That’s it Chapter 814?

 In the next few days, except for eating time, Li Yi stayed in the workshop and never left the house.

There is a toilet in the workshop. Xiao Zhao, who was standing outside the door, could only hear the roar of various equipment and the sound of various wood processing.

 From the next day on, Master Zhou shipped the kitchen equipment directly to the processing factory.

His apprentices will bring him the freshest ingredients, which he will cook on site.

 At three meals a day, Li Yi would leave the workshop on time to taste the dishes he made.

After devouring everything, Li Yi would point out the shortcomings in his production process, and then continue working in the workshop.

 Master Zhou will spend half an hour digesting Li Yi's words, then start again and make the same dishes.

The cooked dishes will not be wasted. There are more than a dozen workers in the processing factory. Master Zhou gives these dishes to them for free as a reward for occupying their kitchen.

The workers were naturally very happy to be able to eat big meals of fish and meat. Even Li Yi, who had a monopoly on the workshop, was also very enthusiastic and hoped that he could stay for a few more days.

 However, on the third day, this enthusiasm became a little unsustainable.

 Because in the past three days, the workers have eaten the same meal seven or eight times in a row.

Although every meal is full of fish and meat, the dishes are the same every time, which does make people feel a little tired.

 At the first meal, they ate all the food and it was not enough.

 But on the night of the third day, they only ate two-thirds of the same dish, leaving some of the bottom.

Xiao Zhao suspected that if the dishes were the same tomorrow, they would probably have to ask the aunt in the kitchen to come back and take charge.

Li Yi didn't care about this and would eat all the dishes every time he ate.

 It’s just that he eats the same thing for several meals, which is no pressure for him.

I think back when he was learning how to make fried rice, he ate fried rice for seven years, didn’t he come back the same way?

How many meals is this?

 He will be fine for another month.

 Master Zhou himself, who was in charge of the ladle, also entered a state of bewilderment.

He spent the whole day studying those dishes, comparing them with Li Yi's comments, digging into the details, and running to the stove from time to time to make one and taste it.

 In the eyes of others, he seemed a little crazy.

 But he himself enjoyed it because he could clearly feel that the dishes he made were getting better and better.

While Li Yi was studying jacquard building machines and instructing Master Zhou in cooking, ripples appeared in the entertainment industry because of him.

On the second day after Li Yi arrived in Jinling, the second page of Jinling Daily devoted an entire page to reporting the news that Li Yi was invited to come to Jinling for exchanges.

 This report was seen by many entertainment industry figures in a short period of time.

 In the eyes of these big guys, this report is a bit strange.

 Because in the report, basically nothing happened, just talking on the wheels of the car that Director Zhu of the Jinling Department of Culture and Tourism invited Li Yi to come to Jinling to exchange food culture and intangible cultural heritage.

 At the same time, it also uses a large space to introduce Li Yi's identity and lists all his achievements since entering the industry.

From the perspective of the amount of information, this report is not at the level of the second page, but it is on the second page, which itself is a bit weird.

 Furthermore, at present, the audience size of traditional media such as newspapers is completely incomparable with that of the Internet and self-media.

 Few ordinary people read newspapers anymore, and there are even no places to sell newspapers on the streets. Today, only government agencies, state-owned enterprises and social organizations subscribe to newspapers.

 But precisely because of this, the big guys in the industry paid special attention to the fact that this report appeared in the newspaper.

 Don’t look at the many traffic celebrities who dominate the hot searches all day long, and they seem to be very popular.

  However, they are rarely seen in major newspapers and magazines.

Even if they appear occasionally, they are able to show their faces through official events such as film festivals and award ceremonies.

 Topics such as “what I ate” and “which airport I was photographed at” that they usually occupy as hot searches will not appear in print media at all.

What’s more, it’s a municipal party committee newspaper like Jinling Daily.

As a newcomer who has only been in the industry for a few months, it is definitely unusual for Li Yi to suddenly appear in such official media.

And appearing with him was the director of the Jinling Cultural and Tourism Department.

Ordinary people will definitely not have the opportunity to interact with such department-level cadres.

But Li Yi was personally invited and welcomed by him. The reason was for cultural exchanges, which was a bit high level.

 Hence, after seeing this report, the big guys became more convinced of the rumors about Li Yi’s deep background.

  If you don’t have a certain background, you won’t have such a big reputation!

Time passed day by day, and November 10th came in the blink of an eye.

 The World Heritage Convention is getting closer and closer. Director Zhu is already so anxious that he is blistered and a lot of his hair, which was not much, has fallen out.

 After November, he couldn't bear it any longer and came to visit the processing factory several times, but was turned away by Li Yi all the time.

Helping, he could only stay in the car day and night and guard the door of the processing plant.

 Those who suffered more than him were the workers in the processing plants.

 After November, Master Zhou finally stopped cooking those dishes, but began to study duck.

 Salted duck, roast duck, salted duck... He made them one after another, almost turning the processing factory into half a duck factory.

The processing factory workers were also forced to eat all kinds of ducks, with plates of ducks occupying the dining table at every meal.

After eating it for several days, the workers couldn’t stand it anymore. They complained privately that every time they burped, they smelled like duck fat. No matter how delicious the food was, they couldn’t bear to eat it every day!

Ever since, the cooking lady who was originally scheduled to go home to rest was once again sought after by the workers.

Her cabbage, tofu, tofu and cabbage were no longer complained by the workers for lack of oil and water. Every time they cooked rice, they were cooked very fast, and they were all eaten in a short time. Instead, all the duck cooked by the chef was left.

However, these ducks are not wasted. Xiao Zhao's task is to remove all the duck meat and leave it to Li Yi to replenish energy.

So, within ten days, Xiao Zhao was able to master the skill of picking duck meat.

When his hands got sore from picking, he even joked with the workers, saying that after he retired, he could just set up a stall and sell duck products, and his skills would definitely pass the test.

But the wait these days was worth it. On the afternoon of November 10th, a tired Li Yi walked out of the workshop with sawdust all over his body. He told Director Zhu who was guarding the door that the jacquard floor machine was ready. it is done.

Director Zhu, who was already anxious, immediately rushed into the workshop, and then he saw a huge loom that was two stories high.

The entire structure of this jacquard building is made of wood. The wooden frames of different heights create several angled frames. It looks very rough, even a bit like scaffolding.

 Seeing this jacquard building, Director Zhu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "That's it?"




 (End of this chapter)

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