A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 119 Death and aftermath (please subscribe automatically)

The angry Ji Yan used magic to stop the bleeding and formed energy hands and feet to maintain body balance.

Immediately afterwards, the special armor covered the body, and a thick and crazy aura erupted from the armor.

He took action, and a very bright and overwhelming energy was drawn from the armor, condensed, and wrapped around the sword of silver light.

Dozens of energy flows rotated, and there seemed to be an overwhelming sound in the space.


"With my sky-cutting sword!"

Yun Ye was surprised to find that Ji Yan actually forcibly used the spiritual power in Discord's state. Although it was only a very small part, it also showed that Ji Yan's "Great Law" actually shook Discord to a certain extent.

Ji Yan took action in anger and directly swung the sky-cutting sword.

He didn't take action with all his strength before because he was worried about damaging the treasure of the secret realm, but now, he is only angry.


This blow completely blocked all Yun Ye's ways of survival. Time slowed down rapidly at this moment, but no matter how Yun Ye moved, he could not avoid this blow. It locked onto Yun Ye!

Dafa, this is the power after advancing to the Dharma realm, and it has secrets that Yun Ye cannot understand!

Yun Ye couldn't take this blow at all!

"Okay, let's give it the final blow!"

Yun Ye didn't think about anything else. All his power was concentrated on the sword, and he wanted to swing the last sword regardless of his body's collapse.

At this moment, Yun Ye suddenly felt his shoulders sink slightly, feeling a little gentle and soft.

In his extremely shocked gaze, a petite black-haired girl appeared out of thin air and sat gently on his shoulder.

She happily shook her calves wrapped in red textured stockings while hugging his neck, showing a bright smile that was enough to melt away all negative emotions.

This little girl is like an ethereal elf in the sky, with an almost flawless appearance. There is also a flame lotus flower on her left hair that does not look like an ornament. Under the decoration of this fire lotus flower, the girl gives people an extremely stunning look. impression.

She leaned close to Yun Ye's ear, and a warm and clear child's voice sounded:

"Master, master, let me help you. Although I only have one sword, I can definitely do it... read out my name!"

Facing this little girl, Yun Ye showed no resistance at all. He felt almost blessed as he read:

"Two points... cut off the power!"

"Form liberation!"

At this moment, the fire ribbons of the Dao sword spread into countless threads, covering Yun Ye's body and blending into his blood.

Yun Ye's gray hair was quickly submerged in fiery red, and his pupils turned into the same color as the little girl.

A fiery red as clear as glass!

"This is... the new form?"

Yun Ye's feelings about this state were indescribable. If he used to hold a gun and use it to hit people, now he not only knows how to shoot, he even knows the legendary gun fighting skills!

My Sky-Zhanying Sword has arrived at this moment.

This was a force that Yun Ye could not resist at all.

But in this state, Yun Ye felt that he could...

"Determine life and death with one sword!"

The corners of Yun Ye's lips raised as he stepped out, as if a hundred years had passed. His body was completely decayed, and his body was extremely old, but in exchange for this, he tried his best to swing the last sword.

The red cracks are suddenly extending, and my Sky-Zhancing Sword is in contact.


Cut it off directly!


The red cracks arrived in front of Ji Yan instantly.

His consciousness warned him in advance, and in surprise he waved a very bright fist seal to block it, but it was completely ineffective.

In the end, he sacrificed his Taoist weapon and enveloped himself with the Supreme Cauldron.


The melodious voice echoed, Zunshang Ding blocked the fatal blow for Ji Yan, and the red crack completely disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's just the light of a firefly. You've reached the end of your rope!"

Ji Yan stretched out his fist to capture Yun Ye and take away the secret treasure that should exist.



Under Ji Yan's frozen movements, and under the unbelieving gazes of Zhuo Qilian and Liu Quan, the Supreme Cauldron cracked, and the cracks continued to spread, and finally completely——


The Taoist weapon disintegrated and was directly destroyed by the liberated form of the Tomorrow Taoist Sword.

"The Taoist weapon was broken?"

Even Zhuo Qilian was shocked by this scene. His mind kept scanning, trying to understand this scene.

Then, she noticed the difference in Yun Ye: "His Taoist weapon has integrated into his body? The Taoist tool actually has this effect? ​​No! No, he is special!"

It's not that she has never seen her junior brother use Taoist tools, but his Taoist tools have no such effect at all.

Even in the entire Luo Dynasty, she had never heard of a Taoist weapon that could be integrated into the body!

This is definitely not the power that a normal Taoist weapon should have!

I am afraid that it is this special power that will break the Taoist artifact that cannot be destroyed by any means!

"My Taoist weapon... was broken..."

Ji Yan turned his head stiffly and looked behind him, watching the pieces of debris quickly turn into light, completely stunned.

It was difficult for him to accept this fact.

In the Ji family, talent is secondary to the strength of the Taoist tools. He has the hope to go one step further and replace the family head and become the master of the family's Taoist tools.

But now, everything is gone.

He raised his head and stared at Yun Ye with his cold eyes. He was this untouchable, everything...

It’s all because of this untouchable!

"You deserve death, and everyone related to you...all must die!!!"

No matter how harshly Ji Yan spoke.

Yun Ye's story is over.


"That's it."

He fell from the sky, the Dao sword in his hand and the little black-haired girl disappeared, and he was exhausted.

The foundation of Taoist tools is the execution of rules, and the execution of rules does not require the consumption of vitality.

But if you want to implement the power of your true name, it's okay to use it passively. If you want to activate it actively, you need your own strength.

The special thing about the Two-Point Cutting Quan Dao Sword is that when someone voluntarily sacrifices himself, he can gain new power.

Yun Ye has no loyalists at this time, so he has no choice but to sacrifice himself, and only by sacrificing himself can he gain such a powerful power. If it were replaced by others, it would probably require hundreds or even thousands of sacrifices...

Ji Yan doesn't need to do anything.

The clouds in the sky turned into dust bit by bit, and disappeared without a trace after being wiped by the wind.

Although Ji Yan's angry power then crushed him, trying to crush Yun Ye to ashes, Yun Ye couldn't feel it anymore, and he headed to the place of reincarnation in the warmth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Ji Yan's furious voice echoed for a long time.

The sudden changes in Muling Valley have affected the future of too many people.

Everyone was shocked by the outcome of this battle.

Especially Tong Huoyang and Wang Yao.

As a result, new ideas were born.

In addition, with Yun Ye's death, the angry Ji Yan liquidated everything and wanted to kill everyone in Shuifu Manor established by Yun Ye.

But most of the members had already withdrawn, and only a few who were reluctant to leave were tortured and executed.

The entire Black Armored Army and the Spiritual Magic Team were interrogated to see if there were any remaining culprits.

Tong Huoyang and Wang Yao, who were well prepared, escaped the disaster by using the Netherworld Fire Talisman Seal. Then, after the wind subsided, they went to Luoyun Town, changed their appearance, and disappeared without a trace.

Every town has a Taoist weapon and is an independent autonomous region. It is impossible for the Ji family to interfere.

In Luoyun Town, following Yun Ye's instructions, they were laying the groundwork for various plans.

Tong Huoyang, dressed in a simple long dress, gave lectures to the new generation of children, teaching words and Qi nourishing techniques.

Six-year-old Yang An is very strong, energetic, and has perfected the art of nourishing Qi.

Although after Yun Ye's death, the spirit-level premium food was lost, the formula of Grade-A premium food was still retained, which was enough for the children to practice. Yang An even enjoyed the spiritual-level premium food for several years.

Seeing the children growing up rapidly, comparable to the children of aristocratic families, Tong Huoyang also smiled slightly.

Although this environment was plain, it made her feel the warmth that was difficult to feel in aristocratic families.

For the first time, she had a good understanding of life, instead of working hard to exercise her strength and climb up all the time.

Tong Huoyang came from a wealthy family and knew how to cultivate talents.

Wang Yao was not very talented, but he and Yun Ye learned a lot about business. They worked hard in Luoyun Town, raised funds, and secretly recruited various talents.

After a tiring day, Wang Yao lay down on the wooden bed, Yun Ye's last promise flashed through his mind.

"One day, a successor with the same Taoist weapon will appear, and he will continue to lead you to victory."

"Before this, you just need to stay dormant, maintain the purity of the organization, and don't sprout bad apples."

"Otherwise, successors with tomorrow's ideas may not be merciful."

"Dad! Mom! I'm back, and I was praised by Teacher Tong again today!"

"Hey, Xiao An, don't disturb your parents. They are very busy. Come on, come and eat. There is something delicious today, made by Sister Xia Hua."

"Okay, I like sister Xia Hua's food the most!"

After Yun Ye's death, Yang Shu and his wife also had new tasks, so they worked day and night.

They need to sort out the large amount of knowledge left by Yun Ye and make use of it.

With these, it is possible for Tomorrow Club to develop and grow!

However, this is their story.

Yun Ye's steps were far from stopping. When he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at the chaotic land of reincarnation. The book of reincarnation was turning, and the number of talent upgrades he had obtained in this life was refreshed.

By the way, I don’t want to break the chapter. The plot is so tight, and I write very slowly. I am really a second-guessing beast... Let’s discuss it. If you want to support it, why not open an automatic subscription. I will try to update three chapters a day, etc. I came back to my senses and watched enough.

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