A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 507 The power to cut off history

When Feng Ci was desperate, the altar came into play.

The underground altar appeared in front of Feng Ci, and a large number of words flashed across it, seeming to be talking to Feng Ci. After that, Feng Ci agreed to certain conditions, and the altar glowed, offsetting the power of all Taoist artifacts in the area. Feng Ci then Break free and destroy the ruling family.

"Buzz buzz!"

When watching this clip, the fluctuations in time and space were extremely violent, and there was some kind of force preventing Yun Ye from exploring history.

A vague figure walked out from the end of time and space.

When he appeared, time and space began to collapse, extending all the way to today five thousand years later. He came with a strong murderous intention to kill the secret peepers.


Yun Ye's palms glowed, evolving the universe, activating the ten heavenly stems and ten methods to penetrate into time and space, and confront this person across the sky.

The two forces collided, and the power that created the world contained unimaginable mysteries, but the power left over from history was simply not enough to compete.

no doubt.

Yun Ye won, destroying the power of the blurry figure, and turned it into a pair of big hands to capture the figure and gain more secrets.

This figure obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. It seemed that he had sacrificed some treasure to stabilize time and space and increase his power. However, it was still distorted by the power of creation. His cold voice came from afar: "Continue to spy... The disaster is coming. to!"

"Haha, everything recorded in the long river of time and space is true, and I felt the intersection of cause and effect before I started investigating. If I don't continue, I will be in trouble!" Yun Ye suppressed him mercilessly. The reason why he came here This altar is located because of a strong premonition.

Since the creation of the world, he has almost reached the realm of omnipotence, and the body of the Luo Dynasty is extending this tentacle little by little.

His clone can be said to be a relay, which can expand the range of perception.

Time, cause and effect, destiny, these intertwined things are already very clear in his field. When he comes to the Feng Dynasty, he is almost bound to find this altar space. Such a clear context is not enough if the emperor's way comes to the world. to make him give in.


The figure was shot away in the fog, but still did not appear. He turned his back to Yun Ye, gradually moved away, and gave in, leaving only a cold threat, "It seems that you still can't understand the weight of the word God's destiny. As time goes by, you You will regret it eventually..."


Yun Ye shattered all traces, and he slowly shook his head, "I'm immune to all possible means. You can't find any way to find me, and you will regret it in the end?"

With the power of the Ten Heavenly Stems, it will be possible for the Tao Lord to glimpse his traces when he is still alive in the future, and all other dharma will not be able to observe him at all, as if he does not exist in the world.

If the other party was really powerful, Yun Ye would have felt in danger long before he started taking action, but the threat they brought now was far from enough!

"However, is it divine destiny? It can neutralize Taoist weapons through the air. It is either a power or a Taoist weapon. It has some background. But please don't become an obstacle to me. In this life, the situation has been reversed..."

Yun Ye continued to read the history.

Feng Ci himself did not awaken the Taoist tools, but only obtained the Taoist tools inherited from the ruling family.

As the price for the altar to save him, this Taoist artifact was sacrificed and disappeared into the spirit town. From this, it can be seen that perhaps God set up the altar to secretly collect Taoist artifacts... However, this reason is still Somewhat pale.

After that, Feng Ci was determined to overcome everything and started on the road against heaven.

He experienced life and death along the way, successfully reached the peak under the protection of the altar, and finally reached the limit of the power he had accumulated after a thousand years and his men.

He then started a war. In just ten years, he swept across 300,000 miles in the Feng Desert and established the Feng Dynasty. He then launched a war against Lei Mo, killed the demons entrenched in the super spiritual veins, and obtained the land of the two states.

The land of these two states and the heritage left by Feng Ci allowed the Feng Dynasty to survive for four thousand years. It was not until the arrival of the World God and the significant increase in the power of demons more than a hundred years ago that this long history came to an abrupt end. It can be said to be no small miracle.

During the thousand years that Feng Ci has grown up, he has continuously gained strength through the altar, strengthened his physique, and changed his destiny against the will of heaven. It is a heroic epic.

Yun Ye also gradually gained a glimpse of the power of the altar from this growth trajectory.

The altar can establish contact with the contractor regardless of distance. Whether it is skill proficiency or various knowledge, the altar can provide them all. The price is the Taoist tool, or to be precise, the echo.

And not only does it swallow the Taoist artifact, the altar also has the effect of separating the echoes, that is, it separates the echoes without destroying the Taoist artifact itself.

This is very special, and I don’t know if it’s the power or the effect of the Taoist tool itself.

And the most important part is naturally the "divine order".

For a thousand years, in addition to collecting Taoist artifacts and arranging various tasks, there is only one purpose that the gods can know, and that is for contractors to act as "eyes". Feng Ci has met with contractors from other areas and proposed to "Do you still have moving eyes?".

This "moving eye" was the assisting force given to Feng Ci by divine decree. It played an important role in Feng Ci's overthrow of the previous dynasty. Without this person, Feng Ci's success would have been very costly, and he would never have the chance to surrender again. The Feng Dynasty lasted for four thousand years.

In other words, the divine contractor may also have the purpose of surveillance. Although they don't know what they are monitoring, they still make people care.

Yun Ye continued to look back in time, traveling to the more distant past, wanting to discover more.

But more than 10,000 years ago, history was cut off, and an invincible force cut across everything, preventing all future generations from prying into it.


Tomorrow spoke immediately, blocking her sight with her hands so as not to look directly at this piece of history.

Yun Ye stopped decisively. He could also feel that the figure standing more than 10,000 years ago was a certain true immortal, or even multiple true immortals. At this time, it was impossible for him to compete with the true immortals. The level gap was too big. , it is impossible to be an opponent, let alone the possibility of multiple true immortals.

Unlike the throne that may die, the true immortal must still be alive. To alarm the true immortal in history is to alarm the true body. He cannot calculate what will happen if he alarms the true immortal queen.

"It seems like this place is as secretive as possible!"

Yun Ye raised his hand to destroy the altar, but soon he frowned, "Will destroying the altar directly tomorrow disturb the divine order?"

The most basic inspection of the integrity of the altar was enough for God to discover that he had been to Feng Dynasty. He could erase the traces, but Xintian and Tomorrow could not.

"Erase the traces and leave directly. There is no need to destroy it. It will be beneficial to us if it cultivates contractors at this time. It is showing us and hiding it. We have the final say on what it wants to do." Tomorrow said.

"That's right." Yun Ye's figure was illusory, and the traces of history were cut away. He had never been to the altar space, and even if he came here, he would not be able to find any clues.

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