A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 505 Queyou and the Underground Altar

The Feng Dynasty is divided into "Fengmo Prefecture" and "Leimo Prefecture".

The two major factions are both in Fengmo, where the living environment is better, and with the power of the Tomorrow Society, they can develop slowly.

If it were Lei Mo, he would not have enough strength tomorrow and would be in a precarious situation where he could be destroyed at any time.

After observing the situation in the underworld, the two set off for Shucheng.

But before that, something on the road that must be passed will take some extra time, because its existence makes Yun Ye very interested.

"This should be the scourge of troubled times that must be avoided in the records, right?"

Yun Ye and Ming Ri stood on a high mountain and looked down.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, dotted with sparkling stars everywhere. Even now that the fourth day of the Imperial Road has been polluted and the world has fallen into eternal darkness, there is still a dreamlike beauty.

And under this beautiful night scenery, there is a strange life hidden, which made the underworld designate this place as a forbidden area, and no one is allowed to enter within a thousand miles.

"Queyou is an invisible ghost-like existence. Even the divine thoughts of the Mysterious Realm cannot capture its figure. It has the ability to ignore Xuantian's protection and the corrosive ability of the top-level demonic disasters. Even the Mysterious Realm will be eroded."

Disaster beasts are called disaster beasts in different places in different places. As Tomorrow Club understands its nature better, it is actually called "Demon Disaster Corrosion Body", but Yun Ye always calls it a disaster beast.

"Even the mysterious realm can be transformed into a disaster beast. If this kind of thing spreads, it will be a disaster!"

Tomorrow is full of fear.

"The killing rules of the World God are endless. As long as you kill enough, you can naturally superimpose the ultimate virus that ignores everything, especially a virus with such a small size."

Yun Ye raised his hand, and a transparent light ball appeared. He simulated Xuantian's self-protection barrier.

Then he threw it in.

During this process, the aura of the transparent light ball began to decrease sharply, its brightness quickly disappeared, and in just a few seconds, cracks spread and disintegrated directly.

With Yun Ye's eyesight, he could naturally see the reason clearly.

There are countless things that are as tiny as the atomic level that are eating away at the barrier. They are naturally restrained in energy. One bite creates a gap, and they multiply and divide rapidly at this moment. At an unimaginable and terrifying speed, they are comparable to a complete defensive structure in the mysterious realm. The boundary disappears.

In other words, if one were to enter this area in a normal profound realm, it would only take less than ten seconds for the defense to collapse and the demonic disaster to transform into a disaster beast.

Tomorrow Council is right to ban people from entering this place. Although this Queyou is in troubled times, it is as dangerous as destroying a country.

"Why does Queyou stay here? The demonic disaster should have a strong desire to devour living people. Although there is life in this area, it is full of dead things."

Say tomorrow.

"It's probably because some characteristics have been lost after mutation, or there may be other reasons."

Green light appeared in Yun Ye's hand, and various powers intertwined, using the wood spirit method to complete a technique that was extremely lethal to the demonic disaster virus.

He aimed at the sky, and the big net that spread like an explosion instantly covered half of the sky, capturing Queyou. The invisible soul contained a large amount of demonic disaster virus. After being enveloped by the green net, it immediately began to die in pieces, causing serious consequences to Queyou. Kill.

Queyou felt the attack and took action, condensing his body to attack at one point.

Its size actually covers a radius of hundreds of miles, and it is very huge. Although it is still invisible, intangible, and not even in the physical dimension after gathering, its weight cannot be concealed. The "wave" formed is constantly spreading, and Yun Ye can clearly see it. to, and serve as attack coordinates.

Queyou was completely unable to break through, and his body volume dropped sharply.

Its other mechanism immediately activated and began to devour itself, strengthening its resistance to Yun Yeling's magic.

A large number of demonic disaster viruses killed each other, and specifically strengthened the resistance to the "deficient ghost method", and it actually sublimated several times in a short period of time.

If it is an opponent of the same level, Queyou only needs to evolve twice to lose the "special attack" effect of the damage. After evolving once more, it can surpass the zodiac restraint. When it evolves for the fifth time, Queyou can restrain the opponent. Swallow it easily.

It has "Special Attack against Xuantian" for this reason.

Xuantian's protection is not static. There are a lot of differences in attributes and mysterious methods. If it does not have super-speed adaptability, it will be difficult to defeat it.

But unfortunately, the result was uneventful, and Queyou was extinguished. Although it was invincible within the scope of the Feng Dynasty, the power gap between it and Yunye was too huge, and it was too late to evolve. What's more, Yunye also deliberately used restraint spiritual techniques. , it is useless to evolve ten or twenty times in a short period of time, it will still die.

Yun Ye dismissed this threat, but then he smiled as if he had seen something interesting: "You're not completely dead yet?"

The thing that was 100% obliterated to the point where nothing was left was resurrected without any basis.

Even its status has been improved, returning to its heyday. Under the gathering of a large number of colorless forms, the weight makes ripples splash in the space.

Wherever the ripples pass, various materials are twisted and cut at the spatial level, and the night scene of hundreds of miles evaporates immediately.

The ripples approach the cloudy night and then enter the mud and sea, disappearing quietly.

"Time travel? Or simple resurrection? ... It seems like it's not the case. Does it originate from something underground?"

Yun Ye's pupils turned into seven colors. After the creation of the world, his body was also sublimated. These eyes could now be called divine eyes.

The intersection of yin and yang and the five elements make it possible to see everything in the world. Even things like looking into the future can be done at this time. Although it is short-lived, you can indeed see some pictures of the future.

Using these rainbow eyes to observe things, Yun Ye has never encountered any obstacles, and the same is true for the current situation.

After he knew what was hidden, he observed more carefully, and something that was silently working underground surfaced.

"This is?"

In Yun Ye's surprise, Queyou, who was ignored, took action. His body condensed into tentacles, which were suddenly thrown out and wrapped around the Tianqian universe.

These gatherings of demonic disasters that could easily corrode Xuantian turned into nothingness the moment they came into contact with the Tiangan Universe, and extended all the way to the main body. This process was so fast that Queyou didn't even have time to cut off his arm to survive.

However, Que You cannot be killed at this level.

Its source comes from something underground.

Yun Ye's figure was in a trance, and he immediately dived underground to search for the source of the breath and the causal line.

Then, he arrived at an underground space. A conspicuous altar was placed in the center. It seemed to have no aura and almost no aura. On the surface, it looked like a completely ordinary object.

Yun Ye quickly noticed that there was a passage in this underground space leading to the ground, and the exit was quite hidden and was actually in the river.

Seeing this scene, an idea immediately came to Yun Ye's mind.

"Calculation...the protagonist's opportunity."

"This is like an opportunity specially prepared for someone."

Yun Ye said with a strange expression.

"It just looks like it. You still have to see what it actually does. I don't think the function of an altar placed in a high dimension is that simple."

Tomorrow focuses on something deeper.

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