A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 340 Wu Cheng’s achievements

If it had been anyone else, Wu Cheng would most likely not have been severely punished, because his strength would be needed tomorrow.

But, there is no if.

Ming Weiyang is a genius who is capable of shouldering the responsibility of tomorrow and the future. They must not deviate from Ming Weiyang's understanding of the world for the sake of small things.

can only say……

This is human flexibility.

The teacher saw that the matter was resolved and left quickly.

After Yun Ye placed the sand table on the table in the activity room and everyone propped up their chairs and sat down, they were surprised to discover something unusual.

The activity room is not damaged at all...

No wonder adults are paying close attention to Wei Young.

His strength was too strong. The young boy who looked very strong could not hurt the activity room even a bit.

"Speaking of which, who is this person? He dares to do something in the school?"

Yongfa put his hands on the back of his head and tilted his head on the chair, feeling a little unhappy.

"Indeed, although he didn't want to kill us, he definitely didn't run away after being injured. This should be considered serious in tomorrow's meeting, right?"

Everyone looked at Yang Yu.

Among the people present, she seemed to be the only one who knew something.

"He is Wu Cheng, a very famous genius."

Yang Yu said, also showing a hint of confusion, "From what I know, Wu Cheng has always been promoted as a role model. This is the youngest number 2. I never expected that a real person would degenerate to this extent."

Moreover, when he attacked Weiyang, was he deliberately trying to eliminate his second-digit position?

She had heard some people mention Wei Young...

Son of tomorrow!

"Is this still a role model? There are only nine people in the second position, and it is simply incomprehensible that such a person is occupied!" Wu Xianzhang's tone was a little bad, and the anger just now would not be calmed down so easily.

"Indeed, although we have very few monks in the Tomorrow Society, no matter how you say it, it is too unreasonable to let such people become number 2s." Tian Jialun frowned. He has also seen many number 2s, and they are basically admirable. , but this one is really indescribable and simply unqualified.

"The blood on his body is not fake." Yongfa suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Everyone couldn't help but look over.

"Oh, you said I was a fool, you didn't expect it." Yongfa couldn't help but show a mocking expression, quite proud of himself.

"Idiot! We were just too lazy to think about it, so you became proud of us when we gave you a chance to perform!" Yang Yu punched him directly.

Yongfa immediately begged for mercy and said quickly: "I said, can't I say it? He is a monk who has experienced hundreds of battles. He was already a number 2 before he became such a person. You guys have reversed cause and effect! You should We know the importance of talent. If you are a genius, your growth rate is far beyond what time can measure!”

Is cause and effect reversed?

Everyone couldn't help but wake up.

Indeed, there are many geniuses of tomorrow, and age means nothing at all.

Just like Ming Weiyang, a Class 1 teacher like Yang An was helpless after only one month of school, and was completely unable to defeat him.

As a class of children, none of them knew the importance of talent.

Even if it is tomorrow, talent directly determines future achievements.

Otherwise, Yang An would not be able to continue to be a teacher. This is a natural obstacle that cannot be overcome yet.

Spiritual roots, spiritual consciousness, physique, and understanding.

If you want to continue on the path of spiritual practice, you need at least one kind of talent. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless, and your upper limit will be stuck.

As the second or even third generation descendants of monks, their talents are much better than their parents. However, in the entire class, only one or two people can be called geniuses in the outside world. If it were not for the extremely spiritual method created by the founder, most of them would be There is no need for cultivation, it is too weak to be of any use.

The fact that Wu Cheng was able to obtain the vision of the sun was enough to show that he had shown amazing talent earlier and also agreed with the way of tomorrow.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to invest a lot of resources in training tomorrow.

It’s just that people can’t stay the same forever.


Yun Ye went home.

As soon as they got home, Ming Qi and Yu Feng stood up in the living room and stared at Yun Ye with eager eyes——

As far as the expression is concerned, he is indeed staring with eagerness.

"What's wrong?"

Yun Ye asked.

"You still ask why! Do you know how important Wu Cheng is to Tomorrow? He is a genius who can fight in the spiritual realm and the legal realm!"

Ming Qi's mouth twitched.

"Really? You feel weak."

Yun Ye said.

"That's because he was mentally unstable and was released from the sealing technique...hiss."

Ming Qi's eyes fell on Yun Ye's head, and he suddenly took a breath of air.

He then remembered that Yun Ye had also been wearing a top-level sealing device since he started going to school.

Theoretically, Yun Ye can use less power than Wu Cheng. Under such circumstances, Yun Ye can actually defeat Wu Cheng with one move?

No wonder the higher-ups of the Tomorrow Club didn’t say anything, just took Wu Cheng away and threw him to that crazy woman!

"Weiyang, tell me the truth, how strong is your spiritual control now?"

Ming Qi said in a deep voice.

"Early stage of fourth level."

Yun Ye said.


Ming Qi and Yu Feng lost their voices at the same time.

The early stage of the fourth level, which is the entry-level fourth level originally defined by Yun Ye, is characterized by the ability to control one force to turn ten thousand, and there will be no additional loss when the spiritual power is running.

Theoretically, this is the ultimate state where one can use a piece of spiritual power to produce extraordinary effects.

The reason why the two lost their voices was not only because this realm was powerful, but also because only two people had reached this realm in history.

One is the current Seven Seats, this one is in the Dharma Realm and cannot be compared with ordinary monks.

The other one is a mysterious figure who has not been released to them.

Ming Qi only knew that this person would make a great contribution to tomorrow, and that the Nine Lives Divine Law came from this person, but he did not know his specific name, appearance, or experience.

It can be seen from the entire history of the Tomorrow Society that fourth-level spirituality is not only powerful, but also a state that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

"Weiyang is only three years old. Are we giving birth to a son of God?!"

Yu Feng was absent-minded for a long time.

This kind of spiritual attainment is enough for Yun Ye to directly fight across borders without practicing spiritual methods.

With this kind of spiritual realm, supplemented by the silent spiritual method, it is no wonder that a genius like Wu Cheng has no resistance and is easily suppressed.

But then, their expressions changed again and again.

As they looked at each other, the two knew that they had thought of something together.

"What's wrong?"

Yun Ye's magical talent was precision, so he could accurately distinguish mood swings. In such a sentence, Ming Qi and Yu Feng actually felt a lot of worry and fear.

Where does this emotion come from? Yun Ye cannot read minds and cannot know after all.

"Hey... Weiyang, you are very smart, and there is no need for us to hide it from you."

Ming Qi sighed, held Yu Feng's hand, and sat back in his chair, "Do you know the order Wu Cheng belongs to and what tasks they perform?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, most of them don't know, but as your cultivation level grows, you must know it. The No. 2 organization to which Wu Cheng belongs represents the military power of tomorrow's meeting, and all of them perform difficult and extremely dangerous tasks. , the department with the highest mortality rate in the Tomorrow Society, and Wu Cheng joined the No. 2 organization at the age of six. In just four years, he was promoted from the sixth to the second rank, becoming the ace monk of the 2nd order. This year he is twelve. Years old, he has killed many Dharma Realms with his own strength."

Yu Feng took the words and continued: "And what does this mean? It means that Wu Cheng has experienced countless battlefields and killed countless enemies. And thanks to people like Wu Cheng, Tomorrow City can exist and support so many children. Grow and practice.”

"But if such a difficult task is carried out for a long time, people's minds will be distorted. Wu Cheng is too young, and the chance of this happening is much higher than others. As more family members are killed, the more he kills, the more likely he is to have this happen. The darkness becomes more obvious."

"What's the meaning?"

Yun Ye asked knowingly.

"The aristocratic family absorbs the blood of countless people to nourish itself. Those at the top have the strongest power and the longest lifespan. They can dominate everyone's life and enjoy all luxury. It is the ultimate in getting something for nothing."

Yu Feng paused, "I have seen too many such beings. Wu Cheng will naturally think it is unfair. He obviously has such strong strength, why should he risk his life to fight for tomorrow, and then have to obey countless rules?" According to the rules, use your spoils to feed strangers who have nothing to do with you?”

"This is what Wu Cheng thinks, so darkness is constantly emerging in his mind, and his character is getting colder and colder. At the same time, everything he sees is getting darker, and he has even beaten people seriously many times when he disagreed with him. Wu Cheng's thoughts are very important to grasp. There is no secret at all for the Tomorrow Club of the Nine Life Divine Law, and even the Tomorrow Club already knows that Wu Chenghui will defect soon."

"It's just that Wu Cheng's achievements are genuine. Before his betrayal, the Tomorrow Club would not deal with him, but you interrupted the process and forced the Tomorrow Club to punish him in advance. You even showed that Stronger than Wu Cheng."

Both of them sighed.

"Could it be that you want me to replace Wu Cheng tomorrow?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.

"...It's possible that Tomorrow Club is currently lacking in combat power."

The two of them were worried about this.

Although Ming Weiyang is really ridiculously strong, they are still worried. Anything can happen on the battlefield, and Yun Ye is only a mortal body, and he may die suddenly if he is careless. They do not want Ming Weiyang to go to the battlefield so early.

"Is our situation already so difficult? Generally speaking, we wouldn't think about it this way. After all, my talent is so strong."

Yun Ye said.

"No, it would be better to say that the situation is very good. It is for this reason that Tomorrow City wants to send you out. If it is a dangerous period, Tomorrow City will be completely closed and no one will leave."

Mingqi denied this.

"That's right, we are in great shape and have captured many defensive structures. On the contrary, we want to achieve more results. The atmosphere is far less oppressive than five or six years ago. This is also the most suitable time to train successors. Change it to At other times, it’s just asking for death.”

Yu Feng also said.


Yun Ye fell into deep thought.

Since he will dare to attack and guard the Taoist tradition tomorrow, does it mean that the opportunity he created in the fourth life has indeed left the two sects with no remaining power to control the outside world?

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