A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 319 The Taoist Master sheds blood

Above the core area of ​​Dusk Valley.


Different from the sound of ordinary explosions, what flashed in the sky was the sound of space shattering.

Terrifying figures, fighting in the sky.

Fluctuations shattered the space.

Just like some mortal realms, one can use the means (mysteries) of the spiritual realm in advance.

In some spiritual realms, you can also use the methods of the legal realm (spiritual magic field) in advance.

Similarly, there are also some Dharma realms where you can use the Mysterious Realm methods (space techniques) in advance.

People sent by the royal family of the Luo Dynasty can use space abilities at will in the legal realm, which is obviously not possible in the legal realm of Yuntian Lingzong.

And this ability is actually a power that is basically mastered in the Xuan Realm. It can be said that it can be learned naturally.

And when this power is studied into the depths, the situation revealed is that even space cannot bear their weight and is being crushed.

During the war.

Someone felt uneasy for a moment.

Because the evil spirit spreads thousands of miles, and they cannot ignore it no matter what.

"Hongyi actually died?"

"How could this happen? The worst, most impossible thing has happened!"

"It's just an ordinary team. No matter what, it's impossible for Hong Yi to fall..."

Many Taoist masters of Mengze Lingzong were shocked.

"It seems that you didn't expect that you would choose the wrong opponent - if you target my disciple, this will be the result, of course!"

"You haven't learned enough lessons yet!"

The real gold weapon suspended above Lan Wuyuan's head burst out with light, suppressing many demons in troubled times.

But unlike Hong Yi, who only has a legal realm, the Taoist masters of the Mengze Ling Sect are all powerful men who stand in the mysterious realm. Even if the true spirits they use are suppressed, they have not lost their fighting power. They still fight against Lan Wuyuan and interact with each other. Spending strength.

"Lan Wuyuan, can a mere spiritual realm kill Hong Yi? What on earth did you set on your disciples!"

"Someone has noticed your various anomalies a long time ago. Now you don't want to hide it anymore? Are you going to go to the spiritual realm to kill Hongyi who can fight with the mysterious realm? She is the heir of the Blood Princess!!!"

The Taoist master of Mengze Lingzong roared angrily.

Immortal Blood Princess.

The terrifying being who pioneered the secret technique of true spirit fusion merged with a troubled demon with immortality, which made him famous.

Since she became famous, even though she was surrounded and killed by five Taoist masters, she survived unharmed. In the end, Yuntian Lingzong had to give up all plans against her - Yuntian Lingzong could not do anything to her, and she was said to be immortal. , is the most terrifying figure in the Mengze Ling Sect, second only to the sect leader.

The horror of the Blood Princess is obvious.

As her heir, Hong Yi’s importance is self-evident, and his identity can be called the highest secret of the entire Mengze Ling Sect!

She, as the successor, not only represents the invincible talent, but also represents that the Blood Lady's time has come!

Although Yuntian Lingzong has also speculated on this matter, it is impossible for it to be confirmed in any case. As long as it is not clear, the Blood Princess will have a deterrent effect!

It would be best to continue until Hong Yi reaches his peak...

The terrifying talent of being able to fight against the Mysterious Realm when you first enter the Dharma Realm is not a weed that can be seen everywhere, it is the result of countless resources poured into it by the Mengze Ling Sect!

The purpose is to increase the sect's combat power and gain an advantage in the battle with Yuntian Lingzong.


Something extremely absurd happened.

So casually, a spiritual realm directly wiped out Hong Yi?

Who wants to believe this nonsense?

This is simply impossible!

Only take the frost!

Only he can do it!

Taking frost can extract the monk's power crystals and use them as a protective treasure. If there are a large number of top-level power crystals, there is indeed hope to kill the red clothes!

What else is possible?

Could it be that the spiritual realm obliterated Hong Yi?

"Haha, the loser's cry, this is the fact, this is irrefutable - the ultimate talent!"

Lan Wuyuan didn't lie. He was also extremely surprised at Yun Ye's combat power. He couldn't understand why Yun Ye could do such a terrifying thing.

"Lan Wuyin, today I will make you pay the price!!!"

The three Taoist masters were completely angry, and they unleashed all their strength to surround and kill Lan Wuyuan.

Now the other two Taoist masters of Yuntian Lingzong are guarding both sides, setting up formations. Only the avatar assists Lan Wuyuan, and his combat power is at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, with such rampant behavior, do they really think they are incompetent?

"Taking Shuang Xuanfa - the world is at a loss!"

However, Lan Wuyuan was truly fearless. He blocked three Taoist masters by himself, showing a despairing power.

After this battle, Yun Ye will advance to the Dharma Realm. What else does he need to hide?

"Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!"


A Taoist master was bleeding. Under the shocked eyes of many Taoist masters, a blow penetrated his chest. The next second, the treasure in his hands exploded——

Are you kidding me?

Destroy liberation?

Can the Taoist master also be controlled?

The terrifying shock wave directly shattered Mengze Lingzong’s attempt.

Conspiracies and machinations are so feeble under the influence of absolute power.

Lan Wuyin has been saying that Yuntian Lingzong has an absolute advantage and will not be defeated no matter what, it just depends on the outcome.

Is this because he believes in the power of Yuntian Lingzong?

of course not.

He believed in himself!


An unwilling roar resounded throughout the entire Great Wilderness Lingze.

Many monks in Yuntianling City raised their heads.

The same is true for the remaining monks from the various Dao departments of Ling Sect.

They all heard the roar, and at the same time, they also saw the terrifying vision spreading across the sky.

"What... happened?"

Countless people murmured to themselves.

The sky turned from clear to overcast in an instant, and a heavy rain of spiritual energy covering the entire Great Wilderness Lingze broke out.

Under the heavy raindrops.

Bathed in elixir, growing like crazy.

When mortals bathe, their bodies transform.

The monks also made breakthroughs one after another, as if they were assisted by God and received the blessing of the top elixir. They couldn't help but go crazy and tried their best to absorb the spiritual rain from the sky.

Behind the carnival, Taoist masters, chiefs, and peak masters looked up, with horror flashing in their eyes.

What a terrible thing! ! !

For thousands of years!

The number of times it appears is countless!

"Someone in the Great Perfection Realm has actually fallen. This is just the beginning of the eighth year of the war. How could it happen so suddenly? Who could it be?"


A mighty man who was in the Dachengxuan realm and lived for eight hundred years actually died in battle. All his power lost control and was released spontaneously, forming a torrential spiritual rain!

The vision after death is related to the martial arts in life. The rain of spirits from the sky means that he was a master of water magic during his lifetime.

The true blood line of Yuntian Lingzong is rich in water magic monks. If they fall, it will be a catastrophe, and all the advantages accumulated before will be lost!

Soon, they knew the answer through the communication system built by the super formation.

The seventh master of the Mengze Ling Sect has fallen and died at the hands of Take Shuang!

Many Taoists, after a moment of silence.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Sure enough, I, Yuntian, am the orthodox of heaven and earth, and this final battle favored me, Yuntian Lingzong!"

Loud laughter resounded throughout the entire Yuntian Lingzong. This was the best news that all the Taoist masters and the first sect had heard in the past hundred years!

No need to suppress joy.

This should...

Everyone celebrates!

The death of the Dachengxuan Realm, the death of the Seventh Dao Master, is worth doing!

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