A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 557 All Dharma throughout the ages are hidden in the Divine Heaven

Yun Ye stepped forward, ready to take away the Taoist scripture.

However, the figure of Juehuang reappeared, huge and full of oppressive force, the divine fire burned blazingly, burning through the void. He looked directly at Yun Ye and said: "The immortals here are watching, and taking away the Taoist scriptures means that the true immortals will be afraid of you. Even if you can avoid prying eyes, they will know that an uncontrolled threat is about to appear. As a descendant of the immortals, you should know the pros and cons, can you be safe? "

Although the Juehuang has died and only his power remains in history, he is still the emperor after all and has touched the ceiling of the Red Sky Realm.

He can see things that ordinary people can't.

For example, the young man in front of him is shrouded in a bright red will. He belongs to the ancient true immortal and is one of the very few who can be trusted.

Regardless of this person's purpose of becoming a Taoist and an Immortal, it is always better than a pool of stagnant water. Therefore, Daodian chose this person and believed that he had possibility.

However, it is only a possibility. As long as there is a being that can become an immortal and has a compatibility with itself, Daodian has a chance to choose its master. However, there are only very few monks who can succeed in the end. On the contrary, it will gradually destroy the possibility of Daodian itself. sex.

This is also why the Immortal Clan, the Immortal Sect, has mastered the Dao Code and has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but no new immortals have been born. They are always being watched, and the possibility has been deprived of them.

Only Taoist scriptures that are not controlled can play a role in becoming an immortal or becoming a Taoist, and can turn things around with their own possibilities.

The Infinite Taoist Code can barely be regarded as a Taoist Code that is still possible, but it is hard to say if it will be passed down for several generations.

"When the World God comes, I dare not say anything about it. I only bet on the slim chance."

Yun Ye replied.

"The Infinite Dao Canon is the legacy of the first person who became an immortal with divine magic. It contains the original divine law and points directly to the essence of divine law. Although it does not reach infinity, it is also immeasurable. I took this Dao Canon from the Wuliang Divine Palace. His bloodline has long been It has been cut off, and there is no inheritance left, so there is no cause and effect, and no special will. Whether you become an immortal or a Taoist, or use it for other purposes, the immeasurable Taoist scriptures can be used by yourself. The fate of Hongtian is only in your mind. "

"Humans, monsters, demons, if it weren't for the true immortal behind you, they would have disappeared into history..."

The absolute emperor's way.

His figure disappeared, leaving only the Infinite Dao Code. Yun Ye did not hesitate, stepped forward to take away the Dao Code, but at the moment of contact, the divine fire spread, and the immeasurable power burst out in an instant, but it was to verify his new master. of measure.

The Heavenly Pure Extinction Divine Fire is like crimson jade, transparent and crystal clear, burning blazingly. It sweeps through the world and it is pure. Except for space, it sweeps away all dust, air, spiritual energy and other substances. In the blink of an eye, it will turn the clouds and nights into nothingness.

The clouds and nights circulate the Ten Dharmas of the Heavenly Stems, and the scene of the universe emerges, intersecting with the Heavenly Pure Extinction Divine Fire in the silence, and annihilating silently.

Although the Heavenly Clear Extinction Divine Fire is miraculous, it is water without a source and a tree with no roots. It is gradually pressed back into the milky white jade book and turns into bright textures.

Immediately, the jade book opened automatically, with only two pages on the left and right, but infinite knowledge burst out from it, all flowing into Yun Ye's consciousness.

"All dharma from ancient times to the present are hidden in the divine heaven."

As a Taoist code transformed into an immortal, the Infinite Taoist Code contains countless rules and can bring together all the divine laws of mankind throughout the ages.

Therefore, the methods recorded in the Infinite Dao Canon are called "all hidden gods and heavenly methods". Practitioners can endlessly master the divine methods and strengthen their own gods.

Every time you practice a magical method, your power is superimposed and never-ending, which can be called heaven-defying.

"I'm afraid the Immortal's True Immortal Technique far surpasses that of Hong Tian..."

Yun Ye was shocked.

After a true immortal is promoted to become part of the rules, the method he masters is the true immortal method. This immortal method is left in the lower world and is called the Taoist Code.

Theoretically, the Taoist Code records all the methods of a true immortal from the mortal realm to becoming an emperor, and has obtained a part of the power of a true immortal. The holder can exert part of the power of a true immortal. This is the immeasurable Taoist Code that can use immeasurable The law, or the reason for the immeasurable immortal magic.

The true immortal method refers to this part of the Taoist rules.

The immortal magic (rules) used by the true immortal itself is not actually a method that can be taught to others, but is completely the power to maintain its own existence.

Tiangan Dongtian swallowed Hongtian's three wills, which is actually no different from swallowing a Taoist scripture. It's just that I don't know if Hongtian's Taoist scripture only has these three powers.

The three laws of heaven, the body law, the consciousness law, and the spiritual root law, happen to be the source of the three laws, and they also happen to form the cornerstone of the heavenly universe.

As far as the true immortal method is concerned, it is obviously completely inferior to the infinite immortal method, and is far inferior to the power of this ultimate master.

Of course, it is also possible that only the body method was born among the three major laws of Hongtian's era, so even if he was elevated to immortality, his concept would not be expanded.

This is also consistent with the current situation that Hongtian's strength is weaker than other true immortals. Wuliang True Immortal is already a true immortal who was born after Qingtian who knows when. The methods he has cultivated, the path he has traveled, and the breadth of his knowledge should be far beyond those before him. people.

"The immeasurable true immortal method is not without its flaws. If it is practiced by mortals, even if it has infinite superposition properties, how many divine methods can a mortal practice? On the other hand, in the Hongtian era, naturally It also conforms to the background of the times. It is just a battle method, not a cultivation method. You can use it as soon as you get it, increasing your strength to a terrifying level. "

Yun Ye quickly realized that the Hongtian Immortal Technique was obviously not a cultivation method. It only had three true formulas. However, the combination of the three heavenly wills could create a power similar to that of the cave. If its foundation was strong enough, this true Immortal magic can also explode with endless power.

After all, it is an immortal method, which has completely different limits from normal methods.

"Sure enough, there are countless treasures. Hahaha, all the resources needed for the follow-up path have been obtained. Tianzong ban? That's bullshit!"

The weather clone laughed and collected resources. He found that most of the treasures here could not be loaded into space magic weapons, which made people not surprised but happy.

The inability to load space magic weapons shows that the level of these treasures and resources is extremely high. In the outside world, they are rare treasures that have been seen for hundreds of years.

And look at this royal treasure house, where treasures are as common as weeds?

How can you not like this?

Not only was he happy, he was ecstatic.

He was so happy that all thoughts disappeared, and he frantically collected resources. Treasures that could not be loaded into ordinary space magic weapons were not a problem for him. There were even top-level real space treasures in the treasure house. Just use these top-level real treasures to install them. The progress of the collection It went smoothly, leaving him completely lost.

Yun Ye didn't care about these resources, the Book of Reincarnation appeared, included this code, and then the figure gradually disappeared from this space.

Reincarnation, creation, infinity, the power enhanced after the immeasurable Dao scriptures are collected is creation.

Infinity means infinite possibilities, infinite time and space, and infinite destiny.

Creation refers to the past, accumulation, and blessings. It is also Yun Ye's accumulation of reincarnation points that can increase the power of his talent.

After including the Infinite Dao Code, Yun Ye can gain an additional five reincarnation points for every reincarnation, which is a very intuitive benefit.

Now that I've got my stuff, it's time to run away.


"The Dao Code...was taken away?"

Without the cloudy night covering the sky, countless gazes were cast on it, and the vast consciousness penetrated countless layers of space and swept away the emperor's treasure house.

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