A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 365 Restarting the Yingyue Secret Realm

"Are you studying the corresponding Yin-turning magic weapon? We understand, and we will verify the feasibility of the independent integration of divine magic and water-fire spiritual magic."

Everyone nodded.

Although it is very difficult, their job is to break through the difficulties.

Moreover, with the new theoretical direction, the difficulty will definitely be lower than before, and they still have some confidence in this.

Next, Yun Ye cooperated with Yang Yu and others in conducting multiple strength tests, and everyone recorded the changes in Zhuanyin Yongji after changing the method of use.

The results concluded that since the water and fire spiritual magic is fused with the divine magic, although it will be more difficult for humans to use, if it is a magic weapon that transforms into Yin, the difficulty of making it can be reduced to the level of the second level of the only attribute.

It is equivalent to the difficulty of missing one zodiac sign out of thin air... This is not a matter of several times. Every additional zodiac sign is equivalent to crossing an era. If you want to complete the integration of multiple zodiac signs with the power of one person, his talent must be the crystallization of countless eras.

In other words, change within a generation is theoretically impossible.

Only those who suddenly inherited the top bloodline factors through the Heavenly Road can hope to break through and master a higher level of zodiac fusion on their own.

Although the plan derived from the merit system is not easy to use for humans, it is a qualitative change for spiritual weapons.

To be honest, Yun Ye was also curious about why the merit system did not directly feed back to him after it was upgraded to Yin Yongji, but was diverted to the weapon refining.

Yue Xin’s answer to this question is simple: because the original Taoist instrument records all the knowledge of the Tomorrow Society, every deduction will use all this knowledge to find the answer—unless the difficulty of the answer exceeds the limit of 1,100 creation points, otherwise More or less you can get the answer.

Yun Ye's deduced plan was to refine weapons, but it was purely because he didn't have enough points that he could only go so far.

If Yun Ye doesn't even have 720 points, then he can't get the answer and can only do research on his own. As the research deepens, the point requirements will also be reduced. At this time, you can use the merit system to cheat and jump directly to the process.

Tomorrow will be able to develop so fast, but thanks to the merit system, this is a cheating device comparable to Tianlu, and its nature is very similar, and it can only be used once by one person.

The road to heaven is to climb the stairs.

The monster hunting upgrade of the merit system.


"Heroes think alike."

This is how Yun Ye evaluates himself, giving himself a pat on the back.

He didn't stay in the research room for long. In about 6 days, the work of collecting information was completed. Yue Xin gave Yun Ye a task alone.

"Do you know the Yingyue Secret Realm?"

Yue Xin suddenly said after seeing Yun Ye.

At this moment, Yun Ye's heartbeat stopped for a moment. This was the second time he heard such words, but the person who said it was different, and the feeling was completely different.

"I've heard of it. What's wrong, Teacher Yue Xin?"

Yun Ye remained calm.

“Hear it again if you’ve heard it before.”

Yue Xin said expressionlessly.


Yun Ye was relieved, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him, he just wanted to say this.

He pretended to be listening.

"Yingyue Secret Realm is a secret realm controlled by Baishi Town. It is very dilapidated. Most of the facilities are decayed, even its core buildings. The first generation chief of our Tomorrow Society, Yang Shi, is because Yingyue Secret Realm is too dilapidated. , passed three levels in a row, not only awakened the Taoist weapon, established the Tomorrow Society, but also obtained a secret treasure, and this is the reason why the Tomorrow Zhanquan Dao Sword has a secret realm."

Yue Xin spoke straightforwardly and very coldly.


Yun Ye nodded repeatedly, and he somewhat understood what Yue Xin wanted to say.

"The Yingyue Secret Realm is still at the Baishi Town ruins. You should be able to open it now. If there are resources produced by the Yingyue Secret Realm, it will be completely expanded tomorrow."

Yue Xin said.

Although the Yingyue Secret Realm is dilapidated and incomplete, it is actually very large in terms of area and spiritual power content. If it is completely controlled, it will be no less than ten spiritual towns.

In this way, the vague uneasiness I will feel tomorrow will subside a lot, and it will be a relatively safe escape route.

"I can't completely refine this treasure. I'm afraid I have to wait until the Dharma realm to fully control it."

Yun Ye said.

"It doesn't matter. You master the ethereal method and can pry open the secret realm if you have the authority. It is feasible for you. We will help you forcefully open the secret realm."

Yue Xin drew a divine magic array diagram, "After all, the secret realm is also created by monks. As long as you understand the rhythm of the secret realm, you can open it. And the technology we have mastered can easily shake the outer space of the secret realm and find out its rhythm."

"The Yingyue Secret Realm may not be where it is, and there is a high probability that it cannot be found due to space shock. But you are the holder of the Yingyue Ring. As long as you force the connection, even if it is only for one second, it will be enough for us to reach the position of the Yingyue Secret Realm. "

Yun Ye was thoughtful.

The current Treasure Environment Secret Realm has reached its limit and cannot grow any more elixirs, but the Yingyue Secret Realm cannot.

With the scale of Yingyue Secret Realm, once the potential is released, it will inevitably produce immeasurable spiritual energy, allowing 100,000 people to achieve the perfection of the mortal realm with ease!

The strongest point of the Tomorrow Society is gathering people. In addition to studying the fusion of zodiac signs, Yue Xin's most important topic is the formation.

One of the three formations she created can unite forces. The more people there are, the more powerful the formation will be.

If the Hundred Thousand Mortal Realm is completed, the large array constructed is enough to crush the Xuan Realm...

True or false, at least that’s what the calculations say.

"Are you ready to attack Luoyun Town? When will you start?"

Yun Ye asked.

Forcibly opening the secret realm will inevitably cause a big disturbance, and the surrounding Luoyun Town must be eradicated.

"Preparations have been completed. You activate the ethereal magic and go directly to the Baishi Town ruins to arrange. Once the right time and place are gathered, the war will begin."

Yue Xin waved her hand and gave Yun Ye the coordinates.

Yun Ye went over and found that there was already a team waiting for him. They brought a lot of facilities with them to increase the chance of opening the secret realm.

"Open the door!"

Yun Ye had been unable to open the Yingyue Secret Realm before, and it wasn't because he didn't want to.

The space gate covers everyone, and as ripples flash past, the entire team disappears in the City of Tomorrow.

Ever since Yun Ye mastered the triple zodiac spiritual method, the entire Tomorrow Society's space magic skills have begun to increase dramatically. Many of the Yin-turning magic weapons on his body can increase the effect of "opening the door", allowing him to complete long-distance teleportation.

In just a few minutes, everything in front of Yun Ye was replaced by a lake.

The former mountain wall has disappeared, and was implicated in the leveling of Baishi Town by the Taoist envoy of the Luo Dynasty.

Even the full moon that was originally reflected on the water disappeared without a trace, leaving only an ordinary lake surface.

With the arrival of Yun Ye and the others, a large number of demons took action upon hearing the news, and the monks of Luo Yunzhen who were guarding the place suddenly looked at a loss.

Everyone was enveloped in ripples and could not be observed. Yun Ye said:

"Start setting up!"

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