the void.

The Hongtian Immortal Technique gave Dongtian the power to extract the void, laying the foundation for the establishment of the Dongtian. Without the Hongtian Immortal Technique, the Dongtian created by Yun Ye would only have the power of an instant, fleeting, and unable to stably open up into a large world.

His accumulation is far from enough to open up the Tiangan Cave in the Xuan Realm.

Time flies ahead.

Yun Ye did not send disaster beasts to attack Qiong Shen Dao Domain this time, but lay dormant silently, waiting for Tianluo Mingxin Sect's reaction.

As a result, a few years later, he was discovered again. Many sages came to kill him and wanted to kill him without saying a word. However, he was easily suppressed and devoured by Yun Ye. The divine law in the future showed that once he devoured the venerable power, the sky would be destroyed. It will increase greatly and improve and expand rapidly.

The breadth of space cannot actually stop the Venerable's attack. Space barriers that are too fragile can be easily penetrated and span countless light years.

But as the breadth of Yunye Tiangan Universe expands, various laws become more perfect and powerful. Within the Tiangan Universe, Yunye can ban some rules, such as not being allowed to tear apart the space. With the blessing of this method, the breadth becomes A foundation that can swallow up all attacks.

The more seats of venerables he devoured, the closer the weight of the Tiangan Universe would be to absolute rules, and the less likely the enemy would be able to resist.

Yun Ye was thoughtful, no wonder no one dared to come again after the Shenmie clan killed many nobles. The more they fought, the braver they became. They were really invincible.

He continued to deduce and extended the future, and found that the Tianluo Mingxin Sect had received an order from the Immortal Clan and began to prepare for the battle to become the emperor in advance. Before that, hidden dangers had to be eliminated, so a ritual array was built to increase the surveillance ability of divine magic. .

This is the ceremonial formation of the Immortal Clan. It is guided by humans to form a heavenly path method. The increase rate is incalculable. It actually found Yun Ye who covered himself with the Ten Heavenly Stem Laws. Although there were only some traces, it was because Yun Ye had not moved for a long time. It was only discovered, but it is enough to illustrate the weight of the ritual array.

"It seems that the Immortal Clan is about to take action because of taking away the Infinite Dao Code. I'm really alert." Yun Ye sighed.

Tomorrow, she did not show up due to a premonition. Otherwise, if she showed up, people from the immortal clan would not be able to see the flaw. After all, she is bound by the Tianqian Universe. The Tao Domain has indeed disappeared, but the power of the Tianqian Universe But it is very strong, which is also the biggest reason why Yun Ye will leave traces.

After all, even if tomorrow is taken back, the awakened Taoist weapon cannot be silenced. Yun Ye will still use the Ten Heavenly Stems to suppress Tomorrow's Taoist domain.

It just means that after it is withdrawn, the suppression range will be smaller, and the fluctuations will also be reduced, but even the smallest fluctuations can be traced after being amplified countless times.

With the foundation of the Immortal Clan, it’s not surprising that he came to the door.

Now it is only Tianzong who is acting on his behalf, and the Immortal Clan has not come to an end yet, otherwise there will be even less time.

"Only the Ni tribe noticed that you took the Dao Dian that day?" asked tomorrow.

"No, there are at least three looks. The Ni clan is just the closest and took action personally. There are at least three immortal clans and sects who know that we have taken away the Infinite Dao Code. Maybe at this moment, other continents have also taken action."

Yun Ye said, "The main body has also taken action. They will set up a barrier to cover up the exploration, and then unify the border continent."

"The Ni tribe... that is the fairy tribe from which the Water Emperor came. Originally, I didn't know which continent I came from, but I didn't expect it to be the Four Ris Continent. Haha, it's normal. The rainbow light does sound related to the big sun. This is right. The power of the Dian clan is unpredictable, no wonder it is stronger than my clone. Lay the groundwork and retreat temporarily. "

In the future, divine magic will need to consume luck, or be replaced by something else.

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