A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 551 Judgment of Fire Spirit

"This kind of thing actually happened. Demons are indeed a big threat!"

In the realm of Dali Dynasty and Chongyuan Tianzong, human beings are still facing the threat of demons, and countless monks have died for the materials on the demons.

And after killing for a long time, the tide of demons set off by the demons caused the death of ordinary monks in large numbers. For the demons, human monks were also a great supplement.

It's just that the throne and king will not interfere at all in this kind of struggle, leaving the lower-level monks to fight for life and death. Decisive battles will only break out at special times, such as the reincarnation moment of the battle to become an emperor and become an immortal.

During this period, even high-ranking people may die in large numbers. Once a certain limit is exceeded, humankind may be exterminated.

"The Juehuang's plan was completely unrealistic. Although I don't know what happened specifically, the Juehuang soon fell. The Fire Spirit clan was also strangled by all parties and was eventually exterminated. Only one big figure escaped with the Juehuang's legacy. Go far away to Bianzhou.”

"And the reason why this big shot was able to escape was just because he was of no importance and gave the emperor his final respect. Now, tens of thousands of years later, this big shot was suddenly involved in the death of the Heavenly Lord and had to destroy himself."

The men of the sect also knew the inside story because of the recent major events. Otherwise, how could they have known the emperor's secrets by such a coincidence.

"It turns out to be a divine general on earth. Is it actually the last bloodline of the Fire Spirit people?!"

Many monks thought of something and looked astonished.

"This is the background of the Fire Spirit Man, and if I guessed correctly, this should be the Fire Jade Heavenly City, the legendary place where the Emperor of Jue fell. But I don't know who exactly recreated this scene. Is this the place where the Emperor of Jue fell?" Are we going to kill them all?”

"It is related to the secret of the destruction of the Huolingren clan. Even the restoration scene will carry a curse. I don't know how many monks have died because of exploring the ruins of the Firelingren. If we accidentally trigger it, it will be impossible for the gods to save it!"

The sect man said.

"It's been tens of thousands of years, but the curse is still in effect? ​​Wait, we can't use the power of the mysterious realm, could it be because of this curse?"

A white-robed monk looked a little ugly. He thought it was some kind of big formation that could be restored as long as it was destroyed.

But if it were a curse that targeted an entire race, even the power of one clan could not break it, so how could he lift it.

"The inability to use the power of the mysterious realm is not because of the curse, but because this space and time is isolated from the outside world. Only our true bodies are pulled in. Remember, it is the true body that is pulled in. If you die here, you will really die. No May be resurrected in Xuantian."

Yun Ye suddenly spoke.

The faces of the three Xuanjing monks darkened. They also had a premonition of this possibility. Even the Crown Prince Shenlu thought so, so I'm afraid they were inseparable.

The monks who opened themselves up to Xuantian still have their true bodies, but they often release clones as smoke bombs. If the true body standing in Xuantian falls, the only way to resurrect is to let the soul return to Xuantian and reshape the body.

But the time and space of this world is blocked, and Xuantian cannot even be sensed. Naturally, the soul has nowhere to escape. Death is true death.

"It seems that we were specifically chosen to attack. According to this statement, this ability should be ineffective against Zhenren. After all, Zhenren's three laws are integrated into one. There is no difference between the body and the soul. They are completely integrated with Qingtian. If you want to disconnect the two, you can only It could be death."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Your Majesty, here we go again."

One of the two maids suddenly said, and then everyone felt the temperature rise sharply. With a thought, they immediately dispersed.


The fire spirit man slapped down the flames, and the flames were all-pervasive, but were quickly absorbed by the fire jade. However, even the instantaneous high temperature still caused the people's clothes to be partially ignited. They were all wearing magic robes and treasured clothes, which had extremely high strength. They wanted to ignite and not simple.

"The great formation here can even suppress the power of equipment. What kind of ability is this that can reproduce such a real scene?"


The nine people's mana flowed, stimulating the power of the magic weapon and extinguishing the flames.

Immediately, he activated various hidden methods and moved his position again, not to compete with the Fire Spirit Man.

It's not that they can't be defeated, the main reason is that there are too many of them, and some of them are similar to generals, and they are stronger than ordinary fire spirit people.

The power is only maintained in the legal realm, and the destructive power is suppressed by the formation. It is impossible for them to penetrate the Fire Jade Heavenly City with strength.


Suddenly, a flame flashed past, and a person in the hidden state had his pupils dilated and suddenly grabbed the fire thorn piercing his chest.

Powerful mana flowed, trying to trace the assassin along the fire thorn, but the next second the person turned into a mummy, and the body was quickly engulfed in flames.

A special fire spirit man stood on the house, withdrew the fire thorns on his body, and locked his eyes on the others. The next second, he waved his right arm, covering his whole body with a cloak, and turned into flames and dissipated in the air. Special method to jump to the next person.

"No! It's a third-level evolved individual from the Spirit Fire People clan. Judgment Fire Spirit. Run away!"

The sect man roared, and a large amount of information was transmitted to everyone's minds.

He finally told the information that was helpful for fighting and escaping, but this was his intention. As a high-level monk, even if he loses Xuantian, even if there is a large formation to block it, he still has a premonition of divine magic. How can it be better than just the magic realm? The monk's maid reacted more slowly?

It was just that he wanted to have more cannon fodder to reduce the probability of him being targeted in subsequent attacks.

Judgment Fire Spirit, a third-level evolved individual.

Ordinary fire spirits are about two to four meters tall, with a human shape and some traces of magma-like flames. These traces are actually very stable. Ordinary people will only feel warm when touched, but once they are activated, the entire fire spirit will be Transformed into a flame giant, born with the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, with infinite power.

The difference between the Judgment Fire Spirit and the Fire Spirit Man is not just a stronger cultivation level, but also a change in physiological form. At this stage, the Fire Spirit Man will grow four spikes similar to chains, and half of his body will be covered. Wearing a cloak, the spikes can imbue the person with huge energy and incinerate the person who is stabbed. The cloak can turn into flames and fly around, appearing anywhere there is a flame at will.

The Fire Jade Heavenly City, which is full of fire spiritual power, is equivalent to being shrouded in a sea of ​​fire. This ability is no different from teleportation at will. If you are targeted, you can only force a fight, and you will probably die.

If you want to avoid the detection of the Judgment Fire Spirit, you need to completely integrate your breath into the fire spirit power, otherwise it will be no different from the sun in the darkness.

As a monk in the Dharma Realm Xuan Realm, there was no weak person present. He quickly changed his concealment methods and tried to completely integrate his breath into the fire spirit power.

Two people with suitable abilities actually succeeded and could no longer be detected by the Judgment Fire Spirit. However, it was more that they couldn't perfect it in a hurry. They just made the Judgment Fire Spirit spend some more effort, and three more people were crucified in the blink of an eye.

The five people who survived, except Yun Ye, all had lingering fears.

If the difference in strength was just too big and they were killed, they would have been mentally prepared for it. However, this kind of sealed power made them unexpectedly uncomfortable when they experienced their previous powerlessness.

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