A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 546 Nine-Star Goddess

Venerable Beixing tried to resist, but failed. Queyou was overwhelmingly victorious against him.

When faced with lower-level forces, power can no longer resist with numbers, but in the same level field, developing depth and one's own cultivation base is the key to victory.

Even though Queyou has just stepped into the King of the Manifest Realm, the powers he has gained are still very preliminary, but under the influence of the concept of the Ten Heavenly Stems, he can control all kinds of powers freely, and his actual level is much stronger than that of Venerable Beixing.

As for the foundation of cultivation, Queyou is indeed not as good as him in terms of cultivation, but when it comes to foundation, with Queyou's racial talent and the Ten Heavenly Stems, it is indeed not comparable to a monk who only masters the three spiritual arts.

The Nine-Star Heavenly Sect has five major inheritances, the strongest of which is the lineage of the Nine-Star Heavenly Lady. This is the strongest inheritance of the Nine-Star Heavenly Sect in the past, and it has mastered divine magic comparable to the fourth level of spiritual magic.

After obtaining the extremely spiritual method, it was gradually improved into the extremely spiritual divine method. However, judging from the level of Zhenren Zihuo, the divine method at this time should only be equivalent to the "one extremely spiritual and three ordinary" in the spiritual method, and there are a lot more Room for improvement.

"Resist with all your strength!"

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

The city suspended in the sky, its barrier broken, encountered a catastrophe. Hundreds of monks were roaring, using their trump cards to resist the attack!

The First Spiritual City is the base camp. Although there are very few top-level monks, there are many bloodlines derived from their families. At this moment, they all contribute to assist the formation in mobilizing power. The divine light in the sky turns into spears and kills Queyou. Millions of them fall every second.

This is a real-person Dzogchen-level divine spear. It has been accumulated by Tianzong for thousands of years, so it cannot be underestimated.

It's a pity that Queyou is a strong person even in the realm of king of the manifest world. Below this realm, he can be described as an ant.

Compared to the King of the Manifest Realm, this little support is really a drop in the bucket. It cannot stop Queyou in the slightest, but instead continues to grow Queyou's power.

Many monks were shocked and angry because of this, and glared at Queyou, but were directly shocked to death by the barrier between them.

This is Queyou's power using sight as cause and effect, directly obliterating it, and it is an instinctive reaction.

The respected monks and demons from the manifest realm, these two beings indeed have god-like power. As long as the conditions are met, they can sense everything they think and need. It is also easy to kill people by following their gaze. They have broken through too many shackles.


As Queyou feasted, swallowing up the massive amounts of spiritual energy, mana, and true energy like a glutton, the barrier of the First Spiritual City finally collapsed.

The surface of Lingcheng was in ruins, and the formation was forcibly terminated.

A large number of monks cried for their fathers and mothers, hoping that Venerable Beixing would help, but he was too ancient, had lived for thousands of years, and his personality was too indifferent.

To fight for a group of unrelated beings who are destined to be cannon fodder, and to fight for their lives with King Queyou?

It's impossible.

Lord Beixing sat and watched the destruction of the first city. Under the shroud of the Taoist weapon, his expression returned to indifference and he restrained his murderous intent.

Since he can't be killed, there is no need to think about the weight that does not belong to him. If he bears it, it will just be crushed, which is meaningless.

Queyou was indispensable. As he walked, all the power of the First Spiritual City was extracted and feasted like never before. All the monks and even almost all the real people were swallowed up. Only the five chosen real people escaped with the talisman of the Lord. He retreated embarrassingly behind Lord Beixing.

"Your Majesty, the First Spiritual City has been destroyed. This..."

Before Ru Xin Ben Lo Tian Xuan could finish his words, he suddenly shut up because he felt the Lord's bad aura and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He didn't dare to say more.

Lord Beixing glanced at them and didn't say anything more. He just showed no signs of taking action and just sat back and watched the situation develop.

He is waiting for someone.

The core of Tianzong is the five great sages. If the first spiritual city is destroyed, it will be destroyed. If some real people or disciples die, they will die.

As long as the five great venerables are immortal, all of this can be rebuilt in an instant.

King Queyou's attack on the First Spiritual City was completely a good thing for Tianzong. The fifth seat that was originally lost was just recovered at this time.

Everyone was waiting.

"King Queyou is still growing. Isn't this disaster beast too abnormal? Have you seen it in the literature?"

Ru Xin Ben Lo Tian Xuan Zhenren had a conversation with the four Tian Xuan gods. He had never seen a demon or disaster beast whose aura could grow to such an extent.

Every second, his strength is improving at a rate far exceeding his own strength. That is an infinite gap, and there is no way to think of resistance.

"Some existences in legends and myths may be comparable..."

The four real people were silent.

They are now witnessing the myth. Even if they are suppressed, King Queyou is proud enough.

This is the realm of Tianzong, and it can actually penetrate into the core area, leaving even a venerable person helpless. How many years has it been since such an abnormal situation happened?

"Legends and myths, haha, that's too high. Legends and myths are far more than that."

Venerable Beixing suddenly spoke, causing the five real people to quickly lower their heads and salute.

The spiritual thoughts and thoughts of low-level monks are obviously clear to the Venerable. Even if he is careful, it is like conspiring loudly.

He knew too many secrets, and he just found it funny. Although in this era, this disaster beast did look terrifying, but in terms of invincibility and mythology, it was still too overestimated. The existence of true invincibility was enough to make him a respected person. Everyone bowed their heads, not daring to have any thoughts.

This King Queyou is far from reaching this level. At best, he can only show off his majesty in this era.


The space-time gap that has not disappeared once again bursts into space fluctuations.

Venerable Beixing's expression changed and he looked quickly.

I saw a figure walking out.

In the hazy moment, he could only clearly see that she was a woman. She was completely shrouded in fog. Only her clothes could be seen, and they were still blurry.

It can only be seen that she seems to be wearing a long skirt of fireworks. Under the strong wind, a wisp of flames from the long skirt are blown away in the wind from time to time.

"It's actually the goddess of heaven!"

"The goddess who has been cultivating in the Holy Land, and it is said that once she is born, the world will be in chaos, actually takes action at this time?"

The expressions of the five chosen ones changed drastically, and they couldn't help but shout inwardly.

I saw this goddess walking uprightly in front of Venerable Beixing, looking at Queyou from a distance. Without saying a word, Venerable Beixing lowered his head:

"Fellow Daoist Dongxing, I have to trouble you in the end. I can't do anything about this King Xian. Please forgive me."


The goddess shook her head, her long golden hair swaying with flames burning, and she did not blame Lord Beixing.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your understanding. Then I will take my leave first. If I stay here, it will only affect my fellow Taoist's spellcasting, and I won't be of much help."

"After I surrender this monster and seize my seat, I will celebrate for my fellow Taoist."

Venerable Beixing gave a bitter smile, took a step back, and disappeared directly into the cracks in time and space. Along with him, there were the five great chosen ones.

In this time and space, there is surprisingly only the Nine-Star Goddess standing in the sky, watching Queyou quietly.

Que You is attacking all the time, but the foundation of the First City is still too strong. Even if the barrier is broken, there is still a huge amount of spiritual light that can be swallowed up. As a king of the manifest world, his appetite is already quite astonishing, and it has not been completely swallowed until now. .

And as it devoured and devoured, the figure suddenly started to sway...

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