Chapter 795: Worried

Digging out the mud was only the first step. After digging to a depth of more than one meter, Shengwu inserted the shovel into the mud beside him, changed his hands, and dug around in the mud at the bottom of the pit, looking for traces of lotus roots. .

 After searching for a long time, he finally found the target.

First, I dug out the mud on the surface with my hands, revealing the dark lotus root rhizomes below.

Then, he measured the outline of the lotus root with his hands, took the shovel, cut off both ends of the lotus root, and dug out the lotus root.

This set of procedures took nearly ten minutes.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw the Shengwu brothers digging hard for a long time before digging out a lotus root as thick as an arm.

 “Is it so hard to dig lotus roots?”

“You spent a long time digging such a big hole and just got this one?”

“Huh? I thought it was like digging potatoes. I dug them out in just a few clicks. Is this lotus root buried so deep?”

“I’ll be exhausted from digging even one lotus root!”

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room were surprised, but Liu Yifei couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Shengwu throwing the lotus roots in the open space aside and changing places with a shovel, "Can we only dig one root in this hole?"

 “There is only this one in the pit, no others have been touched.”

Shengwu stared ahead, searching for the target, walking forward one step at a time, with no time to talk.

 After taking a few steps forward, he found the target and continued to repeat the operation just now.

Watching him dig out the mud shovel by shovel, and the fine sweat on his forehead was shining brightly in the rising sun, Liu Yifei finally understood why he said before that he couldn't do this job all year round.

With this kind of workload, working from morning to night, most people simply can’t persevere!

Watching on the sidelines, Liu Yifei couldn't help but ask: "Isn't there any machine that can dig in? How tiring would it be to rely on people to dig like this?"

"not yet."

Li Yi came to her side, shook his head and explained: "The lake is full of mud, people can't hold it up, let alone machines.

Moreover, the lotus root must be in good condition when dug and must be intact, otherwise it will not be sold at a high price.

If you use a machine to dig, it will be easy to cause accidental injuries if you dig deep. If you dig shallow, you still have to rely on people to continue digging, which is meaningless. "

Liu Yifei looked at the two Shengwu brothers digging out lotus roots in the mud, and asked with some reluctance: "Then can't we design a machine that can not only ensure the appearance of the lotus roots, but also replace human power?"

Li Yi smiled: “If you want to design it, you can definitely design it.

However, the cost of equipment purchase itself, daily energy consumption, driver wages, regular maintenance, etc. are relatively high and may not be recouped in two or three years. "

“Then if you get your money back in two or three years, won’t you be able to make money?”

Liu Yifei was puzzled: "Machines must be more efficient than people, right?"

"of course."

Li Yi raised his finger and pointed at the two Shengwu brothers and asked: "But if machines are used, then where should they go to make money?"

 Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment and was speechless for a moment.

Li Yi explained: "One machine can replace a hundred jobs. If these one hundred people are unemployed, they will have no money to eat and can't afford lotus roots. So the lotus roots dug out by the machine will have to keep the price down."

 The more machines there are, the lower the price of lotus root will be. But even if the price gets lower and lower, more and more people will not be able to afford it because more and more people will be unemployed because of the machines.

 If things continue like this, it will be a vicious circle, crazy involution, and no one will benefit in the end. "

 Liu Yifei scratched her head: "It sounds so complicated."

“It’s quite complicated, so often there is a gap between beautiful imagination and reality.”

Li Yi picked up the shovel, handed it to her, and said with a smile: "It's your turn, try to see if you can dig out one."

 “I’m sure I can.”

Liu Yifei took the shovel confidently and walked crookedly towards the open space beside Shengwu.

 She asked Shengwu for advice on how to find the location of lotus roots. She found the target area and started digging.

 The first time the shovel went down, she dug hard, but failed to dig out the mud. Even though she was mentally prepared, she still underestimated the weight of the mud.

Taking out the shovel, she shoveled a thin layer of mud again, and finally dug a small hole this time.

 She dug shovel after shovel, and soon she was sweating heavily on her forehead.

But she didn't stop, and kept digging shovel after shovel.

The camera crews were shooting shots on both sides of her. These are the best materials.

After digging more than thirty shovels, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. She straightened up and raised her hand to wipe the sweat with her sleeve.

  The sleeves that had already been wet with mud left a mud mark on her face.

 After taking a breath, she continued digging.

Just resting and stopping like this, she dug for twenty minutes before finally reaching the bottom.

After the shovel hit a hard object, she happily threw the shovel out, and then dug under the mud with her hands.

After digging for a long time, she pulled hard and her buttocks suddenly sat in the mud behind.

But she didn’t pay attention. Instead, she held up a huge lotus root as thick as a child’s leg and cheered happily: “I dug it out!”

 The camera faithfully recorded this scene. Zeng Shun clapped his palms with satisfaction and laughed: "This is a good one!"

 After hearing what he said, Li Yi stepped forward and pulled Liu Yifei up.

 “It didn’t hurt from the fall, did it?”

Li Yi asked with concern.

“It’s okay, the mud is soft, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

Liu Yifei proudly raised the lotus root and showed off to Li Yi: "Look, I'm awesome, right?"


Li Yi nodded with a smile and wiped the muddy marks on her face: "The one you dug is bigger than Brother Shengwu and the others. This is called women not being inferior to men."

 “Haha! But I dug too slowly.”

Liu Yifei raised her hand to wipe her sweat and looked at the dug mud pit, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Picking up the shovel, she stepped forward and said enthusiastically: "I'll keep digging. I'm going to earn a thousand yuan today!"

Li Yi looked at her with a smile, noncommittal.

 But after Liu Yifei dug out another lotus root, she was so tired that she sat in the mud pit, panting and lowering her goal: "Forget it, it's better to get 500 yuan."

Just when Liu Yifei was digging vigorously in the lake, Lin Long was already exhausted on the other side.

The tax department staff who suddenly came to his door caught him off guard.

The taxman’s request for an audit frightened him so much that he couldn’t sleep for two nights.

He couldn't understand why, despite everything being fine, tax officials suddenly came to check the accounts.

 Has he done some ups and downs on weekdays? Why did you just come to the door without saying hello?

What's even more strange is that when he went to the leader who had handled the matter to inquire about the information, the leader refused to see him at all, as if he was avoiding him.

 This made him even more puzzled.

 While he was puzzled, he was even more angry.

 He usually eats and drinks well, and gives away things and red envelopes. Why?

 Isn’t it to avoid this kind of trouble?

It's good now. You've collected your things, taken the money, and if something goes wrong, you just try to deny it. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

So, early this morning, Lin Long, with red eyes, drove to the building downstairs where the leader’s wife worked and waited.

 He must have an explanation today!




 (End of this chapter)

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