A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 553 Nine True Immortals

"If you want to change the rules of the world, you need to meet five necessary conditions."

"Condition 1: Collect trillions of echoes and obtain the Heavenly Crown Taoist Artifact."

"Condition 2: Cover the Red Heaven Realm with the Holy Path."

"Condition three: obtain the Dao Code and control the power of the Immortal Dao in it."

"Condition four, a true immortal agrees."

"Condition five, the world god comes."

"If you cannot meet the five necessary conditions, no matter how hard you struggle, you will not be able to break free from the shackles and make rules freely."

"If you do it by force, you will either perish or make rules under control."

In the fragments of time, a giant who was a thousand meters tall sitting on the throne of the Heavenly Palace said this.

In front of him were ten kings of the manifest world, all of whom stood at the pinnacle of this field, with vast and unparalleled auras.

It was none other than Emperor Jue and his famous Ten Heavenly Kings.

They were discussing the difference between immortality and enlightenment.

"Obviously, enlightenment is much more difficult."

"Yes, the big festivals planned by the major forces almost never succeed. This alone makes it impossible."

"Your Majesty has mastered the immeasurable Taoist scriptures and gained the power of the immortal way. It is more realistic to become an immortal with the imperial way."

"A glimmer of hope is worth risking everything. Now all we have to do is obtain the Heaven's Crown Dao Artifact and become an immortal immediately! They are waiting to harvest the Heaven's Crown Dao Artifact, and we are also betting on this glimmer of hope!"

Many kings spoke.

Taoist tools are the talents of the human race. Although the demons are powerful, their numbers have been reduced because of this, and the basis for the birth of Taoist tools - group prayers - has been lost.

They had to downgrade their bloodline and create fire spirit people to replicate the growth process of human beings. They also spent a huge amount of time like humans to build a prayer ceremony formation that enveloped the entire red sky.

As monsters, although they have a long lifespan, even the birth of the Jue Emperor does not exceed 30,000 years. There is no way to know how Hong Tian became an immortal millions of years ago.

Fortunately, this knowledge has left traces in human history and Taoist artifacts. As an emperor, it is not difficult to reverse it, and it can be completed in a few decades.

Even the ritual formation performed by Juehuang was more perfect than the previous Hongtian. It expanded the scope of the ritual from a single race to multiple races, which to a certain extent made up for the shortcomings of the scarcity of intelligent demons.

If the imperial way is not achieved through human methods, the life span will be reduced to 6,400 years, and even the extreme limit will not survive for 10,000 years. With the life span of the demon clan, there is no need to cultivate the fire spirit people to collect echoes, and just wait.

"The five necessary conditions, the Holy Path is actually a necessary condition?"

Yun Ye directly found the most important time point through his senses without wasting a second. After listening to this conversation, the giant suddenly looked at him.

For a moment, the huge pupils dilated, and they were red pupils burning with blazing flames, as if reflecting the end of the world.

From these eyes, one can clearly see the origin power of this emperor.

Tianqing Juejiu Divine Fire, the highest-level divine fire of heaven and earth, is said to be a fire left over from the creation of the Red Heaven Realm. It burns everything!

Yun Ye just took one look and understood why Emperor Jue was able to refine the human race's Taoist scriptures precisely because of this divine fire.

This flame has a supernatural power and is very similar to the rules. It burns along history in an instant, igniting Yun Ye's soul and body. The severe pain is spreading. Yun Ye's expression is ferocious for a moment, but the next second , the power of creating the world exploded.

His expression suddenly became indifferent, the universe was moving in his pupils, like a god, and he said: "Retreat."

Divine fire reversed.

Facing the real Yun Ye, the remaining power in history cannot compete.

The giant looked at this scene and burst into laughter.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"My inheritance is waiting for you to take it away. Whether you are a human or a demon, you must bear this cause and effect and witness for me the moment when you defy fate and defeat the immortal!"

Immortals are the enemies of the red sky.

No matter humans or monsters, they all want to get rid of them quickly, blocking the way forward for all life.

"Destroy the immortals against fate? This ideal is too advanced. There is no hope in this era. Maybe dozens of emperors will sacrifice themselves to achieve it."

Yun Ye laughed. He didn't expect that someone would dare to say these words.

It seems that the emperor of the demon clan is extraordinary at least in terms of belief.

As soon as these words came out.

The giant's expression became much richer and he said:

"Yes, boy, you don't think that those who become emperors are all selfish people who only want to live forever, right? Traveling across mountains and rivers, conquering the world, reaching the top with strong faith and strength, who is not pursuing the ultimate? It's just that Immortality is not enough to make them fall, not wanting to be dogs is!"

"The kind of talents you imagine are rare. In ancient and modern times, except for the monks who are completely supported by the true immortals and forcefully ascend the imperial path, which imperial Dao would like the true immortals to continue to be high on the throne? They just want to break this shackles, and they are not as strong as us. If we can’t do it, we can only leave a glimmer of possibility for future generations to rise!”

Juehuang revealed some truths.

The most unacceptable thing that really pushes people in this world is that there are people who are superior. Those true immortals simply treat these beings who have reached the top like dogs and harvest them at will. I don’t know how many emperors fought hard and fell after becoming emperors.

They were just the ancients who had seized the position in advance. If they really fell to the battle of the Imperial Way, except for a few true immortals in their peak era, there would be almost no suspense about the outcome!

"Then it happens that every emperor who becomes an immortal is extremely selfish?"

Yun Ye broke through Juehuang's statement with one sentence.

If they are all beings with beliefs and ideals, then why don't any of the dozen true immortals stand on the side of the monks in the Red Heaven Realm? They all stand on the highest peak and cut off the way forward?

Hongtian, the second unnamed immortal, Qingtian, Wuliang True Immortal, Nine Lives True Immortal, Xuantian, the future Taoist Lord, as well as the true immortals involved in the Taoist scriptures held by the Ni tribe, and the true immortals who developed spiritual methods. , there are nine of them. If only one or two blocked the way forward, it stands to reason that they would have been suppressed by the latecomers.

But in fact, even the future Dao Lord who Hong Tian helped chose to become an immortal and disappeared without a trace for thousands of years.

I don’t know whether it was because I couldn’t do anything, or I just betrayed and gave up on my former ideals.

Judging from the difficulty of becoming an immortal, it is obvious that the majority are true immortals who block the path to immortality.

"To achieve enlightenment with a dominating weapon, no matter how strong the original belief is, it is meaningless. It is just a shell. It may be able to compete at first, but it will be distorted into the original appearance of the dominating tool. This is a trap, but you must step on it, otherwise There is no chance of becoming an immortal."

"For this reason, the predecessors would open up the holy way, give up the possibility of becoming immortals, and focus on modifying and building the world. Go get the Infinite Dao Code. I have burned the method of the holy way into the Tao Code. Even the group of true immortals cannot destroy it. ,erase……"

There is a piece of jade book floating in the hand of Juehuang. This jade book is simple and natural, shrouded in the glow of divine fire, and the words are constantly emerging, never ending. Just by looking at it, you can spontaneously absorb the endless knowledge in it.

This is the Infinite Taoist Code!

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