A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 140 The second level of zodiac signs·corrupted corpse blood

The main reason why I went to Qicao Village was because many people had died in Qicao Village before and it was already very dilapidated.

Yun Ye wanted to give those who were not dead a little hope, and maybe... find some living people.

Yun Ye soon crossed the plain and arrived at the mountain behind Qicao Village. Once in this area, the demonic aura became much stronger.

Not far away, there were more than a dozen dead zombies attacking. Yun Ye dealt with them one by one and gained some experience.

However, at level six, the experience bar is already terrifying, and killing some ordinary monsters is a drop in the bucket.

"No...not at all..."

Yun Ye fought his way into Qicao Village and used his spiritual consciousness and water magic to investigate, but he didn't feel any breath of living people, only desolation and dead silence - if the demons were not counted.

"Ho ho ho!"

A very strong zombie roared, suddenly smashed the house and rushed out. With its arms raised, golden light gathered, and it actually mastered some kind of magical power of the metal system. This blow was aimed at Yun Ye and hit him head-on. The air was exploding. , very powerful, already at the level of a high-level demon.

But he chose the wrong opponent. Yun Ye raised his hand casually, and the seemingly powerful and heavy blow was easily received. One arm was even grabbed and unable to move.

"A village with such a small population actually has zombies who have awakened magical powers. It is completely impossible for ordinary people to survive. No wonder they are getting stronger and stronger with every catastrophe."


Yun Ye has no mercy. He knows that such powerful zombies are most likely villagers who died recently...

However, he didn't hesitate to send these zombies to their funerals!

The living zombie was engulfed by the spreading flames and quickly turned into ashes.

Only a pair of blood-sucking fangs fell into Yun Ye's hands, and he turned them into a small sword with a careless movement.

A spiritual weapon made of zombie teeth, Yun Ye calls it the Bone and Blood Sword.

This spiritual weapon can draw blood and refine it, reducing the consumption of spiritual magic. It is also a rare weapon.

There are so many zombies at the moment, it’s time to use the waste and forge a few bone-blood swords that are good enough!

"Die to me!"

Yun Ye was very unhappy, so he practiced with these zombies. With one step, the flames turned three or five zombies into ashes, and then the water washed past them, carrying the zombies' blood teeth and integrating them into the bone and blood sword.

With the fire and blue flames in his heart, Yun Ye was so fast that he almost broke away from the gravity of the earth, and any movement was difficult for him. Therefore, during the battle, he could be said to move smoothly, turning into a stream of light and passing by in a flash, killing a large number of people. Fossilized into ashes.

The Bone and Blood Sword also grew in size visibly to the naked eye. It was originally a pendant, but after Yun Ye swept Qicao Village, it had grown to the size of a dagger.

Turning the bone and blood sword, Yun Ye tried to kill zombies with the sword. He was surprised to find that it was also effective. It could extract the vitality of zombies, and it was stronger than ordinary creatures.

Soon, Yun Ye realized that although the zombie looked dead, its immortality represented the ultimate vitality. Killing the zombie would extract more vitality than ordinary monsters!

He had obtained Nether Fire before because the spiritual zombie life was extremely powerful, and the impurities were refined by Cang Yan and even condensed into crystals!

"It seems that there is an extra way to deal with this catastrophe..."

Yun Ye put away the Bone and Blood Sword, removed the Cang Yan, kept only the fire in his heart and moved at high speed, and began to look around to see if there was anyone alive.

But the result was very disappointing to Yun Ye. He searched several villages in succession, but found no one.

These villagers are either dead or hiding deeply, otherwise it would be impossible to avoid the demon.

I'm afraid it's impossible to find it simply.

This made Yun Ye roughly understand that it was not feasible to find people. It was better to kill monsters everywhere to reduce the death probability of these ordinary people, which also allowed him to accumulate more panel experience.

With his current strength, he can hardly fight against a soldier commander in Baishi Town. If he can upgrade Silence of All Things through skill points and use this move to sneak attack, his chances of winning will be better.

Yun Ye went to the fourth village, Mingzhu Village.

The iconic singing bamboo here fills the view.

As for Mingzhu Village, there is a small void deep in the bamboo forest. Yun Ye can faintly hear roars inside. Those sounds are not human, but belong to demons.

"The calamity here is very strong, and I'm afraid there will be zombie-like evolved bodies."

When Yun Ye was about to go in, Tomorrow suddenly reminded him.

"Evolved body?"

Yun Ye was not surprised but overjoyed. Isn't the evolved form of the living zombie the spiritual zombie? This is a pillow for sleepy people!

The loss of Nether Fire had a serious impact on his strength, and he was unable to use the celestial phenomena!

The celestial phenomenon is just a magic weapon, but it can evaporate half of the judge's body with one blow.

If this hits the upper part, you will definitely die!

Such methods cannot be used without Nether Fire, which is really a pity. Now that he can get it back, Yun Ye is naturally overjoyed.

So after Yun Ye heard the reminder, he quickened his pace and rushed into Mingzhu Village.

Mingzhu Village is also full of bloodstains and corpses, and many people have died. Some places are still burning with fire, probably because they were so panicked that the fire in the kitchen spread.

Like other villages, there are many zombies wandering here, but there are no living people.

Yun Ye didn't see Ling Zombie at first glance, but it didn't matter. As he fought all the way up, Ling Zombie would always show up!

The battle started quickly, and more than a hundred zombies swarmed in, far more than other villages.

But when there were too many, Yun Ye was able to kill with ease. The flames burned the indestructible body, and the water flowed back and forth. While killing the enemy, he continued to collect trophies and merge them into the bone and blood sword.

Today's Bone Blood Sword is the size of a full long sword, but the subsequent integration of zombie teeth is not without effect. Its purity has also been improved, and it continues to absorb the power of other zombie fangs to strengthen the sword body.


When the sword comes out, the blood dragon comes out. As the purity of the sword body reaches a new height, the White Bone Blood Sword has automatically acquired the magical power of the corrupted corpse blood of the upper-level zombies. It can extract the blood and turn it into a poisonous substance, which can transform everything, let alone flesh and blood. , even if the spiritual weapon comes into contact, the spiritual power will be greatly reduced.

Yun Ye was also very interested in seeing the new magical power, so he kept using the corrupted corpse blood magical power to devour the remaining zombies.

This is indeed the magical power of high-level zombies. All dead and stiff are destroyed at a touch, and it is more efficient than Cang Yan.

As he gradually used it, Yun Ye discovered that the corrupted corpse blood turned out to be a dual zodiac sign.

Although it is not complete, this is caused by him not being a zombie. In the hands of a real high-level zombie, this magical power is a genuine dual zodiac magical power, and its power will be very terrifying!

As soon as this idea came up, Yun Ye saw black clouds gathering on a singing bamboo a hundred meters away...

A rotten humanoid life appeared, looking at Yun Ye with empty eyes, causing Yun Ye's heartbeat to almost stop.

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