A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 478 A Million Miles Chase

Yun Ye led thousands of people through space and left Dongwang City.

The power of these people can be completely transformed by the infinite circle and become his reserve energy, which also plays a big role.

But it's a pity that, as Dong Wang said, he persevered and had no intention of letting Yun Ye and others go, and directly tore apart the space to chase them.

Yun Ye mastered top-level space spiritual techniques, but he was still not as good as the Eastern King. From time to time, he would encounter obstacles, causing many casualties.

The entire team was in panic, even if they were fools, they knew that if they continued, sooner or later they would be killed by King Dong!

Dong Wang didn't know what realm he was in, but his magic power was definitely much higher than theirs. There was no way they could defeat Dong Wang in this area!

Yun Ye turned around many times and used the Nine Life Magic to cover up the spatial fluctuations, but without exception, Dong Wang saw through it and came after him.

Lure King Dong to the top demon and take the opportunity to escape?

does not work!

Dong Wang has the ability to incarnate and can separate his clones to block at will, which does not affect his continued pursuit of Yun Ye and others.

The shadow of death enveloped everyone.

However, Shuimingqin's expression didn't change at all. Of course she had thought of this possibility, otherwise she wouldn't have roped in everyone to share the pressure.

still have a chance!

With Shui Changdong's strength, there is still a chance!

"Captain Shui Changdong! Let's escape separately. If this continues, sooner or later we will be killed by King Dong. It's better to split up and take care of our destiny!"

Someone suddenly said that he was an ordinary foreigner, but his eyes were blank, but he was controlled by divine law, and someone used his mouth to express his opinions.

Everyone has different expressions.

Shui Riyue, Shui Qingya and others bowed their heads, Shui Suqing crossed her arms and ignored them, Shui Wuge was angry that someone split the team at this time.

At this time, they split up and ran away. Dongwang was 100% chasing Yun Ye, who was the strongest. They just wanted to gamble on whether they could be lucky enough to escape.

"That's absolutely fine. If you want to leave the team, you can do so right here. The King of East attacked just now, so it shouldn't be so soon until next time."

Shuimingqin spoke, she also wanted to get rid of these burdens. The power of the weak was almost exhausted. The speed at which they could extract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could not be compared with that of Yun Ye, Shui Riyue and others. They were no longer valuable.

Reality leaves no room for hesitation.

Immediately, the team of thousands of people dispersed.

However, the strongest Shui Qingya and others did not leave the team. They followed Yun Ye closely and escaped through space together again.

After traveling tens of thousands of miles, Yun Ye suddenly said: "They have all been destroyed... Dongwang has the incarnation of all spirits, so it is impossible to escape separately."

"After all, we have bought time, and since the power of the Eastern King is scattered, it will be difficult to recover it. No matter whether it is a demonic disaster or a disaster beast, such a huge soul power will not be allowed to escape."

"If you want to escape from Dong Wang's control, you must weaken Dong Wang's power as much as possible... The speed at which he is catching up with us has begun to slow down."

Shuimingqin said lightly.

The captains and vice-captains present nodded silently.

I am a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist. I am too stupid to blame anyone.

"here we go again!"

Yun Ye activated his spiritual method again and led everyone away.

Just a second after he left, the half-skeleton and half-flesh King Dong appeared in a wisp of black wind. He looked at the direction Yun Ye left and murmured: "The mana is almost consumed, is it called Shui Changdong? "

"He is indeed a monster. In less than twenty years, he has advanced to the Dharma realm. His strength can even deal with Gu. Gu is not an ordinary real person. He has devoured many people. He must have surpassed Lord Luo. He is only a Dharma realm." To be able to deal with Gu..."

"This Shui Changdong is extraordinary in both his physique and the methods he practices. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so strong. Is this the so-called world of great strife?"

"Not only has the difficulty of the Heavenly Road been reduced, but it has also become countless times easier to inherit the Heavenly Road bloodline. For this reason, countless evildoers will appear every time there is reincarnation! The future Taoist Lord from ancient times has a divine body with all five elements. Ming Weiyang, who came recently, Borrow light..."

"Now I've also met Shui Changdong."

"In just twenty years, I almost changed my destiny against the will of heaven. I will accept your power!"

All the real people's bloodline had flaws in their destiny because of King Dong, so they "sacrifice their luck to be born into the real people's family."

Although they were born into a real family, the possibility was gone and they were destined to be devoured or die young.

Cloud Night is different.

Shui Mingqin didn't see such a fate, so she was sure that even if Yun Ye didn't escape from Dongwang City 100%, he would have a far better chance than others.

"Open the door!"

King Dong opened the space and surprisingly used the ethereal method.

Although this ethereal method is only the original version of Tomorrow Kingdom, and is an order of magnitude different from the ethereal method that Yun Ye now uses to activate the Ten Heavenly Techniques, his cultivation level has undoubtedly filled the gap.

What's more, the real person can travel in space, so how can he not catch up with a person who has perfected the Dharma Realm? He is just consuming his power.

As a monk who has experienced the fall of the emperor and the demise of the Luo Dynasty, his pursuit of power has reached the extreme. A monster that has reached this level is not as simple as imagined. If you are not careful, you may not be able to complete the devouring.

He longs to swallow Yun Ye and complete himself!

"Looking for something?"

The monks present basically felt it. The young man in front of him was not panicking and seemed to be executing his plan step by step.

It felt like I was looking for something, as if I had been to this land before.

"Huangzhou, this is the territory of the Kingdom of Tomorrow!"

Shui Mingqin's eyes shone, and she finally understood why Shui Changdong was able to escape in the end. Could it be that Shui Changdong's bloodline inheritance left the legacy of the Kingdom of Tomorrow?

"finally reached."

Yun Ye traveled for a long time, and his strength was indeed almost exhausted, but he finally found his favorite place.

A spiritual vein where he once buried top-notch formations and massive resources!

As a monk who has been reincarnated many times and the chief of Tomorrow Kingdom, Yun Ye is naturally qualified to leave a large legacy in Huangzhou. This is his chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Open the big formation and hurry up to restore your strength!"

Yun Ye played the magic formula, and the entire mountain formation was activated, and the barrier suddenly appeared, and everyone followed Yun Ye to reach the ground ten thousand meters away.

The huge stone gate blends into the rock formations, making it difficult for even the conscious mind to notice.

"This is?!"

Shui Qingya and the others were stunned, and then all became excited.

Yun Ye played the magic spell, and the door to the treasure house suddenly opened. Amidst the vibration, the rays of light shone out first, and everyone present could not help but feel difficulty breathing...

They clutched their chests, showing signs of pain, and their whole bodies trembled.

"Treasure! It's such a huge treasure!"

"Hahaha! There is hope!"

Immediately afterwards, many people laughed.

After the door opened, a large amount of spiritual stones and elixirs were piled up, and they felt as if they were about to become immortals just by breathing.

When did everyone who grew up in the East King City ever see such a battle?

They were ecstatic!

With this large formation, they can further weaken Dong Wang's power, and the possibility of escape is even greater!

"Everyone regains their strength, Shui Wuge. I will separate my incarnations to help you cut off your connection with Dongwang as soon as possible to avoid being used again."

After Yun Ye finished speaking, he pinched his fingers to activate the spell, and a rainbow ring fell to the ground and transformed into another him.

Shui Mingqin, Shui Riyue and the others nodded and immediately sat down to look for various hidden dangers in their bodies.

Yun Ye walked into the depths of the treasure house and found a floating sphere device.

"Treasure weapon, Nine-Star True Celestial Instrument!"

All the conditions came together.

For the computing power required to advance to the profound realm, countless iterations of the Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument are enough to do the job!

"Nine turns!"

"Open the sky!"

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