A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 278 The First Will of Heaven·God Follows My Throne

Under the gaze of most of the Yuntian Lingzong.

As Haihao clenched his fist.

A sudden sound.

Although they were far apart, Yun Ye, who had already retreated, suddenly had his chest exploded and his heart was crushed in the air.

"How...is it possible...what happened?"

Yun Ye didn't feel any signs except the initial flash of fluctuation, but his heart suddenly exploded.

What penetrated his defenses?


Even if it is mana, enough spiritual power can resist it. Why is there no warning this time?

Is this power the Dharma Realm genius?

"No, it's very unreasonable. This is obviously beyond my understanding. Is it the law of cause and effect? ​​Or is it the divine law of space? No, even the divine law of space will be interfered with by spiritual power. It is not so absolute... …”

Yun Ye's heart exploded and his whole body leaned back.

But at this moment, he thought a lot, and as he pushed the water surface with the force, he moved away completely.

The big hole in his heart was also healed by spiritual magic at this moment.

However, the energy circulation in the heart is permanently lost and needs to be practiced again.

"The strength has decreased by 5.9%. It can no longer be attacked. Although it will not die, its strength will be further depleted."

Yun Ye stared intently at Haihao who had entered the state of Haixin Divine Body in the distance.

However, how to break the situation, he had no idea what just happened.

Everything is confused!

outside world.

Most of the disciples were confused and didn't understand what was happening.

But the powerful people like Tieshuang and Kui Xin both looked at each other.

"It turns out to be... a mysterious method?"

Haihao's attack process ignored all Yun Ye's defense capabilities and directly reached the result.

This is the most significant feature of Xuanfa: the sublimation of realm and the essence of life. Low realm cannot prevent the results that Xuanfa wants to achieve.

If the realms are divided, the three stages of mortals, spiritual beings, and mana carriers are actually preparation periods, and they still remain at the level of "material life."

And moving forward, all realms after this can be called "conceptual life".

For example, in the Xuan Realm, one has already crossed the boundaries of human beings and has become an existence that can visually see the cause and effect of destiny.

Can this still be understood as a human being?

Although due to the rules of true immortals, the Mysterious Realm can only survive for eight hundred years, in essence, the Mysterious Realm has completely surpassed humans, and its own consciousness is no longer limited to the physical body.

This level is called "power".

Spatial distance, time flow, these will be more or less ignored, which is an absolute crushing of the lower levels.

"It seems that it is no longer necessary. His path has ended here. He has no chance to become the center of the whirlpool of Yuntian Lingzong. It's interesting, it's really interesting. He's just a puppet, but a Dharma Realm genius was born!"

Kwai Nobu burst out laughing, which was simply unheard of.

The secret realm is just a simulated world created by predecessors, and it is extremely different from the Red Sky Realm.

In this kind of world, only puppets can exist, only set things can exist, and it is impossible to step out of the frame.

This Haihao is different from all the great masters in the past. He has actually developed a physique such as the Haixin Divine Body, which involves the mysteries of the mysterious realm.

Xuan-level spirits are very rare in the Yuntian Spirit Sect. Based on this alone, the name of Tianjiao is well deserved!

And this kind of power is overwhelming. Without a person of the same level, it is absolutely impossible to defeat it.

"Quishuang, your disciple is indeed a genius to the level of a monster. He is only seven years old, but he has mastered secret techniques, knowledge and power that ordinary people cannot master for hundreds of years. However, he has limits and wants to take a new path. , He has not even taken the first step to the spiritual realm, and in this situation facing the mysterious method..."

"Hahaha, interesting, how will he respond! Will he panic, or will he kneel down in front of death and beg for mercy?"

Kwai Nobu's emotions are very obvious and changeable.

As a powerful person, he doesn't care about image either.

Is it because there is no one around?

"Kui Xin, you are wrong. The talent of this disciple of mine shocks even my master. Just the mysterious method cannot kill him."

"Let me give you an accurate limit. If you want to kill him, you must at least show your peerless power, otherwise you will not be able to reverse his possibility."

Take Shuang but say.

"With this statement...are you covering up this son's destiny?"

Kui Xin looked at Tieshuang in surprise.

"It's his personal luck. He was born with unlimited possibilities, even without me. I just accelerated this step."

Takeshuang said lightly.

"Infinite possibilities? Haha, a guy born in a small family actually says that he is born with infinite possibilities? Luck is not something that comes out of thin air, it is a person's possibility!"

"Just being born into a small clan, even if you have an extremely spiritual zodiac sign, you cannot have unlimited possibilities!"

Kui Xin's expression suddenly turned ferocious. From a demon to a demon, a ferocious aura circulated on his face.

Although the two of them never showed their true faces from beginning to end, their changes in expressions and emotions were not concealed at all.

Kui Xin really didn't believe in Teoshuang's statement, which was completely different from his understanding.

Get frost silence.

Of course he won't tell the truth.

Indeed, the newly born Xiangying did not have so many possibilities.

But his destiny magic does not only see the current possibilities, but also the future possibilities.

He saw the amazing possibilities when he chose Xiangying. This was a possibility that was enough to transcend the peerless realm!

The sea was calm.

The sky cleared.

Yun Ye, whose vision of the sun had disappeared, held his heart and stared at Hai Hao.

Haihao can no longer see his face, but his feelings can be felt through words. He said:

"I am the master closest to the mysterious realm in the entire ocean. I want to completely destroy you, but it is just a thought."

"This is a meeting gift. The next attack won't be so weak."

Ice cold.

No emotion.

It was as if it had transformed into the pure will of the ocean.

Facing Haihao, Yun Ye actually felt a bit familiar with Lan Wuyuan.

"Are they all humans who have been exposed to the mysteries of the mysterious realm...?"

Yun Ye could not have imagined that at the end of just one day, he would have to deal with such an exaggerated enemy.

This is really...


Yun Ye clenched his fists, and a smile appeared on his lips. His fighting spirit was as high as ever.

"That's how it should be. The weak are angry and draw their swords at the weaker; the strong are angry and draw their swords at the stronger. If you can't face the difficulties and create miracles, this life will have no meaning at all."

The first providence!


God follows my throne!

Clouds and mist come from the sky, create something out of nothing, and overcome all obstacles. This is...

True immortal authority.

"I have no way of knowing what your power is. There is only one thing I can do!"

"Mysterious meaning, disorder!"

Yun Ye wanted to use Hai Hao's burst of breath, and that was the only reason he could think of.


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