Chapter 806 Asking the Gua Bei

 After thousands of years of development, Mazu belief has become the most important folk belief in coastal areas of China.

Not only do there are many believers in China, but also around the world, wherever there is influence from Chinese culture, there are Mazu temples.

According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 10,000 Mazu temples around the world that are directly or indirectly derived from the Meizhou Mazu Temple, spread across 47 countries and regions on five continents.

 Including 19 countries and regions in Asia, 8 countries each in Europe and the Americas, and 6 countries each in Africa and Oceania.

 In the early years, Chinese people used to sneak into the sea on the fishing boats of coastal fishermen.

Until now, many people who go abroad by sea have to rely on the black boats of coastal smugglers to send them there.

 For the smugglers who live by the sea, it doesn’t matter whether the visa center agrees or disagrees with the matter of going abroad, as long as Mazu agrees.

But this is a relatively gray joke. In the minds of real coastal people, Mazu is very sacred.

In Meizhou Island, Fujian Province, the birthplace of Mazu, there is even a Mazu evaluation room in the local police station.

 When the local people disagree, they will be brought into the Mazu evaluation room and swear to Mazu, and the results are often miraculous.

 For local fishermen who need to go to sea, not lying in front of Mazu is their last line.

Lin Hongqi is also very serious about her belief in Mazu.

 As the captain of the offshore fishing team, he needs to be responsible for the entire team.

 The workers below only need to go to sea to get wages, but he is different.

 When he goes out to sea, he has to pay for labor and fuel. If he doesn't catch any fish, it means he will lose a lot of money.

 So, he naturally hopes to return home with a full load every time he goes to sea.

While Lin Hongqi was burning incense in front of the Mazu statue and asking for signatures, the camera crew was also filming from behind.

Looking at Lin Hongqi’s solemn look, Liu Yifei couldn’t help but lower her voice and asked in a low voice: “Are you asking for fortune-telling in Mazu Temple?”

 Li Yi looked at the statue of Mazu wearing a crown, wearing a harem, and holding Ruyi in his hand, and smiled and said: "Sincerity leads to spiritual success."


 Liu Yifei nodded and looked at the Mazu statue, thoughtfully.

 “What? You also want to ask for a signature?”

Li Yi smiled and asked her: "What do you want to ask? How many boys and girls will you have in the future?"

 “Go, stop talking nonsense.”

Liu Yifei glanced at the Mazu statue guiltily, pushed him, blushed and complained: "Mazu is watching! Don't talk nonsense."

“What’s the matter? Mazu also hopes that our descendants will be prosperous!”

 Li Yi was joking with her.

 The sound of the two talking and laughing attracted the fishermen behind to look over.

Liu Yifei became more and more embarrassed, and then pointed at the two half-moon-shaped wooden blocks that Lin Hongqi was throwing on the ground, changed the subject and asked, "What is that?"


Li Yi glanced at it and said casually: "That's a 犊 Cup, a more traditional tool for divination and asking gods. It's called Bo Cup in Hokkien.

It is divided into positive and negative, the convex side is positive and the concave side is negative.

 It is made to imitate ancient shells, which have convex sides and concave sides.

This divination method was recorded in "Yan Fan Lu. Divination" written by Chen Dachang of the Song Dynasty, which was called Bei Guan at that time.

However, because the shells were too easy to break, they were gradually changed to wooden or bamboo ones.

Some highly skilled mages will also use copper to make it, and they also need to consecrate it, refine it, and add magic power. "


Liu Yifei was surprised when she heard this: "Does anyone really have magic power?"

"I have no idea."

 Li Yi shook his head: "I haven't seen it anyway."

"Oh fine."

 Liu Yifei was a little disappointed, and then looked at Lin Hongqi.

Lin Hongqi was walking to Miao Zhu and was throwing the cup on the ground. Miao Zhu was mumbling something, but Lin Hongqi also repeatedly picked up the cup and threw it on the ground.

 “Why did he throw it so many times?”

 Liu Yifei asked curiously.

“There are also rules for holding cups and asking hexagrams.”

Li Yi explained: "Every time he would take two cups and throw them together. Each cup has a head and a tail, so there would be three states in total. It's either a head and a tail, or a double tail, or a double. just.

These three states are called Yin and Yang Saints respectively, and together they are called the Three Saints.

 One positive and one negative is called Shengji, and in Hokkien it is called Holy Grail.

 The Holy Grail is a good divination, indicating that what you ask for goes smoothly.

 Double reverse refers to the yang, and it is called Xiaobei in Hokkien, which means there is a smile on the face of God.

 The meaning of the laughing cup is neutral, which means that the situation is still unclear, or it has strayed from the direction, and the question has not been explained clearly.

If it is a double positive, it is Yinjia, which is called the Wrath Cup in Hokkien, which means that God is angry, and you must not do what you ask for, otherwise you will be unlucky.

Every time he throws the cup, there will be three states of yin and yang, but if he is not accurate once, he needs to throw it three times in a row.

 After throwing the cup three times, a judgment can be made based on the three cups. "

While Li Yi was explaining, Lin Hongqi also finished throwing the three cups.

Looking at his cup hexagram, Li Yi muttered: "Yin Yang Sheng... Jiawu, belongs to gold, Li Qiu, and is suitable for the west, which is a good hexagram.

As the saying goes, a boat can be sailed when the wind is calm and the waves are calm. It is the moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival. There is no need to worry about everything, and happiness will come naturally.

 Looks like it’s stable this time. "

 While Li Yi was speaking, Miao Zhu was also speaking in dialect.

Although the intonations were different, Liu Yifei could vaguely tell that the verdict Miao Zhu said was the same as what Li Yi said.

 “Wow! That’s awesome! How did you know?”

 Liu Yifei looked at Li Yi in surprise, with a face of admiration.

 “It’s not that difficult.”

Li Yi smiled and said: "The Mazu spirit lot consists of only those numbers. Each lot has a signed poem. You can know the number of the lot by comparing it with the cup."

 “It’s so awesome, I feel like you can open a fortune-telling stall and tell other people’s fortunes.”

 Liu Yifei laughed and joked.

On the other side, Lin Hongqi, who had received the verdict, also stood up happily, raised the holy hexagram, turned around and greeted the boatmen: "We will definitely have a bumper harvest this time! Let's all drink together when we come back full of fish!"


 The boatmen cheered.

Liu Yifei saw their beaming looks and curiously asked: "Can Mazu really bless them to return home with a full load?"

Li Yi did not answer, first looked at the Mazu statue, and then said: "Actually, it's just a lucky draw. It is said that from the perspective of quantum mechanics, it may indeed be useful.

However, in the real world, if you want to ensure fish catch, you must rely on ocean satellite remote sensing technology. "

Liu Yifei didn’t know what ocean satellite remote sensing technology was until she got on the ship.

 The fishing boats in her imagination relied on the captain's experience to determine the location of fish schools.

 But after arriving at the wheelhouse, she discovered that the high-tech equipment on the ship was dazzling and very advanced.

 After setting off the ship, Lin Hongqi sailed towards the Paracel Islands according to the satellite navigation.

Not long after the boat set off, Liu Yifei fell into a severe state of seasickness and vomited all kinds of meat.

Not only her, but all the big men on the film crew were vomiting so hard that their faces turned green.

 So the entire day, the crew did not take any shots.

It was Li Yi who carried the camera and took some footage.

 It was not until the boat stopped at night that everyone got used to it and felt better.

 The boatmen on the ship rested during the day, and even in the rocking cabin, they slept soundly.

When they arrived at their destination, after stopping the ship, they came to the deck one after another.

It was pitch black on the sea, and there was no light at all. Only the lights on the ship were bright.

 Seeing the boatmen in place, Lin Hongqi in the cockpit turned on the searchlight.

The bright searchlight shines on the sea surface, illuminating the water below.

In the dark sea, there is only one light here.

 For fish and shrimps in the sea, these lights in the darkness have a fatal attraction to them.

  Literally fatal.




 (End of this chapter)

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