A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 302 The War of the Super Spirit Sect


Ashes were rising, and the entire Great Wilderness Lingze skyline was covered with a thick layer of spiritual ash. Too many strategic weapons fell, so much so that the decomposed ashes completely enveloped the sky, making it impossible for sunlight to penetrate.

Everywhere on the battlefield, there are figures of Dharma Realms fighting. However, unlike the saturation bombings of the previous month, the battles between Dharma Realms did not spread widely, and the power was compressed and economized as much as possible.


The giant humanoid shadow descended, slapped a Dharma Realm from the sky, and smashed several mountains.

Then, a spear penetrated from nowhere and nailed the giant humanoid shadow firmly in the air.

"True body and magical power!"

Someone roared, and the huge humanoid shadow suddenly changed dramatically. The particles were floating away and falling to the ground. The spear that originally blocked the space was ineffective, and he was forced to break free.


After the humanoid shadow fell to the ground, it turned into an existence with the same size as a human being. With a roar, a rich light of destruction exploded, sweeping out to obliterate the enemy's realm.


The spear screamed and was suddenly held. Xu Yue's figure emerged. He looked at the human demon and the spear in his hand began to enter a state of liberation.

"The Catastrophic Demon...the Missing Man Ghost, possesses the conceptual power to destroy life, and is a natural enemy of physical cultivation. I didn't expect to encounter it so soon."

"Then I have to give my best."

"Bagua falls! The killing formation begins!"


A large formation suddenly spread between the heaven and the earth. As the peak master of the Sancai branch, Xu Yue created this third cultivation of the Talisman Formation Spirit. His best secret technique is to unfold the formation out of thin air without relying on any formation flags.

This has a very significant advantage on the ever-changing battlefield. Although the power is weaker than the formation, it is more difficult to control and the actual combat value is far better than the formation.

Immediately afterwards, the diffusion array shrank suddenly, just like the star ring of physical cultivation, enveloping a massive amount of spiritual energy and pouring it into the magic weapon spear.

Following Xu Yue threw the spear.


With one swift shot, the light of destruction was wiped out, and the missing ghost was shot dead on the spot.


The servant of the Querengui vomited blood on the spot and was backlashed, but then Xu Yue's second shot penetrated and killed the servant directly.


Another giant baby appeared, and the cry resounded throughout the world. Xu Yue suddenly stepped back, but he was still injured and bleeding from all his orifices.

Several domineering figures appeared and surrounded him.

Xu Yue's expression became serious.

The battlefield perspective is subsequently raised.

On the vast and stretching battlefield, there are a large number of Dharma Realms fighting, some fighting individually, and some joining forces to encircle and kill them. On a battlefield of this level, the fall of Dharma Realms has become a normal thing.

At the top of the sky, there are great powers fighting. Their power is tearing apart the void and shattering the foundation of the world. The battlefield can no longer be set up on the earth, and it is even more difficult for humans to observe.

The sky was also shaken.

The battle is getting more intense!

As super spiritual sects, what form will their war take?

Soldier against soldier, king against king?

Does the number of people make sense when the strength is hundreds of times, tens of thousands of times different, or even immeasurable?

The answer is no.

In an extraordinary war, the meaning of soldiers is not cannon fodder, but to defend the city.

The meaning of the king is not to command, but to be the main force.

Without the king, there is no need to fight, the outcome is already predetermined.

In the case of a king, the war will be won only if the king wins.

The role of generals and soldiers is to increase the possibility of the "king"'s victory as much as possible, so as to influence the balance.

And this way to increase the winning rate is to compete for spiritual veins!

When you reach the level of Xuanjing, you need a huge amount of spiritual energy to replenish your strength in order to continue fighting. This is also the reason why the Yuntian Lingzong's twelve-line super formation was established.

Although the Mengze Lingzong on the opposite side has much lower spiritual energy requirements than the Yuntian Lingsect, if they increase their spiritual energy, they will definitely gain a gain in combat power.

Therefore, in this final battle, both sides are fighting for battery life, and who is fighting for the longest time.

The legal realm competes for the spiritual veins, the spiritual realm guards the spiritual veins, and the mysterious realm uses the spiritual veins.

In words, it is such a simple assignment of responsibilities.

But in the actual implementation process.

There were too many surprises.

There are so many factors to consider.

For example, a huge accident occurred on the battlefield where Xu Yue was.

"Wedding dress~wedding dress~my red wedding dress~my mother put on the red wedding dress for me with her own hands~"

Amidst the strange singing, a woman in a red wedding dress broke into the battlefield. All the great monks of the Yuntian Ling Sect who heard the strange singing began to have their hearts beat faster, their eyes bleed, and for a while, the entire perspective was saturated in red.

Moreover, even spiritual consciousness cannot isolate this kind of contamination.

Their sense of danger, their ability to sense danger, began to plummet after being infected by red, and their bodies also had major problems. It was as if their energy had been drawn away, their faces became paler and paler, and they had no mana, but they were completely unable to respond. .

"The wedding dress of the underworld...the demons in troubled times..."

Xu Yue also gradually felt that his body was cold, and his reactions became slower and slower. Finally, his strength weakened to the extreme, and his limbs were bitten by several tengu and they were eaten directly!

"you dare!"

Above the void, a golden lotus emerged out of thin air, and visions enveloped the battlefield, trying to suppress Ming Wedding Clothes.

But the woman wearing the wedding dress was not afraid at all. She climbed up to the sky and penetrated the vision into the void. She was obviously of the same level of power.

"The newly-minted power...is so well hidden that he deliberately refuses to fight!"

A powerful person from the Yuntian Ling Sect sighed.

The purpose of the woman in dark wedding clothes has been achieved.

The Yun Tian Ling Sect's First Method Realm was almost completely destroyed. They continued to fight, which was just to delay the time. The spiritual veins here had been captured by the Mengze Ling Sect.

But even so, the battle will still continue. Even if they don't fight, they will not retreat and let a powerful person move around at will.

The power of the Great Power is so strong that the Dharma Realm has no ability to resist.

Even if the power is amplified to a range of thousands of miles, the power can still reach the level of severely damaging the magic realm. If it is at close range, it can completely ignore the number and kill all peak magic realms instantly.

Without the obstruction of a powerful person at the same level, a powerful person can kill through the battle line and bring immeasurable losses. Therefore, any movement of a powerful person will be noticed, and there must be no relaxation or carelessness.

The simplest method of containment is to keep fighting. During the battle, it is impossible for any powerful person to leave. Otherwise, once a powerful person falls, it will not be worth fighting for more spiritual veins.

Moreover, it is only meaningful to replenish the spiritual veins by consuming power!

With the current fighting pattern, it would take at least twenty years for the two sects to decide the winner!

If we sit back and watch the battle in the Dharma Realm until the battle for spiritual veins determines the winner, wouldn't it take a hundred years for the winner to be determined between the great powers?

Therefore, the only way to fight is to consume the opponent's spiritual power as much as possible and save your own spiritual power as much as possible - this is the main theme of the war between the two sects, and this little difference will eventually affect the balance of the war!


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