Chapter 793 Wuwei Palace Lantern

Zeng Shun is right, the sunrise is indeed very fast.

By the time the film crew parked the car and set up the equipment, it was already dark.

The lotus root diggers also noticed the fleet of film crews and various filming machines.

 But they only glanced at it for a few times, then turned back and got busy on their own.

With the light of a gasoline generator, they put on one-piece rubber pants and received a large basket containing lotus roots from the foreman.

By the lake, the lotus root diggers who had packed up had already lined up and boarded a wooden boat that was not much bigger than a bathtub. They held their pennies and rowed out into the lake.

The sky was slightly bright and mist was rising from the lake.

 Small boats swam out from the river bend, breaking through the fog and lake water, drifting towards the lake.

Zeng Shun was very excited when he saw this scene. He took the cameraman and ran quickly to the shore of the lake, found an angle, and started shooting.

“Yes, that’s the angle, back shot.”

Zeng Shun was directing the shooting while exclaiming: "It's so touching. It's this kind of artistic conception. It's beautiful."

The cameraman looked at the scene in the camera and nodded in agreement: "It feels a bit like an old martial arts movie."

“What we shoot is realism, not romanticism.”

Zeng Shun laughed and complained, then looked at the movements of the lotus root diggers and punted the boats, and sighed softly: "They are all the most ordinary people. They don't have the world-class martial arts of the heroes in the novels. They just come out for their families and children." Work hard and earn some money to support your family.

 But in the eyes of their families and children, aren’t they indomitable heroes? "

After sighing in admiration, he quickly took out a notebook from his arms and wrote it down. While writing, he muttered: "These sentences are so good that they can be used as a narration in a movie. They definitely have a lot of meaning."

 “Pull him down.”

Li Yi came closer and said with a smile: "We are filming a documentary, not sensationalism."

Zeng Shun’s eyes widened: “How is this sensationalism? Isn’t this pure realism?”

“Just show it without explaining it, and there will be no power in speaking it out.”

Li Yi said casually and glanced in the direction where the lotus root digger was going.

 Listening to Li Yi's words, Zeng Shun was stunned for a long time before he couldn't help but ask: "Have you also studied directing?"

 “No? What’s wrong?”

 Li Yi was puzzled.

“Then how do you know the power of lens language?” Zeng Shun put away his notebook and stuffed it back into his pocket.

 “This is called seeing is believing.”

Li Yi smiled and said, "Is it almost done? Is it time for us to get on the boat?"

“You take pictures first, and I’ll go ask.”

Zeng Shunchong gave instructions to the cameraman, glanced at the queue, and walked quickly over.

 The temperature by the lake was a bit cold. Liu Yifei wrapped herself in a coat, but she still felt a bit cold.

Seeing this, Li Yi unzipped his coat and wrapped her in.

“I should wear more clothes, I didn’t expect it to be so cold.”

Liu Yifei couldn't help but shiver.

“Places with a lot of water and heavy Yin energy must be colder.”

Li Yi hugged her tighter.

 “Hey, it sounds scary.”

 Liu Yifei leaned back against Li Yi's chest and wrinkled her nose.

“I’m talking about the yin of yin and yang. Do you think it’s a ghost movie?”

Li Yi laughed and complained, and then pointed to the fish belly white in the east: "Before the sun rises, the yin energy is at its heaviest. It will be better after the sun rises."

"Know it!"

Liu Yifei nodded, raised her head and asked, "Then do I have to wear those kind of pants?"

 “Everything must be worn.”

Li Yi glanced at Zeng Shun. Zeng Shun was talking to a foreman and came back soon carrying some pairs of rubber pants.

"Brother Yi, there are no new ones prepared here, only the old ones provided for the workers, which may have a little smell." Zeng Shun glanced at the rubber pants that were still stained with mud, and asked hesitantly: "How about I ask someone to go there? Can the county buy some new ones?"

Li Yi didn't answer, so Liu Yifei shook her head: "No, no, I'll just wear this. Everyone can wear it, and I can wear it too."

With that said, she unzipped Li Yi's coat and got out.

 Taking the rubber pants from Zeng Shun, she couldn't hold it firmly and the rubber pants fell directly to the ground.

 “So heavy?”

 Her eyes widened in surprise.

Judging from the way she felt it just now, this pair of rubber pants must weigh at least three or four kilograms.

Zeng Shun explained: “Workers have to wear these rubber pants for a whole day, so they must be strong and waterproof. If water leaks, the skin will be soaked.”

"so amazing."

Liu Yifei admired and picked up her rubber pants again.

Looking at the lotus root diggers wearing rubber trousers, she imitated them and wore them together with their trousers.

Li Yi helped her hold the cuff of the pants, and after she put her feet in, he asked her to put her arms around his neck, holding up the rubber pants, and put her in.

 “Wow! It’s really heavy!”

Liu Yifei tried to take two steps, but she walked crookedly and almost fell down.

 “So tired.”

After walking a few steps, she felt a little tired and couldn't help but ask: "These pants are so heavy. It's so tiring to walk on the shore. Isn't it even more tiring to go into the water?"

Zeng Shun heard this and corrected him with a smile: "It's not water, it's mud. Walking in the mud at the bottom of the lake."

 “Walking in the mud?”

Liu Yifei was even more surprised: "Isn't that too hard?"

As he was talking, the sky got a lot brighter without realizing it.

 The foreman has turned off the generator in order to save electricity.

Seeing this, Li Yi and his party also boarded several small boats in the morning light.

The boat was being punted by a few lotus root diggers. Zeng Shun had already discussed with them to invite them to appear in the film, and they would be paid at the rate of 500 yuan a day.

After getting on the boat, Liu Yifei sat on the bow, facing the cold morning mist, taking a deep breath of the earthy and grass-scented air, with a smile on her face.

At this moment, her depressed mood last night was finally relieved.

 There was still some distance to go before the destination, so Liu Yifei started chatting with the lotus root digger who was punting the boat.

 “Brother, what is your name?”

The lotus root digger who was punting the boat looked to be in his thirties. He was a little shy and did not dare to look at Liu Yifei. He answered in Mandarin with a dialect flavor: "My name is Shengwu."

 “Oh, Brother Shengwu, where are you from?”

Liu Yifei held on to the side of the boat to avoid being shaken out of the boat, while making a "yeah" gesture to Li Yi on the boat next door.

 “I am from Wuwei, Hui Province.”

  Shengwu relaxed his force on the boat and maintained the same speed as Li Yi's boat.

 “That’s over there in Wuhu.”

Hearing this, Li Yi nodded and said, "It's a good place. The name has a very good meaning. I want the world to be at peace and rule by doing nothing. Your gauze lanterns are very powerful."


Shengwu smiled shyly: "In the old society, the emperor used my palace lanterns."

“That’s right, the ink gauze lanterns were used as tributes in the Qing Dynasty.”

Li Yi smiled and said, "The salted duck you have is pretty good too."

“Wuwei salted duck is delicious. My uncle sells salted duck.”

Seeing that Li Yi was so familiar with his hometown, Shengwu gradually became less nervous and became much more comfortable facing the camera.

Seeing this, Zeng Shun secretly gestured to the cameraman and asked him to start filming.




 (End of this chapter)

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