A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 541 The Nine-Star Heavenly Sect that completes the system

The beautiful woman in a purple dress walked out of the space crack, raised her hand slightly, and the world suddenly changed.

Stars were suspended in the sky, and purple ribbons and illusory mist were scattered.

Every step she took, hundreds of flowers bloomed, beautiful enough to make people feel dreamy. This woman was also very oblivious to others, and did not even look at Queyou, raised her right hand, and opened her red lips.


There was a faint humming of a ballad, the sound came from far to near, becoming clearer and clearer, and the noise of the whole world was fading because of it.


Queyou was restless and gathered towards the beautiful woman to hunt her down, but the scary thing was that after getting close, Queyou actually calmed down and stayed quietly in front of the woman, as if listening to the performance of an idol.

"Is this, the charm magic? No way, it is also effective for an unintelligent life like Queyou?"

Mingri said in surprise.

"Hiss, this is really a big trouble... This is not a spiritual charm magic, but a material control magic, and it is at least the fourth level of spiritual magic, with a very high development depth."

"When spiritual charm reaches its peak, it is material control. Whether it is time, space, cause and effect, fate, the magic can control it. It is not limited to the consciousness of life. It is just that it is difficult to use the magic to pry things other than consciousness."

"It is not something that ordinary sects can do to study the magic to the fourth level of spiritual magic. It should be a knowledge explosion that can only occur when the immortal dynasty is unified!"

Yun Ye has the same amount of knowledge as tomorrow, and has actually practiced it, with a keen perception.

He took a breath of cold air when he saw it.

From the feeling point of view, this kind of magic is already equal to the power of freedom.

According to Yun Ye's current vision, the power of freedom should have one or two extreme spiritual methods, and the power and characteristics are not weak. It is the so-called "classic spiritual method" in the classical rating.

The magic of the Purple Skirt Immortal is also of the classic level, but it is the modern version of the Tomorrow Country, with perfect characteristics of the Extreme Spiritual Method, revealing a strong trace of the Tomorrow Country.

This is a big trouble. Any Tianzong has obtained a lot of Tomorrow Country systems. Yun Ye can imagine what the forces in other parts of the human world look like. No wonder the emperor fell so quickly. These forces relied on the Tomorrow Country system to complete a technological explosion in a short period of time.

Obviously, after obtaining the Extreme Spiritual Method system, the high-level of the Nine Star Tianzong has completed the system adjustment and integrated the Extreme Spiritual Method into its own system of skills.

With the existence of the Venerable, it is too simple to adjust the stepping method recorded in the Heavenly Road. It is completely easy, and this is the biggest threshold for transfer.

"I thought it didn't matter if there was no decryption technology... I knew that the spread of bloodline knowledge was prohibited earlier."

Tomorrow said.

"Why do you think the family didn't announce the bloodline factor? As long as there is a slight possibility, it should be cut off. Whether it is bloodline mutation or divine method cracking, it is possible to turn out the information in the bloodline. This is inevitable." Yun Ye shook his head. Under the circumstances at that time, not announcing the bloodline would fall behind and there would be no way to catch up with the bloodline talent of the Luo Dynasty. The "Knowledge Inheritance Plan" should be implemented the most. This plan is to imitate the demons and write all kinds of knowledge directly into the bloodline, so that newborns can know it at birth without having to learn a huge knowledge system. This is exactly the reason for the large-scale outflow of knowledge in Mingri Country. Originally, this ability requires a password to unlock. Without a password, it does not exist, but occupies the gene storage capacity in vain. But it turns out that there is a lock with a password, and it doesn't take a blink of an eye to crack it. "Crack... It's not that simple to really crack the bloodline password. We have studied for hundreds of years to master the information expression of spiritual genes. Even if high-level monks can speed up the cracking, it should take at least tens of thousands of years." Mingri said. Tomorrow Country relies on millions of people to conduct joint research, and there are also Dao instruments to accelerate. Under such circumstances, it still took hundreds of years. Even if the computing power of high-level cultivators soars, it is only computing power, not wisdom and research ability. It takes less than tens of thousands of years to replicate, at least 100,000 years.

"Everything is possible. What if the other party has the ability to "unlock" or even the power?"

After Yun Ye said this, the topic ended.

Although the conversation between the two this time was a spiritual conversation, the speed was actually the same as that of normal people, taking about two or three minutes, not too fast or too slow.

As for the reason...

There was no progress on the battlefield, so the two naturally had time to chat.

Zihuo Tianxuan Zhenren seemed to have to finish singing her ballad, and invested all her enthusiasm, so that even though Queyou was controlled, she still did not take action during the period to solve this trouble.

As an existence that came out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, Zihuo Tianxuan Zhenren has her own personality and her own persistence.

And the most important thing for a divine cultivator is the spiritual will, or the state of mind.

Yun Ye never majored in the magic because the state of mind was so mysterious that he could not understand it. Even though he had a high talent for the magic, he could still feel the gap.

As a native and peerless genius, Zihuo Tianxuan was able to overcome all difficulties and reach the position of the five chosen ones, becoming the heir of the Eastern Star Venerable and the Nine Star Goddess. Naturally, she had an extremely strong talent and an extraordinary understanding of the state of mind.

She could control the magic of enchantment with her own mood and reach the extraordinary holy realm where everyone loves her and flowers bloom.

If Ruwei is the fourth level of spiritual magic.

The holy realm is the fourth level of the magic, and the difficulty is only higher, not lower.

Yun Ye has always been unable to reach the corresponding heights in divine law and physical law. It was he who brought Ruwei into divine law and physical law. Although they are indeed equivalent, divine law can have the characteristics of both subtle and holy realm at the same time. In terms of the upper limit, divine and physical methods are indeed completely superior to spiritual methods.

Generally speaking, the upper limit of divine magic is extremely high, and it can almost crush spiritual magic at the same level. Physical magic can barely compete, but it is still inferior.

The divine magic monks Yun Ye has always encountered can only be described as ordinary, and they have not mastered the essence of divine magic at all.

The divine method of Zihuo Tianxuan is the real divine method. Even Queyou, who has the power to evolve, has no resistance and was controlled for three minutes. It is indeed evolving, but it is manipulated In this case, evolution is out of control and almost stagnant.

At this time, Yun Ye finally discovered Que You's true weakness.

As a disaster beast, the basic unit of Queyou's body is called the Demonic Disaster Virus, and the combination of countless Demonic Disaster Viruses is Queyou's true body.

In this form of Queyou, in order to be able to kill each other and replace each other, the connection in the physical space is disconnected, and there is only a hazy spiritual connection.

Therefore, once Queyou gathers together, the strength will be greatly enhanced, but if they are dispersed, the strength will be greatly weakened.

This seems normal and nothing logically wrong.

However, this is a characteristic that only appears in low-level life individuals. The body of a monk in the Three-Day Realm has already become the Three-Day Self. Even if there is only one cell, it can still exert its full power. The so-called cells and bodies are just manifestations of the material world. Cutting it into pieces does not affect the monk's power source.

But Queyou is different. Separating its body can really weaken its strength. This is its fatal weakness. Super-speed reproduction requires quantity. Without quantity, even Queyou cannot update and evolve perfect resistance in a short time. sex.

In just one battle, Nine Stars Heavenly Sect grasped the key to the problem.

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