A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 167 Teaching the Ultimate Spirituality

Not to mention Tian Jing who trusted and even worshiped Yun Ye.

Even the others didn't slack off at all, pretending to listen carefully to Yun Ye's story.

Yun Ye holds a Taoist weapon, which is the Taoist symbol of the Tomorrow Society. They will pay attention to anything involving him.

In the past six months, the information that Yun Yelu had sent back one after another made them feel more and more extraordinary about this successor.

If you summon them as soon as you come back, something big must have happened.

Yun Ye nodded to everyone: "I do have something important to tell you this time. You should all already know the function of Taoist tools, right?"

"I know that the echo of the heart, the weapon that delineates the rules, represents the path of our meeting tomorrow. If you don't fully recognize the way of tomorrow, you will never get this tool, and the person who gets this tool can gain everyone's approval. Finally, set the rules!" Tian Jing said immediately.

Everyone nodded, this was a Taoist weapon. Although it was extremely unreasonable, this was the reason why they recognized Yun Ye.

Because a person who has mastered this kind of Taoist weapon will never betray the Tomorrow Society. No matter who betrays him, this person can always be trusted.

If there is a real betrayal by the Taoist user, there is only one possibility, and that is that the entire Tomorrow Society has deteriorated and is no longer in line with the Tao of Tomorrow.

Or, the Taoist envoy has some difficulties and is compromising for certain things, hoping to get a greater future.

The last one is the disintegration of Taoist tools...

Yun Ye waved his hand, and the water and fire light overflowed.

Show the sky.

The earth shines down.

The Dao sword with a vague human figure carved on it appeared in the meeting hall.

The warmth like the sun shone on everyone present, and everyone looked at the Taoist weapon floating in the air with joy.

The last possibility is that the Taoist tool deviates from its own principles and the Taoist tool directly disintegrates!

But Yun Ye's Taoist weapon is so bright and not covered with dust, so naturally, he can be trusted!

Yun Ye nodded silently.

Tomorrow has the effect of subtly strengthening their will, so even if they face a desperate situation, they will continue to grow, or at least they will not collapse.

The more deeply a person understands and believes in the way of tomorrow, the more obvious this strengthening of will will be.

The power of this real name is an important guarantee for Yun Ye to raise a rebellion, allowing him to quickly unify his thoughts after establishing his power and twist the power of the entire power into one.

"Yes, this is the general situation of Taoist weapons. If you want to divide the rules, you must first gain recognition and response, and use this as the cornerstone to build... And four months ago, I killed the two major spiritual realms of the Chao family. "

When Yun Ye said this, he stopped and glanced at everyone.

Yang Shu, Tong Huoyang, and Ning Xiao's expressions changed drastically at this time, knowing that something serious was going on.

In the spiritual realm, there will still be no one among them tomorrow. This is already a high-level position in Baishi Town!

As a result, Yun Ye actually killed two people in a row. There was no way this would not attract the attention of Baishi Town!

Dao actually hid such an important thing from them for four months!

"Is this why you told us not to leave Tomorrow Village these four months? Dao, why don't you make it clear!"

Yang Shu's fingers were trembling. He was angry and angry, but he couldn't get angry easily.

They all walked on the edge of life and death!

"Spiritual realm...what is it?"

"Will killing two spiritual realms make Baishi Town take it seriously?"

Compared with Yang Shu and the others, Tian Jing, Cheng Cang, Chai Xin and others have not had much exposure to the news on these levels and are relatively at a loss. Just by looking at the expressions of Yang Shu and others, they almost know that the problem is serious, but they don't understand how serious it is. .

"They will indeed attach great importance to it. The spirit realm represents the strongest force in Baishi Zhenming. One of the spirit realms I killed was even the head of the Chao family. For this reason, the ancestor of the Chao family also took action, wanting to kill me and seize the opportunity. Go to the secret place.”

Yun Ye replied, then looked at Yang Shu, preparing to answer his question.

But at this time, Tong Huoyang suddenly stood up, suddenly supported the table with both hands, stared at Yun Ye and said word by word: "Ancestor of the Chao family? Dharma realm? Are you kidding me? Why can you come back alive?"

"The ancestor of the Chao family is in the Dharma Realm? Dao, how did you escape? This is the Dharma Realm!" As soon as he said this, Ning Xiao said loudly in disbelief.

Tian Jing and others quickly asked: "What is the legal realm? Is it stronger than the spiritual realm?"

"Of course……"

Tong Huoyang sighed, "Among the three realms of mortal, spiritual and law, the law realm is already the strongest monk in Baishi Town, with a life span of four hundred years! Even the current head of the Ji family is just a third-generation judge. Judge With power far beyond the spiritual realm, he can level this valley with ease, but he is not in the mortal realm."

"So, it's impossible to escape from being hunted by such a person...right? That's true. It's true according to common sense."

Yun Ye nodded lightly, "But he failed. I killed two spiritual realms in a row, and there was also a family leader among them. This coincided with the way of tomorrow, so I got an echo out of thin air, and a disaster was added to me."

"In the past, ordinary people were enslaved and slaughtered by them and used as two-legged cattle and sheep. They could fry, stir-fry, deep-fry, boil, and steam at will. Even if each of them had extremely weak thoughts, after a thousand years, there will always be people who hate them. Intention is enough to form the echo of Tao, allowing this quantitative change to evolve into qualitative change.”

"I killed the head of the family, raised a flag of rebellion, and secretly aligned with the Way of Tomorrow... No, it should be said that this is the correct way of the Way of Tomorrow, and it is inevitable to gain their approval."

"So, I got an echo out of thin air, and a catastrophe was added to my body, and I had the power to compete with the legal realm. This power allowed me to fake my death and escape, and I hid in the secret realm for four more months before returning."

"Under the power of the judge, we are too weak. I tell you this information. It has no other use except shaking the morale of the army. You may even choose to migrate. This increases the probability of being discovered by another 20%, reaching a full At 30%, this is actually sending you to death with my own hands.”

"So, it's better not to say anything. If you are discovered, you will die without pain. I will avenge you from now on... I still have this awareness."

Yun Ye said, waving his hand, the Taoist weapon fell into his hand, and the figure on it became more and more obvious, attracting everyone's attention.

But at this time, no one was in the mood to pay attention to this, especially Ning Xiao, who was the most familiar with Yun Ye. He looked at Yun Ye and said with some uncertainty: "Dao, what happened this time... you The changes are huge!”

Not only Ning Xiao, Tian Jing, but also Yang Shu and Tong Huoyang found out.

The young people in front of me have undergone tremendous changes.

With just a few words, this change came head on. In the past, even if "Dao" thought so in his heart, he would never say it out loud...

"A painless death?"

Yang Shu recited it repeatedly, and after a while, he shook his head and smiled: "Indeed, to become a practitioner of the way of tomorrow, you should be prepared to die long ago, it is just a difference between earlier or later. Dao, what do you want? Say anything, just tell us!”

Yun Ye nodded silently, "It's very simple to say. I got a response, so I created the rules. This rule allows the swearer to keep secrets, even in the face of torture by divine magic!"

"In this way, the last piece of territory is complete. I believe you have also been wondering why master and I can fight against the spiritual realm and even the legal realm in the mortal realm..."

The more Yun Ye spoke, the weirder the looks from everyone present.

Tong Huoyang couldn't help but interrupt: "Isn't this your talent? Natural spiritual fire? Or other talents?"

"Talent? No, this is not talent, this is skill and knowledge."

"In the past, Master and I have always been worried about the spread of this knowledge and flowing into the hands of aristocratic families, so we never mentioned it... But now it is different, the time has come."

Yun Ye looked at everyone with different expressions and said: "I will teach you the secret of being able to defeat the spiritual realm in the mortal realm, and even the magical realm!"

"This is a technique that my master and I call the ultimate spirituality!"

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