A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 305 The Eleventh Level of Heavenly Road

White mist filled the air, and Yun Ye climbed to the eleventh step of the Heavenly Road.

The eleventh-level Heavenly Road has a special meaning.

Represents a new beginning.

In the eyes of many families and sects, the eleventh level is the inheritance of blood. The starting point of a family directly determines the rise and fall of the family.

"Burning spiritual techniques, and..."

"Ascending bloodline!"

As the white mist dissipated, a dilapidated courtyard appeared in front of him, and Yun Ye's whole body was immediately filled with a sense of powerlessness and hunger.

"The Eleventh Level of the Heavenly Road·The Battle of Tracing the Origin: Counting dozens of generations, our ancestors are all mortals. I have forged the Heavenly Road. I use history as a mirror to know the ups and downs and the principles of human beings. The human race should be like dragons and prosper in the world." . 』

"Tracing back to history, returning to the era of our ancestors to prove ourselves, the goals of passing trials are also different depending on the concept. 』

"Is it really a civilian start again?"

Yun Ye couldn't help but look up to the sky, as if he wanted to look into the eyes of someone living in the sky.

Not the Queen Mother.

It was a true immortal who changed the rules of the Heavenly Path.

He has walked through the tenth level of the Heavenly Road and already understood the nature of the Heavenly Road. This time he just pointed it out.

"According to different concepts, the trial goals are also different. 』

That's the key.

The reason why Tianlu Tier 2 has to fight many spiritual realms is not that he was unlucky and happened to choose a difficult event, but that his trials were all of the same difficulty, no matter who he chose.

The True Immortal Queen Mother set up historical levels based on history, so depending on the concept, the origins and goals of the trialists are also different.

From the second level to the tenth level, Yun Ye experienced three civilian uprisings, three aristocratic families suppressing uprisings, and three dynasties suppressing aristocratic family rebellions.

Basically, they go through each experience once and cycle through it.

By the eleventh time, according to this rule, it was the common people's turn to start against the powerful families.

Unsurprisingly, this is a kind of training. You can learn many truths through history and see the corruption that cannot be seen in peaceful times.

Starting from the eleventh level, memory can lead to the heavenly path - that's how it is.

But it's a pity that a true immortal changed the rules and sealed all stages of the heavenly path, and the memory was not allowed to be taken out.

As long as the memory cannot bring out the Heavenly Road, the greatest significance of the Heavenly Road will be lost, and it will become an ordinary tool to become stronger, but instead enhance the strength of the ruler.

(Speaking of which, the first level of Heavenly Road fought against the pioneers of various eras in history. Why did the eleventh level just take over the tenth level without any new changes?)

Yun Ye digested a lot of memories with questions.

Zamu, this is the name, or symbol, of its predecessor.

Everyone around me who knew my predecessor called me that. There was neither a surname nor a formal name.

It can be seen from the name Zamu how low Zamu's status is, and theoretically it is impossible to have any bloodline.

But in fact, there really is, Zamu is a genuine Xiang ethnic group.

It's just that his talent is extremely poor, and he has been thrown to a side branch to work as a servant since he was born. He is a waste that has nothing to do with the Xiang people.

According to memory comparison, Yunye discovered that Zamu lived in a long time ago, Wenyun Town more than 300 years ago.

Yun Ye has complete memory. He has read all the books in the Xiang Clan's collection, including the history of the Xiang Clan.

During this period, the Xiang Clan was still unknown and had not become strong. There was only one spiritual realm in the whole clan, and they were a small family struggling on the line of life and death.

But soon, a genius named Xiangchu Shi emerged and brought great prosperity to the Xiang people.

During the Xiangchu period, the Xiang clan's geniuses increased explosively, and the positive cycle of the spiritual family was completed in a very short period of time, which was very strange.

This period of historical records is very vague, except that because of the early Xiang style, the fate of the Xiang people continued until three hundred years later.

Since this trial is from a branch of the Xiang clan, events related to the Xiang clan should happen soon.


The door to the courtyard was kicked open, interrupting Yun Ye's train of thought. Several men with sinister faces walked in and looked around the courtyard. They spat disdainfully and said, "You're just a poor guy, forget it." , every one counts, take it away!”

One of them directly grabbed Yun Ye and took him away by force.

Yun Ye didn't resist.

"Tap tap tap tap."

The big man carried Yun Ye all the way, carrying Yun Ye with ease but still having strength. After walking for several miles, he entered the Xiang Clan's mansion through a secret passage and threw him into a courtyard overgrown with weeds.

There are already hundreds of people here, all from the Xiang ethnic group, weeping in fear, waiting for their fate to be judged.

"Give them good food and drink for seven days, then feed them medicinal diet for the next three days, and bathe them every day... I have told you the steps, don't make any deviations, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

"Yes, sir, we must do a good job and we will never be lazy!"

Several big men sent the Xiang spiritual practitioners away in fear.

Then, they immediately turned around and roared, warning everyone that if they dared to cry or speak again, they would serve with fists and feet.

In the next seven days, these big men and more than a dozen people cooked and cooked delicious food for hundreds of people in the yard.

Yun Ye was also among them. Since the food was provided in an unlimited amount, he was not polite, ate in large gulps, and used secret techniques to digest it.

This time, he didn't have Qi-nurturing skills at the beginning, but his talent was higher than the second level of Tianlu, and his efficiency in Qi-nourishing skills was pretty good.

Yun Ye ate a lot more every day, and no one paid attention to the leftovers. He ate as much as he could, and then forcibly digested them with secret techniques.

Yun Tianling Sect has been inherited for thousands of years and has almost everything, which has benefited Yun Ye a lot.

For example, the Yuntian Ling Sect has dozens of secret digestion techniques that can be used by mortals.

Yun Ye started as a commoner all year round, so he naturally knew that this secret technique was very useful, so he chose one and practiced it to perfection.

Coupled with his meticulous control, the digestion capacity can be increased by about ten times, and can even be increased to thirty times regardless of damage.

Therefore, seven days would not make any trouble in the eyes of others, but Yun Ye forcibly practiced the art of nourishing Qi to the point where he laid the foundation and quickly moved towards Xiaocheng.

On the eighth day, the Xiang people began to give them medicine, which seemed to be the product of elixirs melted into the water.

This is also a great tonic, much more effective than ordinary food. On the first day, Yun Ye relied on the spiritual water to achieve a small level of Qi-nourishing skills, and by the end of the third day, he had consolidated the small level.

In fact, with Yun Ye's current level of awakening technique, he can directly awaken his spiritual roots even without practicing the Qi Nourishing Technique. This is nothing more than a loss of more life. Anyway, it is just a historical simulation in Tianlu and does not affect reality.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Yun Ye is not in a hurry.

He is too familiar with this routine, and I am afraid that the next step is to refine the human elixir and improve the cultivation of the family's geniuses.

Before the alchemy begins, it is more advantageous for him to hide his strength. When the time comes to plot, it will be much easier to pass the level.

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