A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 137 Cultivating elixirs and practicing magic

Before Yang Shu came, Yun Ye kept looking for a place with abundant spiritual energy.

In about half a day, Yun Ye found a very suitable cave. The concentration of spiritual energy here was about 150% higher than that in the secret realm, which could accelerate basic growth by 25 times.

This is already a very exaggerated number.

Yun Ye's room in the Hongshan Military Camp at the beginning had only twice the spiritual energy concentration of Baishi Town, which was about the same as the secret realm. Only the core of Hongshan, which had a spiritual energy concentration that was ten times higher than the outer periphery, had more spiritual energy than the current cave. .

So Yun Ye didn't waste any more time and opened the moon disk directly here, allowing the secret realm to continuously absorb external spiritual energy and accelerate the growth of crops.

The current secret realm no longer grows rice, but replaces it with "Yang Ganoderma".

This is a very common medicinal material, but the special thing is that it is a semi-elixir. After a certain number of years, it will automatically upgrade to an elixir and gain very strong medicinal power.

This so-called age refers to the total amount of spiritual energy, or "cultivation"?

The special thing about elixirs is that they can absorb spiritual energy on their own and convert it into medicinal power. They do not have the side effects of human beings using spiritual energy. Not only will they not consume vitality, but they will flourish.

The richer the spiritual energy, the faster the elixir will grow.

As a semi-spiritual medicine, Yang Ganoderma actually does not have this ability and can only grow naturally. It must grow for a hundred years before it can shed its mortal body and become a spiritual medicine.

This kind of advancement is not special. If other plants can live for a hundred or two hundred years, they may also have the opportunity to advance into elixirs.

If it were rice or something, it would be born and die every year, and it would be almost impossible to turn into a spiritual seed.

It's quite real anyway.

Even if it is a magical medicine, it has a growth limit, and it is impossible to live for tens of thousands of years and turn into a magical medicine.

Most elixirs only have a lifespan of one or two hundred years, and only a few can live for a thousand years and turn into more mysterious magic medicines.

Putting these aside, after Yunye's calculations, he found that Ganoderma lucidum occupies only a little more area than rice.

Almost a thousand can be planted in the entire secret realm. In order to mature as quickly as possible, Yun Ye has only planted one so far, directly accelerating its growth rate by a thousand times.

Moreover, it is still accelerated by a thousand times on the basis of twenty-five times...

So specifically, it is a full 25,000 times, and one day is equivalent to 68 years under normal circumstances.

This is really fast.

For four hours, Yun Ye kept watching Ganoderma lucidum mature rapidly from its spore form, and then the color deepened little by little, white threads appeared little by little, and finally connected together, like a white circle from the inside out.

"A white circle has ten years of medicinal power. What kind of speed is this?"

Yun Ye even regrets now, why not choose the wood spirit root? If he has the wood spirit root, he can even further accelerate his growth.

Watching the elixir rapidly grow in potency is simply a pleasure. It feels like wealth is constantly accumulating. No amount is too much!

"No wonder no matter how much money you make, you always want to make more money. This feeling of growth is indeed extremely joyful..."

"Practice! Don't think too much!"

Yun Ye quickly changed his attention.

He began to re-cultivate the Samadhi True Fire Method and tried to use his own power to construct the Samadhi True Fire Method.

Then he realized what the Fang family called "difficulty", it was as difficult as the sky!

Just a few hours.

Yun Ye opened his eyes again, his face was very ugly: "Although I had expected it, but there is no magic medicine, the progress is so slow?"

In the secret realm, he almost looked down on ordinary elixirs, and only took high-grade elixirs. He squeezed his life to cultivate the practice in a short period of time, without realizing the difficulty at all.

But when the elixir was gone, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

The Samadhi True Fire Technique builds energy meridians in the body and inscribes complex spiritual patterns comparable to the Great Spiritual Technique.

The biggest problem is "energy" with high enough purity!

If there is not enough high-purity energy, you must purify it yourself to build energy meridians.

Not to mention the slow speed, if the energy meridians cannot form a circulation in one breath, then these meridians will continue to collapse, further increasing the difficulty.

That’s outrageous!

No wonder it took Yu Wen, who had almost all A-level talents, more than ten years to advance to the spiritual realm. Who could withstand this without resources?

"With this kind of cultivation, it will take me at least fifty or sixty years to form a complete cycle. This is too incredible..."

There are fifteen cycles in total of the Samadhi True Fire Method, and each cycle has about a dozen energy meridians.

When all are completed, the practice of Dharma is perfected, or the mortal realm of spiritual Dharma is perfected, and the conditions for ascending to heaven are achieved.

Yun Ye calculated that if he didn't take any spiritual medicine and relied solely on spiritual roots to refine spiritual energy, it would take him half a year to repair an energy meridian, and a cycle would take about five years.

After all the repairs are completed, even if the subsequent cycle is formed and the energy purification speed is increased, it will take forty to fifty years!

The most terrifying thing is that Yun Ye now has dual spiritual roots and his talent is B level.

If it is the original C-level spiritual root, it will probably not be counted on for a few hundred years, and it can only be accelerated by taking spiritual medicine.

"It seems that I don't need to practice anymore. How can practicing by myself be compared with swallowing spiritual medicine..."

After Yun Ye calculated the result, he decisively gave up the hard work.

He summoned the Taoist weapon and began to refine the Yingyue Baohuan.

The Yingyue Baohuan was just bound to him, and the original sacrificial refining progress remained unchanged at all.

If this treasure is not completely refined, the key to the secret realm will not be able to function.

And as a treasure, it is naturally impossible for it to be so powerful. This is purely because the progress of the sacrificial refining is too low, only one or two thousandths.

When the sacrifice reaches 100%, the judge will probably have to retreat based on its own power!

After all, it is also the secret treasure of Yingyue Tianmen, and it still has some advantages...

"The sacrifice begins!"

Yun Ye scratched the surface of the Yingyue Baohuan with his finger. There was no wound and the blood separated directly.

This is considered the effect of water spirit root, which allows blood to flow freely, even out of the skin surface.

However, this ability cannot directly affect people. If you want to complete the control, you must first let the water spirit power invade into the human body. It's okay for ordinary people, but for monks, this is not possible until the power is exhausted...

Except for battles where strength is overwhelming!

Yun Ye's combined spiritual method, Silence of All Things, extracts the advantages of the water spirit root and removes the disadvantages.

The fire spirit root can directly transmit energy through the air, and combined with the water spirit root's ability to absorb energy (cooling), once the two are combined, it becomes the silence of all things that allows cooling to occur directly inside the object.

The five spiritual roots indeed have unlimited possibilities!

Just like that, time flew by and it was dusk.

Yang Shu sent a message to Yun Ye, saying that his people have arrived. If he can prove his identity, he will contact him tomorrow. It is not impossible to even give up the position of chief to him, but if Yun Ye is deceiving them……

Then there is no need to say more!

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