A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 515 Protagonist-like figure

The human-monster war has begun, and it is extremely cruel. Both sides are using countless deaths to create a new generation of strong men.

Under this kind of competition, a large number of geniuses died and a large number of geniuses emerged.

The Qianyuan Dynasty, which is already at a complete disadvantage, really has no spare power to continue to suppress the common people or the lower-class families. As long as they can be turned into combat power, they will be cultivated, hoping that more Xuanjing and even Zhenjing monks will be born as soon as possible.

Among them, a young man named Ye Cang rose rapidly. Although he was born as a commoner, he had unimaginable intelligence and talent. He deduced spiritual methods on his own and created the most suitable method for himself. Relying on this method, he defeated powerful enemies one after another. Rapid growth.

I practiced cultivation at the age of fifteen, and at the age of sixteen my spiritual realm was complete, and I was only one step away from the Dharma realm.

And just when he was trying to fuse the magic weapon to break through the current realm, the team was hit by a catastrophic attack and almost all were wiped out. He was also seriously injured and fell into the Ice Dragon Lake.

Ice Dragon Lake, legend has it that a dragon of ice and sky was born here, so the dragon energy is generated by itself, and the demons contaminated by the dragon energy are very powerful, and there are even country-destroying demons, and due to the special nature of the dragon energy, even the evil disaster virus cannot The erosion here has preserved the complete bloodline evolution chain.

It would be extremely dangerous for a human being to fall into it, even in the Mysterious Realm, let alone the Spiritual Realm?

But Ye Cang did not give up his struggle, and fought many times with the monsters in the lake. Finally, when he was unconscious, he suddenly broke through some barrier and fell into a waterless cave. He finally couldn't hold on and fell into coma. passed.

After he fell into coma, the cave was filled with light, and eighteen orbs fell from the sky, surrounding Ye Cang, allowing him to float in the air for body repair.

It had been several months since Ye Cang woke up again. He had no time to rejoice that he had survived. He counted on his fingers and his expression suddenly changed: "Three months have passed unexpectedly. If something bad happens, I'm afraid I'll be treated as a deserter." !”

The Qianyuan Dynasty had a way to confirm Ye Cang's life and death. If he didn't return to the army without death, he would naturally be considered a deserter.

If he is really defined as a deserter, those law enforcers will not care about his reasons, and it will be a merit to capture him!

Something bad is going on. He doesn't really want to escape. If he is judged as a deserter, his whole family will be brutally liquidated!

Ye Cang felt a sense of urgency in his heart and quickly looked around. His eyes were immediately attracted by the eighteen crystal orbs. Each of these eighteen orbs revealed something unusual, with a powerful and profound aura emanating from them, making his whole body cool. .

"Did I survive because I accidentally entered an ancient monk's cave, isolating the inside and outside? I didn't expect that I would have such a chance? Could it be that this treasure recognized me as its master and forcibly refined my physique? To such a height?"

Ye Cang also discovered his own changes. His spiritual body, which was originally an ordinary spirit without the Heavenly Path bonus, now reached Xuanpin. There were faint waves rolling in his body, as if it contained an ocean. His strength had increased by an unknown amount, and he was so huge. Shocked him.

"It cannot be for no reason that I have such a great opportunity. This cave must be related to me, or it may require me to do something."

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally walked cautiously into the cave. He was also looking forward to a great opportunity, and naturally he didn't want to miss it.

A few hours after entering, Ye Cang walked out with a face full of joy, holding the jade book tightly in his hand.

"Nine transformations of the true dragon! I didn't expect that the legend of Ice Dragon Lake is true. There really was a dragon of ice and sky. The predecessors even used this dragon to create the nine transformations of the true dragon. It can transform its physique step by step and step into the highest level of heaven. Realm! I’ve never heard of the ability to grow a spiritual body.”

"It's doable! How mysterious is it? Thanks to my unparalleled talent for self-control, I will definitely be able to find a new path. The wisdom of the elders cannot be underestimated!"

Ye Cang was not so happy that he forgot about the business. He looked at himself and found that there was no problem with his injuries. He immediately left the cave and headed for the water, blocked by monsters one after another.

He wants to return to the team!

The Qianyuan Dynasty was able to locate the deserter and did not come to him for such a long time. It must have known his situation and did not define him as a deserter. Otherwise, those greedy law enforcers would have come to kill him long ago.

Even if there are rules and regulations, the Qianyuan Dynasty only opened up the road to promotion, which does not mean that the original group of people have become better.

Those monks who hold important positions one by one will not do their best for the interests of the dynasty. It is normal to make as much as they can within the scope of their duties.

The high-level monks may not be able to prevent this situation, but they have been aloof for too long and don't take it seriously at all.

The general environment is still extremely bad, but it is slightly better than in the past. They encountered a major disaster this time, which was also the reason why the mission was too in-depth.

Difficult tasks are assigned to civilians, and simple tasks are assigned to members of powerful families. There may be civilians who can change their destiny and grow against the odds, but most of them will fall. They could have shined, but because they cannot bridge the gap. The great difficulty fell.

Ye Cang knew very well the faces of those law enforcers and those from the aristocratic sects, so he had some hope, thinking that he was not defined as a deserter. Otherwise, they would have come to arrest him. The deserters' achievements are much more than killing demons. , and much simpler.

Of course, he was still very cautious. He lurked back and met some acquaintances to learn about the situation in advance.

However, the emotions of his colleagues he saw were very strange. After Ye Cang's physical transformation this time, he could sense emotions from the water flow. There is so much water in the human body, so naturally he is no exception. At least he can clearly sense it even if he is a monk in the spiritual realm. Because of his emotions, Ye Cang discovered something unusual and decisively killed these people.

Sure enough, several teams had quietly surrounded him to capture him, a deserter.

Ye Cang's heart was cold. He knew that he was not hunted down just because the cave blocked the tracing methods, not because the law enforcers didn't want the credit.

His family members have all been brutally murdered!

In this case, even if they knew he had a reason, the Qianyuan Dynasty would still kill him. After all, what he had done was irreversible.

However, Ye Cang was never one who was willing to endure. He fought his way out of the siege crazily and escaped before the great monk noticed.

After that, although there was a Dharma Realm monk chasing him, Ye Cang, who had become much stronger, used one of the eighteen orbs to kill the Dharma Realm monk, and then fled back to the Binglong Lake Cave Mansion and began to hide in this hidden place. Advance the realm of magic and gain stronger power.

Ye Cang's protagonist-like story is about to begin.

On the battlefield between the Divine Thunder Demon Kingdom and the Qianyuan Dynasty, a lingering shadow gradually shrouded the battlefield. A being constantly manipulated high-level monks into puppets, spreading rapidly like a virus.

Yun Ye does not intend to directly use his magic power to obliterate both parties. He is just a clone. Even if the universe is growing, the power will flow back to the main universe because the Tiangan Universe needs to maintain its uniqueness.

In other words, the scale of the clone universe will always remain at the fragment stage, and its power is still limited. Yun Ye does not want to waste too much power.

It's because I don't want to, not because I can't.

There is always a trace of vigilance in Yun Ye's heart, wary of organizations that resemble divine orders.

These organizations have existed for too long, and it may be possible for the clones to die, resulting in the permanent loss of the universe fragments. Retaining his power is the best solution for him. In terms of his efficiency in controlling people, he can disintegrate the Divine Thunder Demon Kingdom and the Qianyuan Dynasty. It doesn't take much time.

And this amount of time is obviously not worth mentioning for the Devouring Secret Realm, which calculates time in years.

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