A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 527 Nine-Star Heavenly Sect

"I didn't expect that Ye Cang turned out to be Qingtian. Fortunately, you didn't show up, otherwise we would have been in trouble." Tomorrow sat on the streamer and floated in the air.

"It's always been like this. It's reasonable to be steady, but I don't know if there are other true immortals." Yun Ye was depressed.

Although he knew there was a problem, the problem was too big. Can a true immortal be reincarnated into the lower world?

If Qingtian's strength wasn't still a billion points weaker, he would have been exposed.

The final boss in Novice Village is so miserable.

"After living for a million more years, I naturally have a lot more ideas and methods, although they are a bit weaker." Tomorrow commented.

"It is indeed too weak. Is this why all the power is sealed?" Yun Ye pondered.

"I don't know, don't guess. Which direction do you want to go now? This way, or this way." Tomorrow pointed.

There are naturally two directions to go around the forbidden area of ​​the sacred mountain.

To put it bluntly, it’s left and right.

"Let me see."

Yun Ye pulled out the map collected by the royal family of the Qianyuan Dynasty, "Hey, there is one of the five major forces on both sides, the Jiuxing Tianzong on the left and the Dali Dynasty on the right."

"Imperial Dynasty? Hey, with the existence of the Supreme Emperor, would anyone dare to name it like that?" Ming Ri came over to take a look.

As a result, it was detailed on the map that the Dali Dynasty was founded by the descendants of the emperor. Although it has declined, it does have this qualification.

"The country established by the emperor is the Immortal Dynasty. After the Immortal Dynasty collapses, it will be downgraded to the Imperial Dynasty. The Dali Dynasty has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. It has suffered many catastrophes and its bloodline has become thin. It can only barely squeeze into the top five in Bianzhou. In a few years, I'm afraid this title will be taken away. But for now, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so it may still have a trump card," Yun Ye said casually.

"That's not true. The land of seven states that can occupy the core area has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but it hasn't accumulated any foundation yet?" Ming Ming was surprised.

"No matter how strong your foundation is, it can't withstand the wear and tear of reincarnation. If you stand in the wrong team once, tens of thousands of years of development will disappear. Moreover, even high-level monks may not be able to control the growth of their heirs. The time is too long, and there will always be problems in development. At that time, it was already very strange that it could exist for hundreds of thousands of years." Yun Ye said.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, he could deduce that there were only a few reasons such as the time of reincarnation that could threaten forces of this level.

"Where to go?" Tomorrow asked after nodding.

"Nine-star Heavenly Sect, Ye Cang's father said that the snake demon's face was made after the Nine-star Heavenly Lady, so he may also be from the Nine-star Heavenly Sect. The forces assisting Qingtian are obviously very powerful, and they are more representative of the current situation of the Red Heaven Realm than ordinary forces. The human intensity of the era." Yun Ye said.

Although he was not in a hurry and could wander around, he did not forget that his purpose was to explore the overall strength of the Red Sky Realm.

Life goes to the left, destiny goes to the right.

Yun Ye chose Jiuxing Tianzong purely because of his needs, and he didn't care about the so-called fate, as long as the choice was his own.

Being within the jurisdiction of the world, theoretically no matter what choice you make, it will be recorded as your destiny.

It would be boring to go out of your way to play devil’s advocate.

On the contrary, he was willing to go against the prophecies that promised to inform and indicated that he was already on the predetermined path of doom.

It's a pity that since the beginning of the world, his own personality has been the God of Creation, and there is no other color.

It may be possible to see it, but in terms of a completely fixed destiny, even Yun Ye's power to create the world cannot be seen. Maybe this future is too far away, or maybe it doesn't exist at all.

Yun Ye didn't care, decided on his goal, and then walked forward with Tomorrow, crossing the mountains, rivers and seas to the jurisdiction of Jiuxing Tianzong.

As one of the five major forces in Bianzhou, the Nine-Star Heavenly Sect only occupies one state, and its name is Xingzhou.

This star state is quite vast, with an area far larger than the normal hundred states, and the sky is also quite peculiar, covered with layers of star curtains. Yun Ye's eyesight can see many things that ordinary people cannot see. He deliberately counted them and found that there are many things that ordinary people cannot see. There are nine levels, and each level is getting smaller.

"Is the final ninth level of the sky the location of the Nine Stars Celestial Sect? It's a big deal. Any level has the Yuanluo Dynasty's super formation. Although the scope of each level is shrinking, they are all advancing. Spirit formations, magic formations, etc. Formation, mysterious formation, true formation..."

Yun Ye murmured to himself.

This special and sophisticated thing is partly natural, but mostly artificial.

If he is the Nine Star Celestial Sect, he will definitely set the core within his own core jurisdiction.

"The concentration of spiritual energy here is astonishing. Even the fringe areas are at the level of the Great Wilderness Lingze, and some places with spiritual veins have reached the level of the core area of ​​the Great Wilderness Lingze. The core area should be even more astonishing, with formations of this level set up. It's not impossible. The only question is probably what materials can support such a huge formation..." Tomorrow said.

Barriers and formations are made of various materials and require a supporting core.

The larger the formation and barrier, the higher the level of materials required.

This kind of super formation that covers the entire Xingzhou and has nine floors would be impossible to complete without materials beyond imagination.

In fact, although Luozhou's formation is much stronger than Huangzhou's, it has not undergone any qualitative changes and is still in the category of spiritual formations.

If you follow the normal operation, you should continue to advance and upgrade it to a magic array, a mysterious array, or even a true array.

Although arrays such as magic arrays require more processes to transform and cannot be as large as spiritual arrays, their effects are indeed much stronger.

But in reality, neither the Luo Saint Clan nor the Pure World Holy Land did this.

The reason is very simple. There is no material to support a super-large array, let alone a mysterious array or a true array. They can only be used on a small scale. For example, eight real people used multiple mysterious treasures to build the Eight Desolations. Big array.

The Nine Stars Heavenly Sect in front of them is very scary. The first layer of spiritual formation covers the entire Xingzhou. This alone is something that the Luo Dynasty cannot achieve no matter what.

The subsequent formation carriers will be changed every two levels, the third level's magic formation, the fifth level's mysterious formation, and the seventh level's true formation.

And the final ninth floor...

The formation of honor.

"The formation of the throne is not as simple as the formation. The difference in background can really be felt at a glance." Yun Ye sighed, the predecessors planted trees for the next generation to enjoy the shade.

"After all, it is one of the five major forces in Bianzhou. It has been passed down for many years. It is the winner of the last reincarnation. Naturally, it cannot be underestimated!" Tomorrow rolled his eyes at Yun Ye.

"Let's go! See what kind of background one of the five strongest forces in Bianzhou has!"

Yun Ye still maintains isolation from the world, and no calculation or monitoring can get the correct answer. Even if he talks to someone, what the other person sees is the most suitable appearance. He is already in a completely detached state without leaving any trace, so as to put an end to Problems that may arise.

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