The secret realm of Yingyue.

Everyone practiced silently, and with the aura environment of the Yingyue Secret Realm, there was no problem in maintaining the practice of a hundred people.

The first is to practice spiritual meridians.

The spiritual method meridian solidifies existing energy into energy channels, so the stronger the energy itself, the higher the effect of the spiritual method meridian.

At the same time, their own energy is huge, and they do not need external spiritual energy to practice spiritual meridians.

Most people complete the mortal realm within an hour and start practicing the original method.

Only some people are doing this.

Both the Saints and the Spirits have ascending bloodlines. Originally, the Heavenly Path required the perfection of spiritual methods to open, but in this era, a certain mechanism of the Heavenly Paths was triggered, which made it less difficult to open. Although the Saints and Spirits did not practice spiritual meridians, He has already cultivated into a spiritual body.

They can start spiritual practice directly.

In fact, the biggest function of the spiritual meridians is to provide a large amount of reserve energy, and gain meridian amplification when used. The effect is not very strong for them, and the spiritual patterns of the spiritual meridians add to the spiritual power of the spiritual realm, and the effect is also Decreasing.

The realm that really needs to work is the Dharma Realm. The Nine Transformations of the Dharma Realm is an unreasonable compression of quality that can effectively multiply the power.

In addition, due to the side effects of using Tianlu Sublimation, Shui Wuge fell into a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state and needed external assistance to recover, so Yun Ye took her with her and controlled her body to repair it.

After using Heavenly Road Sublimation for the second time, this is not a small injury. Even the elixir from Tomorrow Kingdom cannot be restored in a short time. Even if it is only used once, it will take at least several months to recover with the elixir. If not for the strength of everyone's bodies, To the extreme, even if there is a pill, this time will be extended to at least several years.

The burden on the body of the Heavenly Road sublimation is much higher than that of the Evil Spirit God. It is a secret technique that is truly used to fight for one's life.

On the flattened mountain, Yun Ye breathed a long sigh of relief, put Shui Wuge aside, and sat down cross-legged.

Shui Wuge's injury has almost stabilized, and now it's time for him to open up Xuantian.

Unlike others who opened up Xuantian at the ninth level, Yun Ye was at the tenth level, and his quantity and quality were far superior to those in his previous life.

This means that Yun Ye has far more qualifications than others and can develop a stronger self-Xuan Tian.

Yun Ye named the magic power of his realm as Tianqian magic power, and Xuantian opened with this kind of magic power would possess ten kinds of power at the same time.

Generally speaking, among the mysterious methods used by great powers, only those that are transformed into the underlying structure of Xuantian are the most effective. Although the other methods can also cause dimensionality reduction effects, they are okay for torture, and the lethality of the same level is only If it is not enough, it is very likely that it will not be able to penetrate Xuantian's defense.

Yun Ye has mastered ten kinds of power. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is all-encompassing. The upper limit is not trivial.

Of course, the difficulty of development is also exaggerated. If the ten forces want to stably build Xuantian, even if the Kingdom of Tomorrow has completed the calculation, whether Yun Ye's own control is enough is still a problem.


In Xuantian, worlds are constantly opening up.

This time, Yun Ye didn't have the time to find Xuantian's location, which had more information, and just opened up on the spot.

Although areas that receive a large amount of information can make Xuantian larger and integrate more mana, for Yun Ye, Xuantian itself constructed from ten kinds of power is already extremely huge, and there is really not much energy to pursue more. powerful.

Of course, the recovery of Tomorrow's Sword and the pursuit of Dong Wang were both imminent, and he couldn't bet that the enemy would give him plenty of time.

"It's only one life anyway. As far as you can go, solving problems is the key."

Yun Ye repeatedly tried to open up Xuantian, and when his strength was insufficient, he took drugs. With the huge arsenal of pills accumulated by the Kingdom of Tomorrow, it was only in the Xuantian realm, and he had no problem repeating the practice dozens of times.


The tide rises and falls, and the bright moon rises in the sky.

Shuimingqin exhaled, a smile appeared on her pale face, and the phenomenon of rising tide in the night moon slowly disappeared.

"Is this the physical phenomenon mentioned in the spiritual practice?"

"You can indeed feel amazing energy. If you use it against the enemy, the enemy will be passive and have a natural blocking effect!"

Many people were amazed.

As they practice, the monks of the Holy Clan gradually discover the power of their own bloodline, and one after another some people are born with physical phenomena.

This is their talent. In the completely devoid of spiritual energy in the East King City, this talent has been hit hard and cannot be unearthed.


Thunder rumbled across the sky.

Shui Suqing looked at the sky in surprise. She didn't expect that her body magic phenomenon was actually thunder. Then she thought thoughtfully, "Was my body too strong before and suppressed the potential of thunder?"

I saw.

After the thunder roared, the dark clouds dispersed, a blazing sun hung, and the earth vaporized. After a while, the dark clouds gathered again, and the thunder roared again.

"The physical phenomenon, Fierce Sun and Thunder, will continue to transform, and it will become stronger with each transformation, which is not bad."

Shui Suqing was quite satisfied.

They once only strengthened their bodies, but did not evolve their bodies. The power in their bodies could only be awakened through spiritual blood resuscitation or heavenly sublimation.

Now after practicing spiritual arts, these ancient spiritual arts burned into the blood have finally been awakened, making them even more powerful.

"Awakening the vision, the injuries suffered by Tianlu Sublimation have been relieved a lot. Sure enough, simply increasing strength is different from evolving."

Everyone is deeply aware that they are undergoing rapid qualitative changes.

All I can say is that the killing rules are indeed too weird, and the enhanced power completely violates logic, and I don’t even have much sense of reality about it.

Everyone's practice lasted for about half a month, and they almost relaxed, but what should come will eventually come.

As the whole earth shook slightly, Shuimingqin, who had the keenest sense, was the first to notice that something was wrong.

"What is this? An earthquake? Coming from the ground? Something's wrong, it's not coming from the ground, it's coming from all directions in the entire space, and the air is also vibrating!"

Shuimingqin's consciousness swept around, connecting everyone's consciousness.

"Perhaps someone is experimenting with aerial shock in the distance?"

Shui Riyue called Ha Qie and said.

Earth, Water, and Fire can realize the Space Shock Spiritual Technique. Everything the spiritual technique passes through will vibrate, and its own structure will immediately collapse. It is a super-large-scale spiritual technique.

Experimenting at a distance may indeed affect this place.

"So, who's not here?"

Shuimingqin asked.

"Everything except the dance and singing."

Someone answered.

"It's not man-made..."

Everyone frowned immediately. All the demons in this secret space were killed when they entered. Even if they were automatically generated, they would not be so fast.

In other words, this abnormal situation is either the nature of the secret realm itself, or...

"not good!"

"I'm afraid someone is breaking into the secret realm, please notify Shui Changdong immediately!"

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

A ray of light flashed across the horizon.

The black-haired young man walked out, revealing a pair of colorful rainbow pupils.

"I'm already here. It's indeed King Dong. He's already here and wants to break into the secret realm."

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