A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 346 Three Zodiac Signs

"You should set yourself up as a pillar to withstand all kinds of pressures. This curse will last forever and will burn automatically if it is destroyed. Everything has its owner!"

"The source is gathered into a curse, and the form is in all directions."

Yun Ye completed the curse ceremony himself.

Whether it is ritual implements, or the rituals and spells themselves, these are all things that amplify the curse. It may not be useless if they are missing, but it will definitely be beneficial if they are present.

As the spell was exported, the surging magical power took shape in the air, turning into a dark breath entwining ritual.

The powerful aura made Yang Yu and the others retreat to the edge of the water cover. There was only a thin layer of water between them and the large number of insects. They suddenly felt uncomfortable and only hoped that Yun Ye would finish it earlier.

Compared with the instantaneous activation of ordinary spells, this ritual was quite long. Yun Ye incorporated a large number of spiritual patterns into it in the form of spells. He chanted it for several minutes, condensing the extraordinary power of the curse.

Finally, he ended with the name of curse, detonating all the curse power.

"The thousand resentments of the cursed insect are revealed!"


The talisman on the altar suddenly burned and turned into black ashes in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, invisible ripples rippled out, and everyone present felt a force wandering out, passing directly through them when it came into contact with them.

They were not the target, so they passed through naturally, but the insects were not so lucky. The ripples only lasted for a moment, and their bodies stiffened and they fell in pieces.

And the ripples were unexpectedly far away. Not only did they cover the entire garbage dump, they were still rippling into the distance. Wherever they passed, all the selected bugs stiffened their bodies and died quietly as if their souls had been taken away. Silent.

Originally, the garbage dump was a little noisy because of the bugs flying around, but after the spell was cast, this part of the sound was cleared directly.

Only heavy snow is flying and the howling wind continues.


Cheers suddenly echoed throughout the snowy day.

"Well, it's a very excellent plan. This level can even inspire other researchers' ideas. It will be reported to the whole school soon and the files will be kept. Then it will be easier for you to be promoted tomorrow - I have to say, sharp."

After Yang An read the structure of divine law, he passed the subject without hesitation and gave it the highest evaluation.

The degree of emphasis it places on it completely exceeds the level of ordinary excellent works.

Obviously, the topic of mosquito culling is not only for the residential environment of Tomorrow City, but also has certain strategic significance.

"The merit evaluation will be sent to you later, and there should be at least four months of resource allocation. This can be regarded as a commendation for your efforts in the past two months."

"Thank you, teacher. Let's take our leave now."

Everyone salutes.

"When doing the project, don't forget to practice. This is still very important for you."

"Okay, teacher."

"We'll keep an eye out."

Get out of the office.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"The project has come to a successful conclusion once again."

“While completing interesting tasks, I also received very good rewards and honors.”

"No wonder the chief would say that what you pay for is rewarded, which is one of the best things in the world!"

Yang Yu opened the book with a smile, and each line of text was recorded. She has the habit of writing a diary, "Has everyone decided on the next topic?"

"Ah, let's talk slowly. I don't feel inspired." Wu Xianzhang put his hands behind his head and walked as arrogantly as a crab.

This time it took them two months to complete the project, and their brains were exhausted.

"Is that so? That's fine. Let's talk about it if there are interesting topics."

Yang Yu didn't feel tired at all. She was originally inclined towards research, otherwise she wouldn't have chosen to take the bachelor's degree exam. A six-year bachelor's degree in mathematics at the age of four was quite rare to some extent, especially as the accumulation of knowledge increased. With more and more people coming, the threshold for six numbers is also getting higher.

Everyone came to the cafeteria together to discuss the future topic.

It's already afternoon, just in time to go back after dinner.

But when everyone actually lined up to eat, they saw that there were bugs in the dishes, and for a moment they lost their appetite...

When they sat down at the dining table, several children looked at each other, not knowing how to take the first bite.

"It is said that this is a spiritual insect, which is very beneficial to growth?"

Yang Yu picked at the lifelike insects.


Tian Jialun had a difficult expression on his face. He already hated bugs and they felt so dirty, but now he was being asked to bite them?

"Suddenly it feels like the canteen is not that good again."

Wu Xianzhang sighed. His family was actually relatively poor. He could save a lot of money by eating in the cafeteria. However, the biggest disadvantage of the cafeteria was that he had no choice. It was the choice of Organization No. 4 of the Tomorrow Club after taking into account both cost and nutrition.

If you say it's a spiritual insect, then it's really a spiritual insect. What the outside world can eat are geniuses from aristocratic families. How can it be the turn of ordinary children like them to eat it?

He closed his eyes and popped it into his mouth, bit it into pieces crazily and swallowed it into his stomach, not wanting to feel the taste and texture of the bug at all.

However, to the monk's senses, this was obviously a dream.

To a certain extent, the higher the cultivation level, the more intolerable ordinary food is. Eating it tastes too torture, so it is better to eat spiritual pills to relieve hunger.

"How about it?"

Yun Ye suddenly asked.

"It's delicious."

Wu Xianzhang said expressionlessly.


Everyone sighed, they all saw that Wu Xianzhang was lying, but they couldn't waste it, so they could only hold their noses and swallow.

Yun Ye is also the type who keeps away from insects. He understands Wu Cheng somewhat. Is this how people get corrupted without knowing it?

If there are no restraints and desires are allowed to expand, the best choice is naturally to become the Supreme of the Immortal Dynasty. Not only does it have the power of life and death, there are countless beauties, but it also has an endless lifespan and enjoys all the prosperity in the world.

Yun Ye wanted to give up on killing this family.

Wouldn't it be nice to be directly reincarnated into the heir of the largest spiritual family and enjoy cheating with his spiritual attainments? Why choose this most difficult path?

After everyone finished eating, it was already dusk. As the dark clouds dispersed, the dusk light spread across the earth.

Yun Ye sat casually on a bench under the school tree, sighing.

"It's a pity, I long for it. Apart from anger, I..."

"My heart longs for it!"

(I hope the physical optimization proposal can reduce some contradictions. We will meet tomorrow, which holds too much hope.)

When Yun Ye realized the problem before, he mentioned it to Ming Qi about ordinary people. Unexpectedly, he was ready to start it after only a month.

It seems that the senior leaders of Tomorrow Club also know that the internal problems are serious and need to win the support of more ordinary people.

If that doesn't work, then we can only rely on Zhuo Qilian.

Although she is not a person who can be completely trusted, most of the current safety of Tomorrow Society depends on her alone, and it is impossible not to trust her.

Although Taoist weapons can also kill Zhuo Qilian, that is only if Zhuo Qilian suddenly has a brain problem and goes on a killing spree.

If they just defected, the Taoist weapon would be better than nothing, and without Zhuo Qilian, Tomorrow would probably perish very quickly.

By then, Zhuo Qilian would naturally be freed from the knowledge limitations of tomorrow's Taoist tools.

There was no need for her to take action herself.

"I don't know whether Zhuo Qilian's existence is a good thing or a bad thing. She has indeed developed much faster than expected, but it has also exposed more flaws and participated in a big dispute that I didn't even think about."

"If you're not careful, tomorrow's meeting will be destroyed by ashes..."

Yun Ye leaned on the bench, with the sun setting at dusk, and a lot of magical information flashed in his eyes. He wanted to try to see the furthest "possibility" he could see.

When studying "Manifestation of Cursed Insects and Thousand Resentments", Yun Ye has been using the power of the Nine-Life Divine Method. Through this method, he can determine whether the research direction is correct.

Two months of active study and application have improved his level of Nine Lives Magic to a certain extent.

With the three-fate rule, we should be able to see a further future.

"The Divine Law of Nine Lives - The Divine Principle Revealed!"

Decide your destiny!

Peep into the long river of cause and effect and destiny!

The perspective in front of Yun Ye's eyes continued to increase, and a mighty river emerged, which was the condensed dragon vein of the entire Tomorrow Society.

This long river can see the past, future and present.

The part of the past is black, a determined fact, and an unchangeable result.

The present part is white, for the current facts, for the present that is being determined.

The future part is colorless, uncertain fact, and the future that can change at any time.

Yun Ye has no interest in deducing the past and present.

He heads straight into the future.

The long black river spreads to twenty or thirty years ago, which was the day when tomorrow would be established, while the long white river branches into countless tributaries, and various possibilities emerge.

The more distant the part, the more transparent and colorless it is, and eventually it disappears into the void completely invisible.

The colorless river Yun Ye saw last time was only about three months long, but after only two months, the length had increased to five months, almost half a year!

"This is?"

Yun Ye looked surprised.

He saw that a large amount of luck would flow into the river in the future, and tomorrow the society would be extremely prosperous.

It seems that the so-called great success reports will continue to come. Of course, it may also be that the elixir for improving physical fitness has been produced.

It is not that this plan has not been proposed before the Tomorrow Meeting, but after a period of time, it was found that the resources were completely insufficient and it was forced to be sealed.

This restart can directly draw on past experience, and it is not impossible to produce results in a short period of time.

As for where the resources for tomorrow’s meeting will come from…

The more the guarding Taoism conquers, the bigger the hunting ground of Tomorrow Society becomes. Naturally, it is completely different from when Yun Ye was in Yuntian Lingzong.

"Sixty years? It's a time worth fighting for."

Yun Ye took a long breath.

He stretched out his hand, and the three spiritual powers of water and fire emerged, and then merged suddenly to form a shuddering black sphere, but it only lasted for an instant and then disappeared. It was not even an entry-level one.

"The three attributes of extreme spirit turning to yin, and the higher form of eternal silence, should it be called turning to yin and eternal silence?"

In this life, his talent far exceeds that of his previous life, and he has the possibility of integrating the three major zodiac signs.

When the zodiac signs merge, their power is almost multiplied.

The power of the three attributes fused by the fourth-level spiritual control is 10,000*10,000*10,000.

This kind of power is terrifying, but its integration is also very difficult.

Although he can now fuse three attributes, these three attributes are not only uncontrollable, but also superficial. Most of the control power is used for stability, and the power is greatly weakened.

If the triple zodiac sign that maximizes power is in the form of 10,000*10,000*10,000, then he is now only about 1,000*1,000*1,000. The power far exceeds the second zodiac sign of Ji Ling, but it has not yet completely reached the extreme. The height of the three spiritual attributes.

Not to mention, the three zodiac signs of Ji Ling turning Yin.

"With divine consciousness participating in the fusion of zodiac signs, the difficulty and power are increasing sharply. Fortunately, there are extremely spiritual methods to reduce the difficulty. Otherwise, if I want to initially complete the three zodiac signs in this life, it will take at least ten, or even twenty years!"

Yun Ye himself is satisfied. This is a nearly invincible power. It is already amazing that it can take initial shape. Time is not a problem at all.

What he fears most is that no matter how much time he takes, he will never be able to complete it!

"Huh, let's go read the book again."

Yun Ye got up and left.

At the same time, a cold figure stood in the teaching building, staring at Yun Ye's back for a long time.

"Principal? What's wrong?"

Someone on the side asked cautiously. They looked out the window, but saw nothing.

"It's nothing, I just lament that Ming Weiyang is such a genius. It seems that the past evaluation is completely inappropriate. Let's re-draw it."

The silver-haired beauty took steps again.

All the teachers looked at each other, what just happened?

He actually allowed this person to completely overturn his plan?

"The power of the second-level extremely spiritual to yin zodiac signs is comparable to the ordinary third-level zodiac signs."

"And if it is the third level of the zodiac sign of Ji Ling turning to Yin, this is based on the three levels of zodiac signs, and several buffs are added to it, making it invincible. It is completely possible to kill the real realm with the Xuan realm, and it cannot even be said to be easy..."

"Yue Xin, it's time to take a step further."

Yun Ye looked somewhere, smiled slightly, and then immersed himself in reading, collecting all the knowledge that would be beneficial to him.

As night came, Yun Ye suddenly woke up and realized that it was too late. He immediately packed up his things and left the library.

The moment he left the library, Yun Ye suddenly felt a strong strange feeling, as if the space had been replaced, trying to take him away by force.

Everything in front of me is in a trance, like a kaleidoscope, the world is turned upside down and chaotic.

However, Yun Ye did not pause in his movements and continued to walk forward expressionlessly. The only difference was the black breath that suddenly burst out at the soles of his feet.

As soon as the aura spread, a large number of cracks appeared around Yun Ye.


The sound of breaking glass kept ringing. Yun Ye didn't care who was planning or what he wanted to do. He just walked through this section of road normally.

In the crack area, all interference is invalid. Illusion array? Space transfer? Or something else.

All are big.

At the end of the road is a small flower bed in the school, where a man stands.

The man is wearing a golden cloak and a golden mask covering his face, completely isolating his breath and appearance. He presses his hands on a sword. This sword is very gorgeous. The scabbard has a lot of silver texture. It is resting on the ground for support. his body.

Yun Ye showed no interest in him and walked by casually.

At this moment, the man's Adam's apple was surging, and he wanted to say something, but cold sweat had already filled his back, and he did not dare to say a word...

It wasn't until Yun Ye walked away that he fell to his knees in despair, gasping for air, fear reaching the extreme.

What kind of monster is this?

The anti-god formation that can easily trap and kill Dharma Realm is completely ineffective? No, it’s not invalid, it should be said that it was forcibly destroyed!

With a single move, the effectiveness of the anti-god formation was wiped out, making it impossible to get close to this monster!

My mobile phone number was accidentally stopped and I have to go to the place where it belongs to restart it. There will be fewer updates in the past two days.

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