Chapter 804 Ocean People

 After seeing off the leader and the reward plate, Li Yi went back to the hotel and had a peaceful sleep.

 Early the next morning, he boarded a flight to Gui Province.

 Liu Yifei has finished filming in Jiayu and flew to FCG City, Guangxi Province with the crew.

After October, the temperature north of the Yangtze River begins to gradually cool down.

 So, in the coming time, Zeng Shun will take the film crew to the southern coast to shoot material.

 After September, the inland water areas of the Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea will open to sea, and the following time will be the peak season for sea fishing.

 The filming plan requires shooting content related to sea fishing, so the film crew needs to go to sea with the ship.

 However, due to the uncertainty of sea fishing, Zeng Shun decided to go out to sea for half a month to shoot.

However, before going to sea, the film crew must first film the manual fishing on the coast.

The filming location for content related to manual fishing on the coast was Jiangping Town, Dongxing City, under the jurisdiction of FCG City, Guangxi Province.

 This was planned by Li Yi. If you want to show the content of ocean fishing, you must come here to take pictures.

 Because here lives the only maritime ethnic group in China, the Jing ethnic group.

The Jing ethnic group is a relatively small ethnic group among the ethnic minorities in China, with only more than 30,000 people.

 They all live on the three islands of Guanwei, Shanxin and Wutou in Jiangping Town, Dongxing City.

 These three islands are therefore also called the Three Islands of the Jing Islands.

 The Kinh ethnic group is the main ethnic group in Vietnam, equivalent to the Han nationality in the country, and accounts for up to 86% of Vietnam's population.

 The Jing ethnic group in China migrated from Tushan and other places in Vietnam in the early 16th century AD.

 Because they live by the sea, all the Jing people have made a living by fishing since ancient times.

 In addition to the Jing people, there are also some fishermen called Dan people living on the sea all year round in the southeastern coastal areas of Fuzhou, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guizhou and Qiong.

  But they belong to the Han nationality and are not a separate ethnic group, so they cannot be considered a maritime nation, but can only be regarded as a special group.

 Hence, the Jing people are the only maritime ethnic group in the country.

 The fishing culture of the Jing people is very developed, and their various fishing gears are also very distinctive.

 In addition to the most common pull nets, gill nets, and plug nets, there are also special nets such as shark nets, shrimp nets, jellyfish nets, horseshoe crab nets, and cuttlefish nets that are specially designed for specific fishing objects.

In addition, the Jing people also have a unique way of fishing.

That is to walk on stilts and use fishing nets to catch fish in shallow waters.

When Li Yi arrived at Wutou Island, he saw Liu Yifei shakily standing on two stilts and holding a large "Y" shaped fishing net, trying to walk with difficulty.

Seeing this scene, Li Yi smiled and filmed it with his mobile phone.

 When you have children in the future, you must take good care of them.

Liu Yifei noticed Li Yi taking secret photos and rolled her eyes at him angrily, but did not come down.

It was hard for her to get up and stand firm. If she came down and went up again, it would take a lot of time.

 So, she just said hello to Li Yi and continued practicing.

She practiced very seriously. Li Yi watched her practice for half an hour, and she could barely walk.

 An hour later, she was able to slowly move into the sea.

 The environment in the sea was very complicated, and Li Yi kept watching her, guarding against her sudden fall so that he could immediately go into the water to rescue her.

 But she never fell down once from the beginning of groping until she finished shooting the corresponding content.

 So, after helping her down, Li Yi kissed her on the forehead and praised: "It's great."

  "Really? I think I'm great too!"

Liu Yifei was very happy and showed off proudly before asking him, "How are you doing?"

"It's done." Li Yi looked at her feet and hands, which were wrinkled by the sea water, and led her to the beach behind the camera crew. He put his coat on the ground and let her sit on it.

Grabbed the dry sand on the ground and rubbed her feet to remove the excess water. Li Yi told her about the past few days.

“The superiors attach more importance to cloisonné than I thought, and this relationship should be able to continue.

 Auntie has signed a contract with Lin Long and is going through the formalities.

 She arranged for people to notify the company's artists about the change of bosses.

 This is what I asked for. I told her that if someone doesn’t want to continue working in the company, they can terminate the contract directly without requiring liquidated damages.

 After the formalities are completed, she plans to change the name of the company. What do you think it should be called? "

 Liu Yifei leaned against Li Yi and listened quietly without answering.

Hearing him ask, she smiled and said, "Just get up, I don't know what to call him."

 “Then take one word from each of our names!”

Li Yi suggested: "How about calling it Yifei Film and Television?"

 Liu Yifei tilted her head and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It feels a bit weird."

 “How about picking one up?”

Li Yi asked with a smile.

“Forget it, just call it this.”

Liu Yifei hugged his arm and smoothed her hair that was blown by the sea breeze. She just wanted to enjoy the time together after the farewell.

Looking at Zeng Shun leading the camera crew to film footage of Jing fishermen fishing, Li Yi sighed: "Today's fishery resources are much scarcer than before."

Liu Yifei just fished in the sea for a long time, but she only caught two small fish as long as her fingers.

 These Jing fishermen no longer fish on weekdays, but instead perform folklore performances.

In addition to local industrial planning and the construction of the three Jing Islands into tourist areas, the main reason is that there are no fish left in the shallow sea areas.

With the development of science and technology, fish and shrimps in shallow sea areas are defenseless against various modern fishing boats and fishing nets, and they are easily caught.

 Therefore, fishing boats must go farther and farther, even into the deep sea, to fish in order to obtain sufficient catches.

 “Did you catch too much?”

 Liu Yifei asked out of curiosity: “I often read about overfishing in the news. Is it because there are too many boats?”

"There are many ships because of the large population. Our country has more than one billion people. It is not easy to feed more than one billion mouths." Li Yi said casually, taking it as a casual chat.

 “Is that too much population?”

 Liu Yifei thought for a while and asked: "Then why do many news say that the birth rate is too low and worry about an economic crisis?

 If the population is too large and the burden is too heavy, wouldn’t it be a good thing to have fewer children? "

“This problem is quite big and cannot be explained clearly in a few words.”

Li Yi smiled and said: "But economic activities are inseparable from population. If the population is small, the economy will indeed have problems."

As he spoke, he paused, looked at Liu Yifei, and lowered his voice and said, "So, for the sake of the country's economy, let's have more children to support the fertility rate!"


Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then punched him in shame: "Okay! So you are waiting for me here!"

 “I’m teasing you!”

Li Yi smiled and said, "You are still a child. What kind of child will you give birth to?"

 “Hmph! It’s good to know.”

Liu Yifei curled her lips, her cheeks bulged slightly, and muttered: "But I quite like babies..."




 (End of this chapter)

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