A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 109 The ruined final level

Yun Ye decided on the name, without too many sighs, and connected the stone tablet again to enter the twelfth level of the trial.

Although the place is different, there are no problems.

It still went directly to the twelfth wave, and the opponent was still Lei Zhenyu. It seemed that he was the face of Yingyue Tianmen. He had been guarding it and no one had passed through it for ten thousand years.

Of course, it is also possible that someone defeated Lei Zhenyu and passed the first trial, Wushuang Invincibility, but failed in the second and third levels.

Even Yun Ye had to unlock the secret of disorder to defeat a character like Lei Zhenyu, so the next two levels would definitely be equally terrifying, and it was normal for him to be unable to pass.

This is not bragging.

The effect of mysteries is not about rolling dice based on luck, but essentially summarizing one's own understanding of the world.

The deeper the understanding, the more terrifying the ultimate ability will be.

The Mystery of Fire, Disorder, is Yun Ye’s understanding of the orderly operation of heaven and earth.

As a manifestation of "entropy", disorder points directly to the ultimate death of the universe, which is really not trivial.

Even if he is just a newly formed person, he can ban Lei Zhenyu's secret, which is obviously as powerful as crushing.

"Mysterious Great Thunder Sky!"

"Mysterious Discord!"

In the duel between the two mysteries, Yun Ye showed an overwhelming advantage, and the two entered a rapid duel.

The speed has completely surpassed the speed of sound. It is difficult to estimate. You can only see the air exploding continuously, and even the sound is interrupted. It is simply extraordinary among the extraordinary.

But Yun Ye banned Lei Zhenyu's walking method and great spiritual method. He was actually far weaker than Yun Ye. He struggled by relying on the three forces of the secret mode, and was penetrated by Yun Ye in the tenth second. , the whole body disintegrates rapidly.

Yun Ye discovered that he really had a thunder element body, but he could hardly use it actively, as if it was sealed.

Normally, even if he wants to use his spiritual power to destroy the thunder elemental body, there will definitely be a fierce confrontation process, but when dealing with Lei Zhenyu, there will be basically no surprises and the kill will be completed quickly.

Not sure why...


The sound of footsteps came again, and with each sound, the air on the ground seemed to be torn apart... This was Yun Ye's senses being torn apart!

Yun Ye took a breath of cold air, and the Samadhi True Fire burned brightly, protecting his whole body, and then suppressed the abnormality.

But when he took a closer look, he found that the ground and space were still broken, and the source was Lei Zhenyu who was walking out. This was a stronger form, far stronger than the secret mode!

"The final tester: the ancient genius, Lei Zhenyu - all talents unlocked."

"Eye of the Sky."

"Thunder spirit body."

"Golden Thunder Spirit Root."

"The consciousness of all gods."

"Leiyin Heart God..."


"Grass, %*+...(*\u0026¥%\u0026!"

Stop reading it! Stop reading it!

What are you doing, setting it up?

The more Yun Ye listened, the more chilled he felt, because with every sound and word that appeared, Lei Zhenyu's aura surged.

Before that, Lei Zhenyu used his mortal body to fight him. The reason why he was powerful was purely due to his fighting consciousness and his own three major methods!

Now that he has been unblocked in one go, he has completely restored his strength as a peerless genius!

"I was just wondering why the peerless geniuses of ancient times feel a bit ordinary. It turns out that they all left their back-ups at the end?"

Forget about the thirteenth level, I actually got a big surprise for myself.

Yun Ye was also helpless.

The requirements of Yingyue Tianmen are too high.

With this kind of power, I'm afraid no one in Baishi Town can match it, at least it's an EX level talent...

This data was estimated by Yun Ye using the Nine Marrow Spirit Body. The Nine Marrow Spirit Body was A+, but the feeling given to Yun Ye by the Thunder Spirit Body alone was dozens of times different, and the rest were incomparable.

It is impossible for the EX level spirit body in Baishi Town to surpass the Nine Marrow Spirit Body dozens of times.

According to Tong Yuan's assumptions, the Nine Marrow Spiritual Body is already close to the limit of Baishi Town, and the strongest ones are also limited.

"No matter what, we still have to fight...the secret of fire, Discord!"

Yun Ye just calculated the gap, but had no intention of bowing his head. If it didn't work in this life, he would still have the next life.

He is just a figure that has been fixed in history, and sooner or later he will surpass him!


Just when Yun Ye was stimulating his combat power to its peak and was preparing to accept the challenge, the sound of breaking glass kept ringing.

The space here is really broken, and finally there is a big problem!

When the space and the earth continued to shatter, although Lei Zhenyu came out, it was very dim and insubstantial. The young man glanced at Yun Ye from a distance and made an invisible sound across the space:

"It's been ten thousand years. Time has really buried everything. Even Yingyue has been ruined. The latecomers..."

"It's really a pity that you came at the wrong time, and you were born at the wrong time."

He disappeared in the thunder and mist and drifted away.

Yun Ye was stunned. This ancient projection was actually conscious. He even understood that this was ten thousand years in the future as soon as it appeared, and even saw through something?

"I came at the wrong time, and I was born at the wrong time?"

"What does this mean?"

Yun Ye pondered.

The surrounding white mist spread, and a voice slowly sounded: "Tester, Yang Shi, passed the first level·unparalleled and invincible!"

"Enter the second level and ask for sincerity!"

The white mist brought Yun Ye to an empty square, which seemed to be a high mountain. The spiritual mist everywhere made it difficult to see the outside world.

Here, complex golden and silver energy continuously flows and flashes, as if in the center of a large array.

Yun Ye opened his invisible light eyes to observe, but was instantly burned and almost blinded!

He quickly closed his spiritual eyes and felt better.

The prompts and subtitles of Yingyue Tianmen appear:

"The second level is to ask about sincerity."

"Yingyue Tianmen is a single lineage. It only spreads sincerity and does not accept mediocre people. Those who follow the path can pass this test."

"The Tao comes from the heart, let's see your Tao——"

"What a light!"

Yun Ye raised his head suddenly.


Golden rice fields appear before your eyes.

As a child, Yun Ye was alone in catching small fish in the stream, ignorant and ignorant.

Time is passing quickly.

Yun Ye was lucky enough to be brought into the city by his family and did not become a left-behind child.

Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school...

Like an outsider, Yun Ye watched his life flash by.

He was very ignorant and curious when he was young, and he could have fun without anyone around him.

In elementary school, I had more friends, played around, and gradually gained self-awareness.

Later, when I came into contact with games, the world was closed and I couldn't extricate myself. I was no longer interested in going out and playing with friends.

My grades in junior high school were not good, and my family was aware of the problem and asked one person to focus on education instead of just making money.

But it was too late. The young man went his own way and was dissatisfied with the control of his family. In the end, he went his own way in high school and college and started a freelance career. He turned a deaf ear to what was happening outside the window and closed himself in his own world.

Various entertainment works, ancient and modern history, anecdotes, young people immersed in these joys can no longer tolerate control. All the way to the end, although they have many expectations for reality, they can only live alone and fail to make any changes.


One day the young man fell asleep peacefully.

When he woke up, he suddenly found that he had become a baby and was reborn in the home of an extremely poor serf.

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