A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 162 New Rules and Strengthening of Taoist Weapons

"You think too highly of me. Divine methods are not omnipotent. It is impossible to deduce the truth anytime and anywhere..."

"Sure enough, if you can't deduce any trace, your target is probably dead, or there is a treasure that blocks the divine method."

Liu Quan gave the result.


Chao Shanhe didn't say anything, just threw out the space ring with a gloomy face, and then turned and left.

Even if Liu Quan was right in front of Chao Shanhe, he couldn't see the flaw.

After all, Chao Shanhe was really angry this time.

The treasures of the secret realm, the possible treasures, the secret techniques of spiritual root fusion, etc., all of these are gone!

He was really suppressing his anger, without any falsehood.


The secret realm of Yingyue Treasure Ring.

After sleeping for several days, Yun Ye finally woke up. He jumped up instantly and looked at the women and children in the space!

Sure enough, after not eating for several days, these pregnant women and children had collapsed on the ground, their faces were extremely ugly, but they had completely lost their autonomy. Even if they were extremely hungry, they did not take any extra actions.


Yun Ye's face changed, and he immediately activated the water spirit method to clean the filth of these pregnant women and children, and warmed their bodies to prevent them from having problems.

Then Yun Ye rolled a large amount of food into the spiritual water, and the spiritual water boiled, and directly cooked it into liquid food, and fed it to the thirty-three people in batches.

After doing all this, Yun Ye relaxed and found a place to sit down and review the situation.

Then, Yun Ye couldn't help but mutter to himself: "This is too abnormal... This reverse liberation is too abnormal. It only lasted for more than ten seconds, and I actually mastered the sublimation of spiritual roots, the second liberation of magic tools, the destruction of magic tools, and a lot of alchemy skills. I even reached the level of minor success in the practice of Samadhi True Fire!"

The minor success of the practice of Samadhi True Fire refers to proficiency, not energy realm.

The higher the proficiency, the faster the practice speed.

The geniuses can quickly practice the practice without the help of spiritual medicine because they have a very good understanding of the practice and can perfectly operate the practice without losing any energy.

In this case, even without external assistance, he can make rapid progress.

Yun Ye has now reached a small level of proficiency, and his training speed has increased by at least three times compared to the previous entry level.

Is this a talent of the unparalleled and invincible level?

No, it may be higher!

The great calamity represents destiny, and ordinary corpses that have been slaughtered and destroyed can be transformed into flying zombies!

Yun Ye just got the talent of the protagonist level of destiny!

And this kind of talent...

There are still four times!

This is even the sky wants Bai Shi to die!

"The great calamity is upon me. Is this the breaking point of the Way of Tomorrow? The Way of Tomorrow represents the masses and has the mission of avenging the masses and clearing their names."

"If it were a Taoist weapon user from the Luo Dynasty, these calamities would be no different from the Heavenly Sword Carvings. After all, what they need is the recognition of the ruler, not the so-called people's hearts..."

Yun Ye understood after a brief review that it was inevitable that he would be calamity. This was an absolute contradiction between the lower class and the upper class. Since he represented the lower class, he was destined to become a calamity for the upper class.

As for why there is such a difference.

In the final analysis, the road is walked out. The more people walk, the wider the road.

After the upper class walked out, they didn't want anyone to follow, so they all obstructed the successors in every possible way, and even directly cut off the road.

This is because they themselves did not allow people to walk on this wide road. Who can they blame?

You know, the first priority of everyone is to live and live well.

And what is this world like?

Most people can't even survive. Even if they do, they are just struggling in hell on earth.

This is a natural contradiction, a natural conflict.

The upper class monopolizes all resources by force, fulfills the very few people, and turns countless people into firewood.

In other words, the lower class people of the whole world are the enemies of these upper class people, but they cannot awaken the Dao weapon, let alone resist.

And Yun Ye, the Dao weapon user of tomorrow, will inevitably come into contact with these lower class people no matter what he wants to do, which will eventually lead to a great disaster and become the buryer of the upper class.

Now Yun Ye is even more regretful about his second life...

If he kills a judge, he can definitely get hundreds of reverberations, and it will be much easier to bury Baishi Town in this life.

Speaking of reverberations, Yun Ye summoned the Dao weapon and began to check the Dao weapon panel.

『Dao weapon: Tomorrow and tomorrow, two-part sword of power. 』

『Range: Baishi Town. 』

『Evaluation: A-level. 』

『Reverberation: 10. 』

『The first rule (0 reverberations): Yingyue Baohuan becomes a part of the reincarnated person and will face an ordinary disaster every year. 』

『Rule 2 (8 echoes): The holder of the Tomorrow Slashing Power Daoqi has the responsibility to clear the demons, and every time a demon is killed, a part of the demon's power can be extracted to strengthen oneself. The farther the demon is killed, the less power is increased, and the stronger the demon is killed, the more power is increased. 』

『Rule 3 (50 echoes): When being cultivated by the Tomorrow Club, one should swear never to betray the Tomorrow Club, never pass on the knowledge of the Tomorrow Club to others, and never use the knowledge of the Tomorrow Club for misleading purposes. Once violated, the Daoqi rule will be triggered regardless of the spatial distance, and different punishments will be imposed according to the severity. The more resources the Tomorrow Club tilts to an individual, the more precious the environment is, the higher the overall recognition of the Tomorrow Club members, and the stronger the binding force of this rule. 』

『Real name: Tomorrow and Tomorrow: omitted. 』

"True name·Two points of power: abbreviated." 』

"Introduction: abbreviated. 』

The evaluation of Taoist tools has risen to A level.

According to this view, the Ji family may only have the Taoist tools of the family and the Taoist tools of the family leader to have a greater impact than tomorrow.

Corresponding to S level and EX level respectively.

After all, even the great monks in the Dharma Realm only have one 8-reverberation Taoist weapon. The upper limit of the Whitestone Town Taoist tool may be very high, but the rest are just nourishment and cannot be developed.

Yun Ye didn't pay much attention to the evaluation, but checked the first rule in more detail.

The first rule is disaster.

Although it was just an ordinary disaster every year, Yun Ye still wanted to eliminate it.

But the result was shocking.

Although it only requires 10 echoes to bind the Yingyue Baohuan, the number of debt repayments is actually 100.

To eliminate the disaster, we have to pay back the debt ten times! ?

"No wonder the disaster in White Rock Town has only worsened but not recovered. In addition to the difficulty of reverberating the rule, there is also the reason why the debt has been exchanged ten times."

Yun Ye's face looked ugly, but fortunately he didn't have the upper hand, otherwise the potential would have been horribly overstretched!

It was a great squandering when the Taoist weapon was formed, and the powerful rules effects were directly obtained, but when the debt was repaid...

Just pay back hundreds or thousands of years, which even cultivating immortals can’t afford!

"It seems that this disaster cannot be eliminated for the time being. The remaining ten echoes will be upgraded to the second rule first."

Yun Ye threw ten echoes into the second rule, and the upgrade panel immediately changed, with the upper level jumping from level 10 to level 20.

He glanced at the experience bar and saw that it would take ten Disasters to reach level 11, but the skill points gained per level changed from one to two.

This is really a bit troublesome, even if the stronger ones have more experience, I'm afraid it will take dozens of them to reach full level.

This utilization rate is too low. There is no need to worry about the level limit in the future, and the experience gain will be directly enhanced.

If I have something to do, I will go back to my hometown and return to the second update. These days, you don’t have to wait for the chapter at 4pm~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

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