A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 288 The Divine Magic Trial of Destiny

"This tower is not as small as you think. The interior is a different space. If you want to enter it, you must pass through the space gate on each floor."

Liu Hufa made a gesture of invitation, "Everyone, please come in. The power of the tower is limited. If you enter too late, it may be closed again."

"Liu Hufa, what does this mean? Then can we still come out?" someone asked.

"Of course we can come out, but the rewards left on each floor are limited, and it may not satisfy everyone." As soon as Liu Hufa finished speaking, a large amount of aura burst out in the whole valley.

Since the number of places is limited, the only way is to compete for the best!

"Weak people should not think too much, just retreat directly, you are not qualified to participate."

Sui Jianyong and Wen Shu said softly.

Their aura, like silk threads, cut the entire valley, making a large number of cultivators feel the feeling of swords on their necks. As Jie Feier also showed a cold look, most of the cultivators retreated.

Facing these geniuses, their numbers are meaningless, not to mention that not everyone is like Yun Ye, with the elders behind them. If they dare to complain, they will probably face the order.

"Dao Ji, please participate in the trial as soon as possible. We will keep an eye on the situation."

The people of Jie Fei'er's faction said.

They are all far weaker than Jie Fei'er, and it is impossible for them to compete for the final inheritance qualification even if they enter.


Jie Fei'er glanced at Yun Ye coldly, and then stepped directly into the space vortex, and her breath completely disappeared.

"You are on the Qilin list, you can enter."

Sui Jianyong spoke, and then he and Wen Shu stepped into the vortex.

Although it was just a sentence, no one dared not to obey.

Among the cultivators present, there were not many who had been on the Qilin list, Kong Qu and Feng Gongxiao were two.

Yun Ye did not know the remaining three, but none of them were contemporary Qilin list geniuses, they were all old men who were already a hundred years old and had achieved the realm of law for a long time.

Yun Ye was not very interested in these people, and yawned through the vortex gate.

Then, a group of disciples watched them leave in silence.

At the Emerald Lake of Yuntian Lingzong, many disciples asked, "Can't we see what's inside the tower?"

Unlike before, there was no projection at all in the tower. What Su Xinshan had experienced and what she had passed were not projected.

"The ruins were all made by ancient powerful people or even saints. As long as they can still function, it is easy to isolate the divine law." Someone shook his head.

This made many people feel uncomfortable. In other words, what happened next was a complete black box, and they couldn't see the first-hand live broadcast.


After crossing the vortex gate, Yun Ye arrived at a high platform directly.

Then he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He couldn't help but call out the Book of Reincarnation.

"Fate: B (A+) → D (C+)"

"Fate has decreased?"

"No, it should be said that luck has decreased!"

From the C level onwards, Yun Ye's fate has increased in luck, not fate.

This decrease is too outrageous, almost directly cleared to zero.

As soon as Yun Ye's thoughts came up, a piece of information suddenly poured into his mind.

"The Nine Lives Divine Law Ceremony is a trophy of our sect. Although it is not a Taoist scripture, it also has various magical uses. It's a pity that these methods have their own destiny and cannot be obtained by force."

"For this reason, our sect has arranged a tower of good fortune that can realize all possibilities, allowing the ceremony to evolve into nine levels of trials in order to reach the top and inherit the Nine Lives Great System."

"Unfortunately, after three thousand years, the moment of reincarnation has arrived, but no one has passed the trial and obtained the final Nine Lives Divine Law... Is this destiny?"

"Before the death of each inheritor, the divine tower will not be opened again. The trialists of later generations, go and pursue destiny."

"The first level of trial: knowing destiny."

Yun Ye stood on the high platform, surrounded by darkness, and as this information was poured in, the surrounding scene changed rapidly, and a remote rural area appeared in sight.

This scene chose a farmer as the perspective and began to evolve his life.

From birth, the farmer was hungry and full, and he could help with housework when he was just two years old.

Before the age of six, he was already working in the fields.

Brothers and sisters were born and died one by one, and those who were lucky enough to survive shared his pressure.

Parents would be happy if a brother was born, but would sigh if a sister was born.

The family was centered around the farmer, the eldest son. With the death of his father, the farmer became the master of the family.

He began to face the landlords and the government, and most of the annual harvest had to be paid to them, and they were exploited.

It was extremely difficult to support several people in the family, so he chose to give less food to his old mother and sister, and only ensure the labor of the male adults.

But even so, a drought still made all the efforts come to naught. The fields were barren, and the price of grain began to soar again. Not only that, the government also asked them to continue to pay various inexplicable taxes, or they would be served with knives.

The farmer had to sell a lot of land to pay taxes, but this was still not enough, so he sold several sisters.

In this way, he barely coped with the drought and the government officials.

But all his land was owned by the landlord. If he wanted to survive, he could only rent the landlord's land, which would make his already small harvest even less, and he probably couldn't support his family.

Then he starved to death.

Because there were many people competing to grow crops on this land, he didn't get it.

"What led to the tragic fate of the farmer's family?"

This question is the test of the first level.

"What a classic question."

Yun Ye sighed, then fell into deep thought.

This is indeed a classic. If a professional scholar were to answer it, he would definitely be able to analyze it thoroughly, from society to individuals, from class to race.

However, Yun Ye's knowledge system is neither systematic nor profound, so when faced with this problem, it seems quite simple at first glance, but after thinking about it carefully, he cannot sort out the answer immediately.

Therefore, Yun Ye thought about it for a long time.

To be honest, he never expected that he would encounter such a problem even after cultivating the world of immortality.

Should he answer the answer that fits the world, or the answer that he thinks is right?

What is the correct answer to this so-called nine-life divine law test?

After a while, Yun Ye gave up thinking about this issue. He had no information to prove his guess. Now he could only choose one and gamble his luck.

"The Grand Ceremony has its own destiny... let's take a gamble. There is a 50% chance. Why not take a gamble?"

Yun Ye lay down, closed his eyes, and began to think.

With the blessing of divine magic, he can carry out certain deductions in his mind to avoid overlooking many details.

According to general logic, the reasons for the farmer's family's misery naturally start from the nearest and end at the farthest.

The most recent part is the exploitation and oppression by the landlords. If the landlords had not raised food prices to force the farmers to sell their land during the famine years, the farmer's family would not have collapsed quickly and eventually starved to death.

The second is the corruption of the government, which is very active in collecting taxes during normal times. However, during the famine, it not only fails to provide relief to the farmers, but also continues to collect various exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, which increases the burden on the farmers. As a result, the farmers and their families have to sell their land to survive, and eventually starve to death.

Of the two, land annexation by landlords is the more superficial reason.

It can only be said that as long as people still have desires and there are various natural disasters, the farmers at the bottom will definitely be exploited and use their own destruction to maintain the interests of other classes.

The existence of the government is a deeper reason. If the government system was better, less corrupt, and could suppress the landlords, the situation of the farmers would not decline rapidly. But unfortunately, in terms of the ancient environment, the integrity of the government was not possible.

Historically, when a wise king exists, the country is often more stable and prosperous. This is because wise kings generally know that the people are the foundation of the country's stability, so they will take the initiative to suppress the gentry class...

Of course, the premise is that you have the ability to suppress the gentry class. In this case, you can call yourself a wise king.

During this period, ordinary people will have a better time, and there will be no peasant uprising that subverts the country.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are the main reasons for the miserable fate of farmers at the bottom.

But taking a long look at history, this is obviously only one of the reasons.

There are other reasons that simply cannot be ignored.

For example, the population is exploding.

Even if the government does not squeeze and the landlords do not exploit, the explosive population growth in the feudal dynasty will sooner or later lead to insufficient land and forced layoffs.

In other words, insufficient productivity, coupled with uncontrollable population growth, is also one of the reasons for the miserable fate of the bottom farmers.

If modern people experience the life of ancient farmers for a few days, they will probably come back crying and working as community animals and consumables.

In modern times, people can live and fish without getting married or buying a house, but in ancient times, they could barely survive starving to death. This is a huge difference. If we make a comparison, it is difficult to say that the people at the bottom of the modern age are miserable.

The direct cause of this situation is insufficient productivity.

Although 90% of the resources are also taken up by the upper management, one total is 10,000 and the other is 100 million. The final results are very different.

So the question is, since there are not enough resources, why don’t farmers just not have children? Isn't it enough to give all the resources to the landlords? The untouchables don't deserve to live.

But it still doesn't work.

Not to mention whether uneducated ordinary people have this self-control ability, even if they do, if ordinary farmers become extinct, people born in landlord families will gradually become side branches, then become the same surname, and finally become untouchables.

If landlords and bureaucrats do not exploit the bottom class and if there are no servants to serve them, then there is no meaning of existence. Even if there is forced procreation, untouchables will flourish.

This kind of thing is especially common in the era after many years of war. The government will force young people to get married and have children when they reach the age. Otherwise, they will be fined. Anyway, there are many ways to increase the number of slaves.

This is what Yun Ye understands. It can be simply understood as oppression by landlords, but it only goes to this step. It is just reincarnation and does not solve the problem.

After knowing the essential situation, we can make targeted arrangements, not to mention jumping out of reincarnation, but at least prolonging the reincarnation.

Yun Ye submitted his answer, and then the words on the first level of the trial collapsed, revealing the word "Passed".

This made Yun Ye thoughtful.

Then, he entered the second level.

On the second floor, the farmer's story continues to develop, but the view is enlarged to the entire county.

As exploitation and oppression continued to intensify, and after another major drought came, tens of thousands of victims appeared, and some people raised their arms and started a massive peasant uprising.

The question at this level is how to successfully complete the uprising.

Before answering this question, the scene changes and tells a lot about the background of this world.

This is probably what it felt like before the Tang Dynasty, where clans and clans were extremely powerful and there were independent and independent armies everywhere.

Peasant uprisings in this era not only had to deal with government suppression, but in any city they went to, the local rulers would fight desperately for their own interests.

If officials do not implement a policy of non-resistance, the chances of a peasant uprising succeeding are too low.

The difficulty is full.

However, the difficulty was still not as high as in modern times, so Yun Ye copied the answer directly.

After a while, the scene was automatically deduced according to Yun Ye's answer.

Yun Ye has already deduced the magic method, and has a complete memory. It is full of details. He has told all the possibilities.

All situations encountered during the deduction were resolved one by one.

In the end, this path proved to be possible for changing dynasties.

So we passed the second floor and entered the third floor.

The following problems become more and more complex, and gradually move from the mortal dynasty to the immortal dynasty.

However, Yun Ye noticed that as he continued to answer, the questions were getting closer and closer to the world he wanted to realize, that is, the world of great harmony.

When we have almost reached the seventh level, the problem has become how to complete the struggle under the rule of real people and give ordinary people a more decent way to live. Of course, the starting point is still poor.

At this point, Yun Ye began to fail, and the answers he gave could not be deduced and verified many times.

This made him constantly reflect on problems and gradually noticed a large number of problems that he had not noticed in the past.

After trying various methods and finally solving the seventh floor, the eighth floor became even more desperate. Beings stronger than real people appeared. Such powerful monks acted as enemies and as a ruling group.

There were very few directions that Yun Ye could choose, and no matter what he chose, he could not achieve the final victory.

In the end, he had to change his mind and began to carry out ideological transformation on a family basis, defining the meaning of the family's existence as "creating a harmonious world."

Starting in this way, he gradually grew from poor to rich, and spread his branches, growing into a spiritual family. In the end, the family gained power beyond real people and overthrew the rule...

It can be said that by the eighth level, the chance of success for mortals is already negligible, and it must be passed down from generation to generation to have any hope.

If the history is long enough, in ten thousand or one hundred thousand years, such a person will always appear and create a family that will not change until the world is changed.

However, although this probability is low, it is much higher than Yun Ye's previous proposal.

Yun Ye had previously planned to succeed in his life and tried his best. As far as probability is concerned, there is no absolute in everything. It is not impossible to succeed in his life.

However, if the probability is so low that no one can appear in the entire history of the Red Sky Realm, he will not be able to pass the test.

The kind of situation where the world suddenly encounters a catastrophe, leading to the complete destruction of the Red Sky Realm's ruling class, is completely unacceptable here.

Then comes the ninth floor...

Yun Ye passed this level directly for unknown reasons.

On this empty floor, he was still on the platform, the only difference was that there was an extra book.

In the moment of visual inspection, Yun Ye learned all its information, including its origin, its power, and its knowledge.

This is the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony!

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