A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 129 “Buying Grain”

More Cheng Wenjie can be used as a tool man.

Yun Ye was withdrawn from complicated things.

Harvesting and planting crops, cooking and cooking, and even a series of other sundries can be left to Cheng Wenjie.

Yun Ye only needs to take care of cultivation and making food.

Excellent food made from spiritual food can maximize the effects of ingredients, and the fewer ingredients used, the higher the utilization efficiency.

To put it simply, one hundred ingredients can make a spiritual-level meal, which is 120 times more effective.

However, ten portions of ingredients can produce a second-class premium food with 30 times the effect. In the end, one hundred portions will have 300 times the effect.

The reason is also very simple. The higher the single limit is raised, the higher the loss will be during the period.

If resources cannot be supplied in unlimited quantities, you must calculate the optimal loss ratio and make a trade-off between total quantity and efficiency.

The three piles of supplies Yun Ye obtained this time amounted to 1,400 kilograms of food alone. It was a big harvest, and he could be a little more luxurious and make high-end food.

There are also a lot of other supplies, such as salt, condiments, and cloth, which are basically enough for Yun Ye alone for ten years.

Finally, there is money, more than 30,000 black coppers and two hundred grained silvers.

Originally, Yun Ye took the money because he wanted to purchase supplies, but now that he knew he couldn't go into the city, he had no choice but to go to a nearby village.

It can only be on the edge, otherwise if he breaks into other people's realm, with his current strength, he can only wait for death in the secret realm...

The experience of Yingyue Secret Realm tells Yun Ye that the secret realm cannot intercept the aura of the Tao realm.

The other party can't get in, but you can know where he is hiding, and you can stay there all the time.

Taoist artifacts and secret treasures are completely worthy of the other party doing this.

Two months passed quickly.

Gray fierce pork + a lot of grain, Yun Ye can indeed be extravagant, with a basic meal of Grade 2 A premium food.

The effect is one or two times higher than that of ordinary Grade A premium food.

One day is as good as the past month.

The result of this is that in just two months, Yun Ye has successfully passed the foundation, small success, and stepped into the Dacheng cultivation level.

The imagination of the Dacheng realm is really abnormal, and with the help of Class A premium food, it is natural for Yun Ye to make such progress.

Of course, the improvement of talent is also an important reason.

His cultivation was 100% faster than in his second life, which played a significant role in his reaching Dacheng in two months.

This time Yun Ye was not in a hurry to awaken his spiritual roots. Awakening him in advance would waste his potential. It would make it much more difficult to awaken his spiritual consciousness and life force in the later stage, and waste a lot of resources.

If there were no spiritual-level superior food in the second life, it would be impossible for him to awaken his spiritual consciousness and life force at the same time based on his qualifications.

In this life, there is no need to continue to step on the pits that have been stepped on.

Yun Ye is now five years old.

He quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests, looking for villages on the edge of Baishi Town.

In his second life, he did a lot of tasks. Generally speaking, the villages on the edge had the most problems, so they had the most contact with them.

He approached them one by one, hoping to buy a large amount of food and continue to stride forward on the path of spiritual practice.

The first target is Qucun. This village has been around for a short time, but it produces a lot of food.

The Yang family has cooperated with this village a lot in the past and purchased 50,000 kilograms of grain every year.

The actual value is about 30,000 black copper.

If Yun Ye remembers correctly, the cost of making Grade A premium food for the government is roughly fifty to one.

Fifty thousand kilograms can only produce one thousand kilograms of Grade A premium food. With the highest configuration of three meals, it is not even enough to feed a monk for a year.

This loss is too high. Even if the family has a lot of land, there are not many talents that can be cultivated.

If Yun Ye had so much food, he would be able to complete the Qi Nourishing Technique in one month and start taking off directly.

The gap is too huge.


Yun Ye released Cheng Wenjie, who looked around with a confused look on his face, and then realized that he was out of a secret realm.

But he had no joy at all. Instead, he looked panicked and knelt down on the spot: "Sir, I did something wrong. Please spare my life, spare your life!"

In his mind, Yun Ye naturally couldn't have any good intentions by releasing him, a person who knew the big secret.

Maybe he just didn't want to pollute the treasure land, so he was released to kill.

Yun Ye felt noisy and frowned at him.

The next second, Cheng Wenjie stopped abruptly. He saw Yun Ye's displeasure and catered to Shang's wishes.

"I want to buy grain. You come with me and you will negotiate. You should understand what should and should not be done, right?" Yun Ye said calmly when he saw that he had calmed down.

"Buying food? I understand, of course I understand, I will do my best!" Cheng Wenjie was stunned, but when he saw that he was not going to kill him, he was overjoyed and responded quickly.

The two of them were like father and son, walking into Qucun to find the talker to buy grain.

But something unexpected happened.

Yun Ye couldn't find the original landowner, so a new talker came here.

But when Cheng Wenjie said that he wanted to buy grain, the new talker looked embarrassed, refused, and finally saw him off respectfully.

Yun Ye, who felt something was wrong, asked Ming Ri to help keep an eye on him, and he saw someone from the landlord's house leaving in a hurry.

This gave Yun Ye some bad premonitions, and he quickly intercepted it.

The result was as he guessed.

There is indeed something wrong with this family. It is not the style of a landlord to be respectful to unknown people.

On the surface, the landowner was showing off his guests respectfully, but secretly he sent someone to Baishi Town to report the news.

The reason is very simple. If something as big as Yang Shi happened, Baishi Town would naturally investigate it directly.

With the means of Baishi Town, it is not that they cannot find out the problem, but they are too lazy to go through so much trouble.

This time it is obviously worth the trouble to find out all the problems.

Therefore, all the landlords who had cooperated with the Yang family were in trouble. All of them were confiscated and executed, and died cleanly.

All the families in Baishi Town fell silent.

Even the seven major families all kept a low profile and did not cause trouble at the critical moment when the Ji family was angry.

It is naturally impossible for anyone to short-weight or not hand in all the grain in a short time.

Even when their grain was purchased by someone, they had to report to Baishi Town to see if it was the Yang family.

The landlord reported the news for this purpose.

"Not good..."

Yun Ye dealt with the messenger and went back directly to find the new landlord.

This landlord did not have a lucky face. He was not fat or short. He was a middle-aged man with a good temperament.

He was discussing what had just happened with his eldest son in the study.

He was worried and uneasy about someone purchasing grain.

"Father, you did the right thing. You dared to come here alone, and brought a child with you. You are fearless. If you catch him on the spot, it would be bad. He might be a spiritualist. Then our whole family would die!"

"But if it is really that group of people, we are in danger now. They might kill us to rob food!"

"Father, don't worry. If they kill us, what will they use to transport food? They will definitely not alert the enemy and go to the next one. Let's wait for the spiritualists in Baishi Town to arrive. Then we will catch him directly. It will be a great achievement!"

Yun Yeqian sneaked into the vicinity silently and eavesdropped with the help of Mingri.

Then he didn't waste any words, broke into the door, and took action directly.


The two stood up suddenly, and saw a short figure in front of them.

Just when they were surprised, a ray of light swept across the sky, and the landlord turned into ashes on the spot.

His son was horrified when he saw this scene. He understood on the spot that his family had run into something terrible, and this child was the real mastermind behind the scenes!


He had just shouted two words when another ray of light swept across, ending his life.

His shouting did not attract any attention. His house was too big, and the servants were dispersed because of their conversation, so they could not hear it at all.

"This landlord is rich..."

Yun Ye was merciless and took away all the money and food, then burned the house to cover up the traces.

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