Tian Jing shook his head.

He chose a more difficult mode, squeezing the outside world's aristocratic families. As long as Tomorrow Club could continue to capture Ling Town, all this would not be a problem.

"Yue Xin Four Seats... I am a disciple of the third generation chief 'Dao' with whom I have excellent research capabilities. More than a dozen extremely spiritual techniques were completed by Four Seats. He even completed the concealment formation and the anti-god grand formation by himself. The design of the formation and integrated formation allows us to reach new heights in terms of security, anti-reconnaissance, and integrated strength.”

"At the same time, the monk school managed by Si Xi has achieved outstanding results, continuously providing us with talents, and greatly enriching the heritage of Tomorrow Club. Children are the future, and Si Xi is expanding the future of our tomorrow club. Their achievements are indescribable."

"Oh oh oh oh! Four seats!!"

have to say.

The impression of appearance is engraved in the genes, and Yue Xin's cheers far exceeded those of the previous few.

Under the spotlight, Yue Xin still had no expression, but her tone was slightly more soothing, and she said calmly: "The Six Spiritual Towns have been opened. I hope you will make less excuses and take more actions. Even if the problems of human nature cannot be completely overcome, they can still be solved." It should be partially overcome rather than allowed to develop.”

That’s all.

Yue Xin took her seat directly and said no more words.

Most ordinary people cannot understand the meaning of these few sentences without beginning or end.

There were quite a few people chewing on these words, their expressions changing again and again.

"Yue Xin, what's wrong with some new changes?"

Zhuo Qilian walked directly to Yue Xin and sat down, without waiting for Tian Jing to describe her achievements.

"All I saw was the abyss."

Yue Xin said coldly. She did not use magic to diffuse the sound. It was drowned in the sound of the waves. Only a few people such as Zhuo Qilian heard it.

"You see the abyss, but I see the rising sun. Excessive protection will always lead to destruction."

Zhuo Qilian smiled and didn't care about Yue Xin's attitude.

Yue Xin glanced at her, then turned her head and stopped talking. She didn't know whether she couldn't refute or didn't want to refute.

Tian Jing continued to introduce.

Every time a number one with outstanding achievements is introduced, the eyes of the people will shine more brightly.

As the introduction of Number 1 ended and the introduction of Number 2 came, everyone realized that there would be so many young talents tomorrow.

After thirty-five years of development, Tomorrow will be much stronger. The talents in the past were only a few, all of them children who were left behind in Baishi Town.

Yuexin's group of children were born in a worse situation, and they obtained their talents by squeezing their mother's body dry.

At the beginning of the Tomorrow Club, it was children like Tian Jing and Yue Xin who supported it. This was the first generation.

The next twenty rookies are the children who have ascended the bloodline after the family was wiped out. They are the second generation cornerstone of the Tomorrow Society.

Liu Shanwei is the most brilliant second-generation cornerstone. Combined with his family's bloodline, he has mastered the extremely spiritual wind, and his strength will rank among the top three tomorrow.

The second-generation cornerstones like Liu Shanwei can awaken tomorrow's Taoist tools, which also profoundly illustrates the importance of acquired environment.

Born in the Tomorrow Society, even though Liu Shanwei knew that his family was destroyed by the Tomorrow Society, because they had lived in the Tomorrow Society since they were young and had been analyzing their family and bloodline since they were young, they were unable to establish identification with their original family at all.

It has to be said that Yun Ye, a veteran, warned in advance that the development of the Tomorrow Society will be too smooth. In particular, education is placed fourth after administration, military, and legislation. It attaches great importance to publicity. Now every one is number one. To have such love, these publicity plays an important role.

What's more, the entire layout of Tomorrow City is problematic. There is genuine divine interference. Although it is weak, it can indeed form a hint over the years, making the positive image of Tomorrow City extremely stable.

Ideological management, which the family has never cared about, has been exploited to the extreme by the Tomorrow Society. More than 90% of ordinary people are extremely firm in the Tomorrow Theory.

On the contrary, as the strength increases and the resistance to divine magic increases, the belief in the way of tomorrow will waver.

Wu Cheng thought that the Tomorrow Society was taking advantage of ordinary people, and they were taking advantage of him. ——I want him to become cannon fodder and fight against the two sects.

This kind of mentality is actually very scary.

If it were the Earth, limited by money and mobility, etc., there would be no way to oppose the Way of Tomorrow. However, in the Red Sky Realm, individual strength is too strong, and the options available are beyond imagination.

For Wu Cheng, the knowledge was already in hand, and it was perfectly fine as long as it was not revealed.

He can leave Tomorrow City, find a remote spiritual town to join, and stand on the side with a higher winning rate.

It is true that he cannot establish a family. After all, all his knowledge comes from the Tomorrow Society and cannot be revealed at all.

But as a person who pursues immortality, he needs to care about future generations?

For him, as long as he can go further with Lingzhen's resources, why should he care about the rest?

Once you gain strength, you will become a master of others. It is too difficult to keep your mentality unchanged. You need to look at the person, the environment, and various other factors...

"We are trying our best to survive, rather than burning ourselves to illuminate others. Everyone, you must know that once you don't burn yourself, darkness will come in an instant. The world is so ruthless that we don't tap into everyone's potential. Without potential, it is impossible to defeat powerful enemies.”

The gray-haired old man came out. He was also wearing a light blue Yingyue cloak. The only difference was that he was dressed in a solid color.


The chief's uniform corresponds to his own spiritual root.

Poplar trees have earth spiritual roots.

Tian Jing is the spiritual root of fire and earth.

So one solid color and one red and yellow.

This is a water-fire patterned robe derived from "rice". It is a robe with combat value and can reflect one's identity. It is a type with a very clear standard.

"Chief Yangshu!"

Everyone saluted, with sighs in their eyes. As the father of the founder, although Yang Shu temporarily took charge of the Tomorrow Club after the death of the founder, he soon gave way to Dao. Since then, he has never interfered in anything. Back to where it should be.

And to this day, this old man has not used the resources of the Tomorrow Society to break through the spiritual realm. Instead, he stubbornly wants to return to dust with his wife.

Struggling in the human world is too ugly. For people like them, immortality cannot be said to be a curse...

The curse of decay.

Yang Shu did not overwhelm the guest, and left the scene after speaking for a while, handing everything back to Tian Jing.

"The introduction of outstanding people is over. They have led everyone, but everything is not entirely due to them. There are countless silent devotees."

Tian Jing watched the poplar tree go away, then he sighed and his voice spread throughout the ceremony venue: "Next, it's everyone's story."

He reached forward -


The fire cloud rolled like a tornado.

A sword with fire patterns roared and emerged from the tornado, blooming with a blazing light.


The sound of resonance sounded one after another, and more than a dozen Taoist tools were born in their respective Taoist realms, complementing each other.

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