A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 348 Four Seats·Yue Xin

The news that the Sixth Spirit Town was breached spread throughout Tomorrow City, and the most important node was connected.

The entire Tomorrow Club entered a busy personnel transfer.

Monk School.

Yang An put his hands on the podium and said, "Students, the school has issued a new notice. The cultivation resources of all classes have increased by 30%. Students who meet the requirements can ask teachers to apply to leave the city. At that time, you will be assigned to the six towns to carry out various tasks and enter the graduation stage."

"I hope everyone will do what they can and not do things beyond their ability. The situation of the major spiritual towns will be issued next, and some battle videos of previous graduates will also be screened in the next few days."

According to Yang An.

To enter the major spiritual towns, either a civil servant, to manage and research;

or a military servant, to protect the spiritual town from being invaded by demons, and to hunt demons for materials.

Both paths used to require assessments and were not accessible at will.

But this time, the conquest of the Sixth Spirit Town has greatly enriched the resources, and the number of places has increased by more than seven or eight times, and there are many more opportunities.

Even though the 17th generation has only been enrolled for one year, many people are eager to try, such as...

"I want! I want! I want to go!"

Yongfa was very excited. It was a great opportunity. How could he not seize it?

He wanted to be the first to enter the Six Towns!

Yang Yu, who was standing by, was already tired. He held his face and didn't want to see anyone, so he didn't stop him.

"Don't worry. There are still many days left for registration. You should think carefully. Besides, the application requires the consent of your parents. Their opinions are crucial."

Yang An said.


Yongfa sat down slowly. His guardian was too mysterious. Maybe he wouldn't agree at all.

As Yang An started playing videos of the scenes in each town, the children's discussions began to increase.

For a period of time, the entire monk school was talking about graduation.

The same was true for the three-day club.

Everyone gathered together.

While doing their own things, they chatted.

"Xianzhang, where do you want to go next? Civil or military? There are so many places this time. Maybe we can really do it." Tian Jialun said.

"As for me... a military position, and I want to go to the Six Towns, which has just been conquered, and there are many problems that need to be solved. I will grow faster." Wu Xianzhang replied.

"Is it really a military position? Although there are more places for military positions than in previous years, there are still too few compared to civil positions. We have only practiced for one year, and it is difficult to compete with seniors." Tian Jialun said worriedly.

"I will do my best. Next, I will go to special training. Weiyang also said that she will help me train combat skills. Even if it doesn't work this time, I can become much stronger. I will work hard next time!" Wu Xianzhang said seriously.

"Weiyang also wants to help? Speaking of which, Weiyang, do you also want to apply for graduation?" Tian Jialun looked at Yun Ye.

"Of course, staying in school will grow too slowly. You should know the merit system, right?" Yun Ye sat in front of the sand table and conducted spiritual training.

"The power that can only be opened by the Taoist weapon users tomorrow? It is said that you can grow quickly by hunting monsters. This is the fundamental reason why military positions are rare." Tang Si hesitated.

"Yes, every time a spiritual town is conquered, the Taoist weapon users will become stronger, so the number of martial arts positions will also increase. This time, two spiritual towns have been conquered in succession, so naturally there will be many more places. However, if you want to obtain the merit system, you also need a firm will to hunt monsters. People who like to escape cannot join the merit system anyway." Yang Yu added.

Tomorrow's theory is also important, but the most important thing is "hunting monsters and protecting the people."

Wu Cheng has gradually lost the merit system in recent years, which directly proves that his mind has undergone a fundamental change.

This is a change that is almost irreversible once lost.

After realizing that he is not part of the Tomorrow Club, the strong confrontational emotions and heavy pressure will only make people go further and further.

"Yes, I want to get in touch with the merit system earlier. Some training is already difficult to continue." Yun Ye supported his face, and his pupils were a little scattered.

His consciousness was completely infused into the "deduction game", controlling a large number of simulated virtual images to fight each other. If he didn't do this, his training would be difficult to be effective.

After reincarnation, he gradually discovered the effects of his various talents.

The random talent of spiritual consciousness has improved the accuracy of spiritual consciousness, allowing him to control the smoothness of spiritual consciousness by leaps and bounds.

The random talent of understanding is actually multitasking. This talent has an accurate name, "Seven Wisdom Heart".

"Seven Wisdom Heart" allows Yun Ye to divide consciousness into seven parts, and the control and reaction power of each part will not be weakened at all, and can operate perfectly. This is probably the result of Yun Ye's continuous consumption of spiritual pills of understanding in his previous life.

Now, he has fully awakened this talent and can skillfully use seven parts with one mind.

Through the seven-use of one mind, Yun Ye quickly reached the level of triple zodiac fusion, but he also entered a new bottleneck.

The basic effect of the Seven Wisdom Heart can theoretically break through the upper limit of the Seven Wisdom through training, but it takes a very long time...

For any method next, he needs to practice in years, and only the merit system can speed up the temporarily suspended growth again.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Is anyone there?"

The door suddenly knocked.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at each other in surprise. Who is this voice?

Everyone shook their heads.

I don't know.

"Come in."

Yun Ye said.

The room was immediately opened, and a young man with red and green patterns on his face and arms walked in. Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink...

This is a special external spirit pattern that has the effect of simulating spiritual roots. Isn't it just a test product? Someone has already used it?

"I am the right seat of the student union, Nan Longfei. Is Ming Weiyang here?" Nan Longfei asked.

"Here, the students will be looking for me?" Yun Ye stood up and said.

"The principal is looking for you, and I'm here to lead the way." Nan Longfei looked at Yun Ye for a moment, then shook his head.

"Principal Yuexin?" Yang Yu asked in surprise.

"Well... you know the principal? Are you?" Nan Longfei looked at Yang Yu.

"Yang Yu. But that's not important. What does the principal want to do with Ming Weiyang? We are just students." Yang Yu said nervously.

"Yang Yu, that's it. He is a blood relative of the founder. Don't worry, this is a good thing. I have never seen the principal value a student so much. I hope this person... is worthy of this attention. Follow up, Ming Weiyang, don't keep the principal waiting," Nan Longfei said calmly.

He then scanned all the members of the club and noticed that most of the members were not simple.

Yang Yu, a collateral blood relative of the founder, is not outstanding.

After all, the founder's family does not have much strength. It is just fame and it is not electoral politics, so it is not worthy of attention.

"Blood relative of the founder???"

Wu Xianzhang, Tang Si, and even Yongfa were shocked, and they all looked at each other and said, "We've known each other for so long, but we haven't spoken to each other yet."

This was the first time they knew that Yang Yu's background was so powerful.

It is true that the Tomorrow Society does not pay attention to blood lines, but the aura of the title founder is so great that it is difficult not to take a high look at it.

"It's nothing, of course there is no need to mention it..."

"Don't look at me, don't you know it's weird?!"

Yang Yu said shyly and angrily.

She was naturally happy and proud, but she was also worried that everyone would think she was showing off, and that she would feel too weird and want to run away.

"There's no chance that Xiaoyu will become an equally great person in the future. He's a blood relative of the founder. It's worth looking forward to. I'm leaving first!"

Yun Ye waved his hand and left with Nan Longfei.

"Xiaoyu, it seems that you have to work hard. Ming Weiyang said that you might become a great person like the founder. I believe it. What about you? Hahaha."

Yongfa teased.

"Why, I can't do it?! My dream is to become as great a person as the founder!"

Xiaoyu became angry and reached out to hit him.

"I'm hiding!"

"I'll go, don't cause trouble to others!"

Everyone immediately became a group of fun.

Nan Longfei took Yun Ye through the corridor and downstairs to the most central area of ​​the school.

The entire friar college is a large block in the center, and then the teaching buildings and various facilities are built in a circular shape. The locations of the classrooms are changed every year to match the changes as abilities grow.

As for the central area of ​​the school, very few students have been there, and most of them are extremely capable academics who are already qualified to study topics with formal bachelors.

The official name here is Academia Sinica, which is the academic core of the entire city of tomorrow.

After multiple reviews, the two entered the central area and then went straight to a large playground. There was no one here, but various facilities were scattered.

"We're here, go in by yourself and say goodbye."

Nan Longfei said, looking in one direction for a long time, then reluctantly looking away, retreating, and completely disappearing from sight.

Yun Ye followed his gaze and saw a large, lush tree at the end of the playground. Its branches and leaves emitted a faint aura in the heavy snow, and all the snowflakes evaporated upon contact, blocking out the cold air inside and outside.

Under the spiritual tree, a peerless beauty was kneeling in front of the case. Her long silver hair was scattered on the ground, as if there were stars, very dazzling.

As monks practice, they will become closer to perfection, and their already perfect bodies will tend to have abnormal charm.

Some monks even gained the talent of charm as a result.

The woman in front of her is already beautiful, and she has practiced some kind of magical method that enhances her beauty. Her charm is beyond ordinary people's understanding.

"Don't you want to come over? Ming Weiyang." The silver-haired woman raised her head, revealing her stunning beauty. The only thing that ruined this beauty was probably her emotionless eyes and expression, which made people feel that she was far away and that she could not get close. .

Moon heart.

Yun Ye thinks there is a genius who can lead Tomorrow Society for a long time.

Yue Xin is not outstanding in terms of practice and combat, but her learning ability, research ability, and personal personality are all quite outstanding, making her a worthy candidate for entrusting her with important tasks. Nowadays, the Monk Academy is thriving, which proves that Yun Ye is indeed right about the person.


Yun Ye walked in and saluted. Yue Xin, who was kneeling on her knees, was about the same height as him, just enough to look at him. He also observed her carefully for a while.

He has a good appearance, skin as white as jade, and a pair of silver eyes which is a super bonus, not to mention his temperament...

If it were the modern era, Yun Ye would probably call his wife directly, which is very heartwarming.

But now, Yun Ye can only feel "happy and happy.jpg".

The second daughter has also been raised.

"Please take a seat."

"You should also be wondering why I'm looking for you."

Yue Xin raised her hand and brushed it, and another futon appeared in front of the table, and a video appeared. After Yun Ye knelt down and sat down, it happened to play.

That was the moment when Yun Ye merged the three zodiac signs, and a terrifying darkness suddenly appeared, spreading cracks in the space.

"Did you see that?"

Yun Ye was 'surprised'.

Yue Xin nodded, and then said: "Can you show it to me again?"

"I'm not skilled." Yun Ye stretched out his hand, and the three powers of water and fire were intertwined, and then darkness suddenly appeared, and a large number of space cracks spread.

But just for a moment, Yun Ye canceled the fusion, and everything returned to calm.

"Sure enough, it is the fusion of three attributes, and..."

"It is the third zodiac sign of turning into Yin."

Yue Xin stared at Yun Ye for a long time. After a while, she said, "Where did you learn this trick?"

This is the addition of divine power on the basis of eternal silence.

As far as she knew, only one person could use Eternal Silence.

Her master, "Dao".

Various textbooks not only never mention dangerous tricks such as "Eternal Silence", but they also warn many times not to fuse zodiac signs privately.

"Why did you fuse the three zodiac signs privately? This is extremely dangerous behavior. Both the teacher and your parents should have mentioned it."

Yue Xin said again.

"I have mastered the Silent Spirit Technique, so I want to know something else. With the Ji Spirit Technique, I can easily integrate other Ji Spirit's two-fold attributes. Let nature take its course, and I want to challenge the three-fold sign."

"This move is the most powerful among the two attributes, and it is also the one that I feel is easiest to integrate with divine magic. The rest have various shortcomings, are difficult to control, or consume too much, or I am not very good at it. Category."

Yun Ye replied.

"...You are very lucky. Perhaps it is because the Nine-Life Divine Law is shrouded here, and you were born with the Nine-Life Divine Law, so you chose the most suitable path."

Yue Xin was very indifferent, and her emotions could not be seen from her expression.

However, Yun Ye's magic was very precise, and he could sense that she was shaken to a certain extent, as if she was missing something.


Yun Ye didn't immediately figure out what she was missing. She just scratched her head and put on an expression that didn't know what to say.

"Yes, I'm so lucky. I have been studying the three zodiac signs for more than ten years, and it happens to be the fusion method of the three zodiac signs of water, fire and god, the "Spiritual Method of Transforming Yin and Eternal Silence".

"If this isn't luck, what is it?"

The moon heart looked up, the dark clouds cleared, and the green branches and leaves in front of me were illuminated by a ray of light in the gaps, as if I had returned to my childhood.

Her most profound memory after she was born was studying under a big tree, being educated by her master, and constantly answering questions.

The master often instills inexplicable and lofty ideals in her, why study for the rise of tomorrow's society...

Although a long time has passed, she still misses her very much.

During those years, the master regarded her as his successor and descendant, taught her with all his heart, told her many stories, and entrusted her with the future of the Tomorrow Society.

It was a fulfilling and happy time.

Therefore, she worked hard to repay her master's expectations. In the end, she grew up to what she is today, succeeding Huo Yang and becoming the fourth seat of Tomorrow's Club.

One to nine seats.

There are only nine people in 1 count.

Perhaps four seats may sound very simple, but it is indeed a heavy responsibility, and it is also the highest honor of the Tomorrow Society.

At this point, even she felt indescribably tired, and the encouragement her master once gave her seemed to have worn away...

Ming Weiyang suddenly appeared at this time. She was so lucky. She was so lucky that Yue Xin guessed that the Nine Lives Divine Law had biased her destiny.

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