A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 342 Genetic Evolution Technology·Evil King

"The next Taoist weapon awakening ceremony will be in two years?"

Yun Ye gave up on staging the return of the Dragon King.

The last time they were tricked into killing Qishuang and others, it wasn't just Yuntian, Mengze and Tomorrow.

There is also one of the Luo Sheng Clan and the Pure World Holy Land in the secret. They have never appeared, so they must have the ability to break through the fault and escape.

They were probably already aware of the existence of the Tomorrow Society, and the risk was too great if Yun Ye continued to suddenly awaken the Taoist weapon.

There is no need!

The senior leaders of the Tomorrow Society are all Taoist envoys. They have been running this order for more than 20 years and have rich experience.

As a person who doesn't even know the current situation, it's better not to give any guidance.

After careful consideration, Yun Ye returned to Qianxiu.

The monk's school has a library with almost all the materials for tomorrow's meeting. It will take a lot of time for him to study these, and it is too early to mix them up.

As far as the upper limit is concerned, the knowledge of Tomorrow Society is naturally far inferior to what Lan Wuyuan imparts.

But these are two tracks. The knowledge of Tomorrow Society can be integrated with Yuntian Lingzong, and the two do not conflict.

"Is it possible to construct a model of eternal silence in this way?"

"The difficulty of use has been directly reduced by two-fifths..."

"It's so scary."

The black aura of silence flashed across Yun Ye's fingertips, and he had completely mastered the second level of the only spiritual method, Eternal Silence. He could use it even if he was not in the realm of magic.

He had a feeling that he was not far away from mastering the three zodiac signs!

Over the years, Tomorrow Hui has indeed mastered some of the laws of the zodiac, further simplifying practice, as evidenced by his complete mastery of eternal silence.

With anger in his eyes, the blond boy was sealed away by the indifferent executors and brought to Academia Sinica.

The woman in the white coat held her face up and waited for a long time.

"Leave it to you, Seat Seven, let's take our leave first."

After the executioners saluted, they turned around and left without even taking a step closer, as if there was something terrible here.

"Well, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. It's really a pity. By becoming my experimental subject, the chance you thought about is probably gone."

Zhuo Qilian waved her hand, not caring about the rudeness of the executioners. She looked at Wu Cheng with interest, as if looking at a cherished animal.

"So, hypocrisy! What nonsense is the way of tomorrow? They just use us as cannon fodder. If we don't conform to your way, we will be slaughtered at will and used as experimental subjects! What is the difference between you and the Huangzhou Lingfa family? The Lingfa family is upright. Bright exploitation, and you only dare to be sneaky!”

Wu Cheng could only sneer.

"Although I really want to say something, I have not awakened tomorrow's Taoist instrument, and there is no point in you talking to me."

Zhuo Qilian smiled.

Monks are self-interested beings.

She only assisted the Tomorrow Society because the new way was more vital than the ruling way, and she did not identify with it so strongly that it would awaken the Taoist instrument.

"Since you don't agree with the Way of Tomorrow, why bother to serve in the Tomorrow Society? In a place like this, you will always be trapped in the legal realm and cannot make any progress! Now that you have obtained all the knowledge of the Tomorrow Society, even if you leave the Tomorrow Society, you will still be able to join the Tomorrow Society. The Taoist weapon can't do anything to you! If you are willing to leave the Tomorrow Society, I can follow you and become your sharp blade!"

Wu Cheng's expression changed quickly. Just now he was scolding, but now he was seriously persuading and talking about loyalty.

He knew that Zhuo Qilian had not awakened the Taoist weapon, and if he wanted to survive, he must get Zhuo Qilian's support.

"It doesn't matter, Dharma Realm monks have four hundred years, and I have only completed half of it. The remaining time is enough to see the rise and fall of the Tomorrow Society."

Zhuo Qilian said casually, this is the margin of the great monk.

She has plenty of time to wait until she will die naturally tomorrow or become the overlord of the deserted state.

No matter which one, it was almost the same to her, so why go to the trouble of building her own power.

Wu Cheng wanted to say something else.

But Zhuo Qilian waved his sleeves and silenced his voice.

Then, Zhuo Qilian took out a notice: "I have repeatedly deliberately induced my companions to betray the Tomorrow Meeting, and caused serious injuries to others many times. And this time, I was induced by unknown persons to attack special observers in the monk school. All felonies are accumulated. You are completely beyond the scope of what tomorrow will tolerate."

"In the final analysis, the Tomorrow Society is just a violent organization. It will not punish you just because you are a monk on the front line and want to avoid turmoil, not because the groups behind you think you can't. For Number 1, as long as you violate the express records According to the law, they have the right to take a series of punitive measures including erasure.”

What do you mean?

Wu Cheng looked horrified.

Zhuo Qilian snapped his fingers, and the white threads spread out and pierced into Wu Cheng's body. His veins immediately popped out, and he struggled wildly in pain, trying to get out of control.

However, his enemies are no longer those who guard the ordinary legal realms of Taoism.

Zhuo Qilian has mastered most of the knowledge of the Tomorrow Society, which is completely different from the past. It is no problem to say that he is in the peerless realm. The crushing of the realm and the crushing of his personality leave him no room to resist.

After a while, blood streaks spread all over Wu Cheng's body, and a red horn grew on his forehead.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes turned into a dead color and lost their vitality.

Genetic evolution technology·Evil King.

"If you want to become a Dharma Realm monk, you need a qualitative change in your strength. After years of research, Tomorrow Society has more or less known its essence. The spiritual roots in our bodies are actually the ancient sages who combined advanced magical medicines and precious medicines. Inherited strength.”

"Whether it is soul, body or spiritual roots, there is source power, and it is possible to evolve into a higher form."

"The evolution of peace is to practice according to the Dharma Realm and integrate magic medicine to complete the advancement."

"If you want to be stronger, use treasures to suppress your body and integrate stronger power."


Zhuo Qilian kept recording that the genetic evolution technology Evil King was born based on this principle, and the potential was artificially forcibly evolved.

The Evil King is not about ability, but specifically refers to physical evolution.

In Zhuo Qilian's experimental cases, very few people achieved physical success, far lower than spiritual roots, but slightly higher than souls.

"This time it is because the body of the sun has increased its potential, so it can evolve successfully."

"The top elixir can replace magic medicine, but it is very difficult. If it is any weaker, it will definitely fail."

"There are not so many top-notch elixirs. We still need to continue to improve..."

"Zhuo Qilian, do you still plan to study the Evil King? This thing will be useless for tomorrow's meeting!"

The cold silver-haired beauty folded her arms at some point, leaned against the wall and spoke.

"Yue Xin, the evil king can give me the inspiration to advance to the profound realm. If I advance to the profound realm, I will be able to ascend to heaven immediately tomorrow."

"Aren't you looking forward to it?"

Zhuo Qilian looked up.

"Expectation? Do you think I will be like them, and you will be in vain? If you advance to the profound realm, what we should worry about is whether you will perish in one day, or whether you will achieve your rule."

There was no expression on Yue Xin's face, and her silver eyes lacked any brilliance, as if she was not a living person, but an exquisite doll.

"It's too exaggerated. I made a promise with Daoding and I won't break it. I also hope to see the new light."

Zhuo Qilian smiled lightly.

She was telling the truth. She had long been tired of seeing the same world, and had been overwhelmed by this despair.

The Way of Tomorrow was indeed a ray of light in the darkness, allowing her to find a new direction.

However, that's all. If it was twenty years ago, she might have been moved and sacrificed for it, but she would never do it now.

It's funny to say it, but it was precisely because she saw the way of tomorrow that she changed like this.

Knowing that there are so many mysteries and such hope in the world, she has regained endless possibilities, just like a dead tree resurrecting. At this moment, she will not allow her life to be wasted at will.

Staying here, as she said, was just to witness the rise and fall of the society tomorrow, and she would have enough time to complete the agreement.

"Oh, the agreement with the teacher?"

"After the research is completed, return Wu Cheng to his original form. He will have no choice but to die on the battlefield!"

Yue Xin glanced at Wu Cheng who had transformed into an evil king, then turned and left.

The oath evidenced by Taoist artifacts may have been valid back then, but today, twenty years later, it has long since evaporated.

There is no way for Zhuo Qilian to renew his oath at tomorrow's meeting. Whether he wants to fulfill the agreement or not is just a matter of Zhuo Qilian's thoughts.

It is precisely because this time bomb is buried inside the Tomorrow Society that the Number Ones will ignore those small problems and develop crazily. If it takes too long, Zhuo Qilian will leave the Tomorrow Society to find a way to break through the mysterious realm, and the Tomorrow Society will be far away. Destruction is not far away.

It is absolutely impossible to survive within the sphere of influence of the two major spiritual sects without Zhuo Qilian.

Dao tools are far from being able to restrain the members of the Tomorrow Society.

But Zhuo Qilian’s magical method can!

In the entire Tomorrow Meeting, no one can crack Zhuo Qilian's magic. Once he has the idea of ​​betrayal, he will die.

Except for Number 1, no one else knows about this situation. It is the top secret of the Tomorrow Party.

Otherwise, if the Taoist weapon is just kept secret, if the Taoist user of Yuntian Lingzong takes action, it is entirely possible that the rules will be canceled and the secret will be leaked.

The two sects were positioned with the power of the Taoist master, directly tearing apart the space to obliterate them, but Tomorrow Society did not have this kind of power and could only rely on the Taoist artifact itself.

But the nature of the dispute over Taoist weapons means that the Taoist tools of the two major systems are destined to check and balance each other.

Nowadays, the rules of Taoist weapons of Tomorrow Society have been suddenly and inexplicably strengthened, and most of the Taoist masters of Yuntian Lingzong are unable to stop them. However, a few years ago, only the most determined members could be sent out to perform tasks, otherwise All of them require Zhuo Qilian to arrange the magic to avoid going wrong.

"Taoist tools..."

Zhuo Qilian shook his head. Is it true that only by awakening the Taoist weapon can one be considered a complete one of his own?

There are still many unsolved mysteries about the awakening of the Taoist weapon. The deep understanding and recognition of the Tao of tomorrow is only one of the reasons why it can be awakened.

She returned to her research.

The forced evolution of the body will give birth to monsters with different shapes, so they are called evil kings. However, this is not constant and can be transformed back into human form through optimization.

The evil king form will become a move similar to the true body's magical power, and after activation, it will gain the power of the law.


A child walked through the experimental area, and after casually glancing at the research processes of various researchers, he opened the door to the deepest laboratory.

"Mom, I'm back."

Zhuo Qilian raised his head, and the little boy with U-shaped eyes came into view, "Your instability has increased again. Is it because of Wu Cheng? Let's lie down and check first. This study will be postponed until tomorrow."


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