A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 329 Destiny has returned, and a new era is coming!

Attacked from two sides, attacked from both sides.

On the path of spiritual practice, this situation is extremely rare.

The monks have spiritual consciousness to monitor everything, and their reactions are far beyond those of ordinary people.

Even if there are attacks from two directions, most of the time it still depends on hard power.

If they are of the same level, then this attack is effective, but if the two are slightly weaker, this attack can barely make up for the disadvantage.

If the two of them were 35% weaker, then this pincer attack would be completely ineffective.

So, what situation are the two spiritual sects facing?

On the front, it's twilight in troubled times.

Dusk, which has devoured seven or eight profound realms, is approaching the extraordinary level and has completely surpassed everyone present. The "Twilight Magical Power" it activates is enough to wipe out all living creatures.

On the back, there is Yun Ye in the state of sacrificing a Taoist weapon.

All of Yun Ye's strength, foundation and potential were poured into "Eternal Silence", and he decided the outcome with this strike.

Wherever the eternal silence passes, the space burns, and all matter is swallowed up by the vibrating space.

This is a dangerous force that cannot be underestimated and can engulf the profound realm.

Perhaps in normal times, Taoist masters are not afraid of "eternal silence" at all, but under the threat of the twilight of troubled times, this eternal silence is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Many great powers were silently swallowed up by the two forces, and they were all turned into food, becoming the nourishment for the surge in power in the twilight of troubled times.

In this vision world, Dusk does not need to "eat with his mouth". As long as he dies in the vision, he is "swallowed" by it and will directly become its power.

Relying on these top-quality foods, Dusk's power increased again and again, turning it into a thousand-meter giant, and the dim sun above its head also lost its light.

It's starting to set into the sunset!

The power of the setting sun's dark night directly stabilized the time and space of this vision to the extreme, and all Taoist masters showed despair in unison.

They are at the end of their rope!

After many battles and interruptions, their mana cannot be infinite. Although they still have a few percent strength at this moment, it is no longer possible to create a gap to contact the super formation of the outside world!

Without the assistance of the super formation, they would not be able to break the space-time fault even if they tried their best, and they were almost waiting to die!

"The last sword!"

"This sword cuts off the connection with the outside world!"

Yun Ye was almost burned out, but he was still not dead. He supported himself and swung the decisive sword. He swung the sword against the concept of "connection".

The process of swinging the sword was like cutting gold and stone, which was extremely difficult, but a large amount of reverberation was poured into it, and Yun Ye's last remaining fire burned at all costs.

He penetrated Lan Wuyuan's Taoist weapon and almost decomposed a massive amount of reverberations, as many as 70,000 in number. Most of these echoes were thrown into the fourth rule by him to strengthen the power of the Taoist tool's true name.

As the echoes continued to pour in, the power belonging to the fourth rule became stronger and stronger, and Yun Ye also suddenly cut through a certain rule between heaven and earth.

After this blow, Yun Ye was completely annihilated into ashes, and the Tomorrow Zhan Quan Sword in his hand also fell into the sky and disappeared wrapped in flames and water flow.


It's shifted a little at this moment.

All the great powers vaguely sensed a slight abnormality. They were already conceptual beings and could detect changes in the world.

"This is……"

The corners of Lan Wuyuan's mouth twitched. He could still vaguely perceive the outside world, but at this moment, this connection was completely severed.

And his nine-life magic was completely darkened at this moment.

If it was originally just a murderous calamity, now it is completely a death calamity, with no sign of life at all.

Looking back.

I'm afraid that this outcome was already doomed when he accepted Xiang Ying as his disciple and wiped out the Xiang family.

Too many mysteries surround this monster.


Now I will be buried here forever with them, the Taoist masters.

Lan Wuyuan looked at the sky, boundless power and vitality burning, and blood and tears continued to flow from the corners of his eyes. His roar resounded throughout the vision space and time:

"I! No! Gan! Heart! Ah!"


Magical power·Dusk and sunset!

The yellow barrier merged with the night. It was no longer a diffuse type, but directly wrapped around everyone, completely covering the Taoist masters and powerful people.

This is a power that even the Blood Demon can't resist. With just a few breaths, all the great powers under the Tao Master were destroyed.

The power of this chaotic world surged again, overwhelming all Taoist masters.

Even if these Taoist masters really started to work hard and used countless killing moves and treasures, they would eventually die.

All traces disappeared as the eternal night faded and the dawn came, leaving only three mysterious lights falling into the sky in this area.

Xuan Bao has a certain degree of immortality and has not been destroyed by troubled times, and most demons do not need artifacts. These three Xuan Bao were scattered in the Great Wilderness Lingze.

"The new Tao is an unexpected gain. Doesn't this mean that the original Tao weapon exists somewhere?"

"This new path is related to the destruction of Baishi Town. It has not been destroyed until now. It is not a coincidence. We have no room to interfere. Let's go!"

The two hidden outsiders left. They were not too satisfied with the current situation, but they did not want to interfere too much and expose their traces.

And their conversations have actually revealed their identities.


With a silent roar, Dawn stepped forward and stepped out of the Dusk Valley. It needed more nutrients, more nutrients enough for it to grow!

The vision is spreading and intensifying with the footsteps, and the scope of the influence is far more than a few thousand miles in diameter.

"Evil beast!"

"The Mengze Lingzong's plan... actually succeeded. There is no way that the Mengze Lingzong could have accomplished this on its own!"

"The Luo Saint Clan and the Pure World Holy Land have intervened!"

"This is total annihilation, what a terrible chaos! Sect Master, please take action to suppress it and seize the Taoist artifact!"

Several Taoist masters appeared out of thin air, looking coldly at the spreading abnormal world.

Just now, the existence of many Taoist masters collapsed, and the Taoist network they built with each other also experienced unprecedented deficiencies.

In one breath, three Tao masters died!

The culprit of all this is the demon of troubled times, Mengze Lingzong, and there must be two major forces in Shuizhou and Luozhou involved!

There are many Tao masters, headed by one.

This was a man with blood-colored texture covering his face, palms, and even his whole body. He looked at this thousand-meter giant, Gujing Wubo.

It seemed that he was lost in thought.

But his movements did not stop at all. He raised his hand and the Pillar of Clouds fell from the sky, suppressing the area.

"Twelve Clouds and Sky Formation."

"Full recovery!"

Almost most of the Taoist masters came out of the air, and they had to join forces to collect the remaining Taoist weapons.


On the Mengze Lingzong side, there were also inhuman giant hands that tore apart the space and forcibly twisted the Cloud Sky Pillar to break into this area.

"True blood, good means, can actually wipe out all the people in my sect, and even make me have to fight against this troubled demon with you, good means!"

The leader of the Mengze Ling Sect also appeared. He was an old man wearing a pale mask, with gray hair, and his visible skin was also very old.

"Meng Shi, your methods are also extraordinary. Why don't you tell me who helped make all the top three Taoist masters of my sect fall."

The man with blood-colored texture looked at the soulless Taoist master and the master of Mengze Lingzong, as if he wanted to see through him.

He is the sect leader, so he is not ranked among them. The top three are indeed Yanhong, Qushuang and Daxuan.

This lineup is to suppress the actions of Mengze Lingzong.


But they died together?


The old man Meng, whose real name is unknown, spoke.

The two sect masters' Taoist artifacts rose into the sky, and terrifying power exploded. They directly started a battle, and together they tore apart the vision of demons in troubled times.

This is an inevitable battle that no one can lose.

To be honest, the severity is not exaggerated at all.

In order to compete for the Taoist weapon, Mengze Lingzong must forcefully fight against Yuntian Lingzong even if they ignore the losses of the super formation.

Things like spiritual vein nodes were ignored before such a big fight.

Each Dao Master has nearly 100,000 echoes. If you can grab them all, then the first national Dao artifact will be born, and the winner will be determined!

After all, they all belong to the Luo Dynasty, so once there is a gap in the level of Taoist weapons, it is equivalent to winning or losing.

If they want to continue to compete on the same stage, they can only kill each other and let the Taoist weapons merge.

And how much sect strength will be lost by killing each other?

It can be said that even if the national Taoist weapon is born, the subsequent battle between the two sects is destined to be impossible to win. There is no fault in saying that the winner has been decided.

Under this situation, Mengze Lingzong had to do something even at all costs, and could not let Yuntian Lingzong pick up the artifact and become the winner in vain.

And their war was carried out under the interference of the three chaotic times of dusk, sunset and morning, and the intensity increased countless times. As soon as the war began, powerful men continued to fall, and they frantically competed for the ownership of the five Taoist artifacts.

The reason why there are five pieces is mainly because although Lan Wuyuan killed one of the opponent's Taoist masters, he did not have time to decompose it, and Yun Ye's sword only killed Lan Wuyuan's Taoist weapon and did not put it anywhere. Another Taoist master's Taoist weapon was destroyed.


At the base tomorrow, everyone learned about the complete destruction of the Dusk Valley Project.

Different from the past, this time there was power to wipe out everything, and no information was left. Even tomorrow's meeting did not know what happened, only the final result was presented.

The Yuntian and Mengze systems were completely destroyed.

The dozens of members they sent were all wiped out.

As for Xiangying, many members who were undercover in the two sects also failed to come out alive.

This situation is indeed a bit complicated, which made all the senior leaders of Tomorrow Club silent for a long time.

Are they dreaming?

After half a ring.

Zhuo Qilian smiled expressionlessly: "This is the so-called stealing the sky to change the sun, and defeating the sky half a son, right? With just one plan, two Taoist masters and powerful powers can be wiped out, triggering a further war. We can also know the outcome of Yi Deduction. The strength of the two sects has been depleted to the freezing point, and we..."

"You can take advantage of the situation!"

This was the reason why Yun Ye took action.

The benefits are too great.

It was so big that even if Yun Ye achieved the Mysterious Realm, it would still be far less successful than this battle.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Once completed.


The momentum is achievable!

"At this point in the war between the two sects, we no longer have the energy to monitor Huangzhou. It seems we can start. I guess the master couldn't have predicted that we would have reached this point in just twenty years, right?"

Tian Jing smiled, not knowing what he was feeling.

Huo Yang, who was dressed in white, walked up to the True Heavenly Instrument and looked at the nine extra small stars surrounding the True Heavenly Instrument. For some reason, she had a premonition...

Perhaps Yang Shi and Dao were protecting them, accompanying them, and witnessing them together. Otherwise, why would such a miracle happen in reality?

"A new era is coming, and your wishes will definitely come true!"

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