Chapter 789 Jiayu Lotus Root

Xiao Lu was not bragging. His driving skills were really good. It only took him thirty-five minutes to send Li Yi and Liu Yifei to the airport.

  Quickly checked in, and half an hour later, Li Yi and Liu Yifei were on the plane bound for Jiangcheng.

However, even though Li Yi and Liu Yifei were so cautious, when they left Jiangcheng Airport, they were almost blocked by the photography agents and errands who came after hearing the news.

Those relatively well-known reporters have connections with various airlines and can find flight information related to artists.

 So when Li Yi and Liu Yifei boarded the plane, the reporters outside the hotel had already received the news.

However, it is definitely unrealistic to arrive in Jiangcheng before Li Yi and Liu Yifei.

So they contacted local photography agents and errands, and paid people to go to the airport to guard them, hoping to take photos of Li Yi and Liu Yifei.

 Fortunately, both Li Yi and Liu Yifei put on some disguises and walked away one after another. Finally, they successfully escaped the encirclement of the shooting agents, left the airport, and met up with Zeng Shun.

In the past two days when Li Yi and Liu Yifei were troubled by their love affairs, Zeng Shun quickly pulled together a team and arrived in Jiangcheng.

 According to the shooting plan, the opening content will be shot using the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter as the timeline.

 But because it’s already past October and autumn is about to begin, we can’t shoot spring and summer content, so we can only start shooting in autumn.

 As for the autumn content, Li Yi placed it in Hubei Province.

 Therefore, after Zeng Shun organized the film crew, he directly led the team to Hubei Province.

 “The conditions are simple, please work hard! Haha!”

Zeng Shun, accompanied by a young assistant director, enthusiastically helped Li Yi and the others put their luggage into the trunk of a van and led them into the car.

After squeezing into the van with Liu Yifei, Li Yi looked at the messy photographic equipment and accessories piled behind the van. After Zeng Shun got in the van, he smiled and said: "Director Zeng, save money and save money. Don't feel too sorry for yourself." .”

“No aggrievement, we are shooting a documentary and we have to go to the mountains and countryside. It’s useless to need such a good car.”

Zeng Shun put on his seat belt with a smile and patted the steering wheel: "You may not think this car is ugly, but it is definitely solid and durable. Otherwise, how can we call it a magic car?

It can go to a lot of places that cars can't go. It can pull things that other cars can't pull. It's also light. If the car gets stuck, just ask a few people to push it out.

 Our crew went out to shoot something, and we didn’t like other cars! It has to be this Wuling bun, it’s so easy to use! "

"That's good."

Li Yi smiled, then took out the bun he brought from the plane and handed it to Liu Yifei.

 “I’m not hungry, you can eat!”

 Liu Yifei shook her head and did not answer.

Hearing what she said, Zeng Shun hurriedly asked: "Should we eat some in Jiangcheng, or should we eat when we get to Jiayu?"

Hearing that Liu Yifei said she wasn't hungry, Li Yi said, "Let's eat when we get to Jiayu! It's not that far anyway."

“Okay, we just arrived at the place where we live. Let’s put down our things first and then go eat some props.”

Zeng Shun made a joke and saw the assistant director getting into the car, so he started the car and drove out of the airport.

 The car drove onto the elevated highway and gradually entered the city.

Liu Yifei looked out the window, pointed outside, and introduced Li Yi: "That's the Garden Expo over there, and that's the museum over there. My dad often took me there when I was a kid."

 This is her hometown. She grew up here. Li Yi put the first stop of shooting here for this reason.

Li Yi looked at her looking out the window and asked with a smile, "Do you want to go home and have a look?"

 “No, let’s get down to business first!”

Liu Yifei turned back and smiled at him: "When you're done, I'll take you to my grandparents' house. My grandma cooks delicious food."

As she spoke, she paused and then added: "My dad should have returned from vacation by then, and he also said he wanted to meet you."

  "Okay."   Li Yi smiled and nodded.

 Liu Yifei's parents divorced when she was in junior high school. She lived with Liu Xiaoli, but she would go back to her father's place to visit the elderly during holidays.

 Liu Xiaoli supports them being together, but her father has not met Li Yi yet.

 So, sooner or later, Li Yi would have to break through this level.

 The car did not enter the city center, but passed through the outskirts of the city from the elevated road and entered the Jiayu County area.

 The four seasons content in the first issue shows how the Chinese nation has obtained food throughout the year since ancient times.

 In spring, everything revives.

 People will go into the mountains to collect mushrooms and bamboo shoots and enjoy the gifts from nature.

 In summer, the climate is hot and food is prone to spoilage.

People will pickle food with salt in advance, make ham and bacon, and use their wisdom to get more long-term and sufficient nutrition.

 In autumn, the water levels of lakes adjacent to the Yangtze River Basin decrease.

 This natural law allows people to get close to the world at the bottom of the lake, collect lotus roots, and enrich the dining table.

In winter, the dry air and extremely low temperatures caused Chagan Lake to freeze early. Fishermen dug holes in the ice and used ancient net fishing methods so that people could taste plump fish even in the cold winter.

 But these are only part of the food culture of countless Chinese people on the land of China.

 Throughout the year, from south to north, from east to west, people in each region have different eating habits.

It is impossible to show them all in a documentary. We can only select some typical representatives to shoot.

October is the beginning of autumn, and the photography content in autumn is mainly about lotus roots.

Lotus root is a traditional food of the Chinese nation and an important rhizome aquatic vegetable with a cultivation history of more than 2,000 years.

It is not only a life-saving food to satisfy hunger in famine years, but also a top dish for entertaining distinguished guests.

 There are many idioms related to lotus root, such as "a perfect match is made in heaven", "the lotus root is broken and the silk is tied", "the seven orifices are exquisite", etc., which are enough to reflect its important position in Chinese traditional culture.

As early as the Western Han Dynasty, lotus root has been recorded as a vegetable on the Chinese people’s dining tables.

The detailed cultivation methods of lotus root were also recorded in "Qi Min Yao Shu" during the Northern Wei Dynasty, which also showed that systematic cultivation of lotus root had also begun in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River at that time.

There are many places in China that are rich in lotus root. For example, the Suzhou lotus root produced in Huangtiandang in the southeast corner of Suzhou is known as "snow lotus root" and was listed as a tribute as early as the Tang Dynasty.

The tender lotus root of this "snow lotus root" is full of juice and sweet in taste when eaten raw, which is comparable to that of Yali.

The lotus root produced in West Lake in Hangzhou is euphemistically called "Xi Shi's arm" because it is as white and tender as a girl's arm.

The lotus root produced in Xizhu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province is also as white as jade, as strong as an arm, and as sweet as honey, and is famous far and wide.

The floral lotus root produced in the suburbs of Jinling has a goose-yellow head like translucent amber. The lotus root body is extremely tender and crisp, with plenty of juice. It is also of excellent quality.

But the best quality lotus roots are those produced in the Honghu and Jiayu areas of Hubei Province.

Honghu and Jiayu areas are close to the Yangtze River. The lotus roots they produce are full of flavor and are known as the "treasures in the water".

There is also a local song "Fish from the Yangtze River, lotus root from Honghu Lake, the emperor will not want to leave after eating it." Honghu lotus root and Yangtze River fish are juxtaposed, which is enough to show the local people's love for Honghu lotus root.

 But now Honghu Lake has been planned as a scenic spot, so it is more difficult to shoot.

 So, Zeng Shun chose the shooting location in the Jiayu area downstream.




 (End of this chapter)

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