Episode 75 – Who’s annoying him?

After a fun day out with Tintaluna, I came back to the dormitory, and a low-key person was waiting for me at the front door of the dormitory.

“Lady Bertus?”

“Did you go on an outing with the lady-in-waiting?”

It was Elizabeth, a reliable companion who would later fight together to prevent the resurrection of evil spirits.

However, after she encountered the untrue truth about evil spirits and this world, she had a lot of thoughts on how to treat Elizabeth.

However, after several days of contemplation, I have come to a conclusion.

Even if the evil god does nothing wrong, if his followers cause damage to the empire, family, or people with whom I have a relationship, then I must ruthlessly defeat them.

There may be people who think that it is wrong to think like this in the first place, but well, I don’t think it’s bad to think about it in advance so that you don’t have to worry about it later.

“Yes. The weather is nice, and the end-of-semester assessment assignments are finished, so shouldn’t we take a proper break during the remaining time?”

“…… IM jealous.”

Elizabeth said she was envious of me. Seeing that, it seemed that Elizabeth still couldn’t find a clue to solve the problem.

Even her lively face looked a little tired, and I could see the deep black shadows under her eyes.

Even for a genius beautiful magician with outstanding talent, it must be difficult to prepare for her evaluation.

“Even a genius beautiful girl magician has a hard time. Are you really surprised?”

“…… Are you kidding me now?”

At my question, Elizabeth puffed out her cheeks and said slightly curtly.

I tried to lighten her mood by playing a joke, but it seemed to backfire.

‘If you say that, anyone will get angry. Young master.’

From noble mtl dot com.

‘Anyway, he looks a bit sulky.’

‘You don’t understand a woman’s heart very well. Go out delicately.’

As a bonus, even Nina, who quietly gave me advice behind my back.

In my own way, they cheered me on with a delicate sense.

“I’m sorry. Lady Bertus, no, Elizabeth. I had no intention of joking around. I just want you to cheer up a little…….”

“Well, I’ll skip this one time.”

“Come to think of it, who were you waiting for here? If… ….”

“It’s not like that, so can you stop pointing it out?”

Isn’t it normal for nine out of ten women to think, ‘Is she waiting for her boyfriend?’

‘Maybe you are waiting for a friend. Young master.’

Listening to Nina’s whisper, I think that maybe I’m getting it wrong.

Hmmm, then why was Elizabeth standing here as if she was waiting for someone?

“Then, who were you waiting for?”

“That’s you. Prince Meidern?”

Seeing Elizabeth say her family name, it seems she has something important to say.

She usually calls me Prince Albert or Alberto, she refers to my family name and calls me?

This definitely meant that something important was going on.

“Let’s change seats. Nina? Please go to your room first and wait.”

“Yes, boy. Then… ….”

At my command, Nina quietly disappeared into the dormitory.

After Nina disappeared, the two of us walked to a secluded spot far from the dormitory.

Arriving at a secluded place where few people go, the two of us stood facing each other at a slight distance.

“Are you aware that strange rumors have been circulating within the Royal Academy lately?”

“Strange… Rumors?”

What came out of Elizabeth’s mouth was about a rumor that was circulating within the Royal Academy.

In my own way, I was gathering information through Nina’s connections.

However, even among the information I got through Nina, I hadn’t heard of rumors.

“Yes. Rumor. That, too, is a very dangerous rumor.”

Elizabeth turned her head and surveyed her surroundings as she spoke of her gossip.

Perhaps someone is trying to bring up a story that shouldn’t be heard?

I spread the aura widely to see who was around.

Fortunately, there were no people near us.

“No one is there, so you can talk comfortably.”

“Then let me tell you a story. This is a story I heard while studying at the library.”

Elizabeth Almerozé Bertus.

The daughter of Grand Duke Bertus, who is called the Grand Duke of Steel, and a genius beautiful girl wizard who can use advanced magic.

She stopped by the library after midterms to study the magic she was supposed to demonstrate during her final exams.

Her task given to her is to implement multi-complex magic, a magic for which even the proper concept has not been established.

Thus, in order to do this, the theory of the magic had to be perfectly established.

So, she had to spend time in the library to perfect magic theory, but she often took a break in the library lounge.

“Whoa… ….”

It was very difficult to use the head.

However, in order to follow Alberto, who had risen to the level of a sword master, and put him on an equal footing, he had to work even harder.

Hasn’t he already risen to the level of a sword master and proved his worth?

As a member of a family with a mission to stop the apostles of evil spirits and prevent the resurrection of evil spirits, the thought that she must become stronger as soon as possible dominated her emotions.

‘I think I need to do a little more… ….’

She has been refining the theory submitted during the mid-term evaluation so far.

Now, if only the small parts were cut out, the perfect theory was completed, and what was left was to actually implement the magic created in the theory.

“…… What is it?”

“Yes, it is!”

“…… Reduce! Who will listen!”

‘What is it?’

While she was taking a break in the break room, she heard the sound of several people having a conversation in her ears.

Since the resting room was inherently quiet, even whispering conversations could be heard loudly.

If those three had known Elizabeth was there, they wouldn’t have talked.

However, since she was resting so quietly, she felt like no one was there.

Elizabeth was tired, but she used her magic.

If she was a wizard of her level, she could control her mana very finely enough that she wouldn’t get caught by others.

‘Sensitive hearing.’

She began to listen to people’s conversations in one corner of the common room, using a sensitive auditory magic that amplified her hearing.

[By the way, is it true that Prince Meidern cut off Albinus senior’s arm?]

What they are talking about happened some time ago.

It was about Alberto cutting off Albinus’ arm.

Looking at the situation, it is clear that Alberto was the victim and Albinus was the perpetrator, but now Alberto was being accused of being the perpetrator, perhaps because of the image that Albinus had built up.

[Yes! Is it true? Ugh, they said they barely survived because there were Horus cadets and Darius cadets nearby.]

[I didn’t see it that way, but he was a very violent and cruel person.]

From Elizabeth’s point of view, they were obviously commoners.

It was because the noble cadets knew that Albinus was entirely at fault for this incident.

However, since the people of the Bedoran and Arcus families were next to Albinus, they could only fly with their eyes, so they were silent.

In addition, since the duke’s family, the Bedoran family, and the marquis’ family, the Arcus family, select several scholarship students, the common people were afraid of being out of sight of the Bedoran and Arcus families rather than the Meidern family.

[So, the small eyes, the smile, and the way you use respectful words for commoners are really suspicious, aren’t they?]

[Someone said that Cadet Rodren didn’t quarrel first, but Prince Maidern approached Lady Haniel first?]

‘What bullsh*t is this?’

Elizabeth was furious with those who followed her criticism of Alberto’s personal appearance and even distorted it.

So she got up from her seat impatiently and went to the people she was talking to.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“What do you mean? We were just having a conversation… Sorry if it was noisy…….”

“Are you going to lie in front of me? How bold are you to spread lies about Prince Meidern, that is, Cadet Alberto?”

“… ….”

At Elizabeth’s words, the people who were conversing on one side of the break room were speechless.

From noble mtl dot com.

“Please be careful next time. Apparently, they seem to be commoners, but if they get caught by another noble, they won’t be passed over quietly like they are now.”

She warned those who were gossiping about Alberto.

“If you insult my friend, then you will taste the wrath of the Bertus family.”

“I guess that happened.”

I laughed out loud after hearing Elizabeth’s explanation.

These things were framing people behind the scenes like this because I sent them back with a good life.

Anyway, it seemed that I would have to personally visit the three people tomorrow morning and make a decision.

The time has come for a duel of honor.

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