Chapter 781 Yes, we are together

Watching Liu Xiaoli leave angrily, Wang Tian stretched his head and asked Li Yi: "What happened?"

 Hearing their conversation, her curiosity was already overflowing.

“Sister Tian, ​​see for yourself.”

 Liu Yifei also handed the phone to Wang Tian.

Taking the phone, Wang Tian only glanced at it and his eyes widened instantly.


 She looked at Li Yi and Liu Yifei in shock: "How did this news get exposed?"

 She knew about Li Yi and Liu Yifei, and she asked because she wanted to explain that it had nothing to do with her.

“I don’t know yet, let’s check it out first!”

Li Yi said casually, looking calm.

 “That needs to be checked carefully.”

Wang Tian nodded in agreement, and then asked with concern: "Then I just heard you say that you want to make the relationship public? Is this too radical? Yifei still has a contract!"

"I know."

Li Yi glanced at Liu Yifei with a smile, reached out and held her hand, and said in a confident tone: "I will solve this matter, it's not a big problem."

Feeling the warmth in Li Yi's palm, Liu Yifei pursed her lips and smiled, feeling equally warm in her heart.

While they were talking here, the staff at the next few tables were chatting in whispers, peeking at Li Yi and Liu Yifei from time to time.

 Huang Xiaoming and others on the side saw that Li Yi and Liu Yifei seemed to be talking about business, so they didn't ask much. When the news came from the next table and they saw the hot search list, they figured out what happened.

 “Sister Yifei.”

Zhao Jinmai couldn't help shouting, and looked at Liu Yifei with worried eyes.

Although she loves Li Yi and Liu Yifei, she is still a little worried about Liu Yifei when this kind of thing happens.

  After all, she also knew the amount of Liu Yifei's liquidated damages. If this matter was not handled well, Liu Yifei's life might be over.

"It's fine."

 Liu Yifei gave her a comforting look and smiled slightly.

Seeing her relaxed smile, Zhao Jinmai breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little admiration in his heart.

If this kind of thing happened to her, she would definitely not be able to be so calm.

 Liu Yifei withdrew her gaze and looked at Li Yi's side face with gentle eyes.

 Her calmness is all because Li Yi is here. This is the sense of security that a responsible man can provide.

Huang Xiaoming also figured out the whole story. He put away his phone and said to Liu Yifei: "Yifei, if you need help, just tell me. This kind of lawsuit can be fought. If you find a better lawyer, you still have a chance of winning."

 “Thank you, Brother Xiao Ming.”

 Liu Yifei thanked her.

 “Sister Yifei.”

Wu Lei also opened his mouth, but hesitated after opening his mouth.

Although he also made his debut as a child star, in terms of connections and resources behind him, he is still incomparable to Huang Xiaoming.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he still said seriously: "Sister Yifei, if you are of any use to me, just tell me and I will definitely help you if I can."

Seeing the serious look on his face, Li Yi was amused by him: "What? Do you think I can't handle this? Everyone wants to help?"

 “No, no, we just want to help.”

 Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei explained with a smile, but neither of them denied it.

 No way, it’s one billion, not one hundred thousand. How can it be so easy to do?

Li Yi smiled and didn't explain any more. He just glanced at the staff at the tables next door, then looked at Liu Yifei, giving him a searching look.

Liu Yifei understood what he meant and nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Li Yi took her hand and stood up.

 The staff around him were pretending to be calm, but the attention was actually on their side.

 Seeing them getting up, many staff members looked over.

When they noticed the hands held by the two people, many female staff members could not help but cover their mouths and let out a suppressed scream, excited. “Brothers and sisters, I have something to announce.”

Li Yi raised Liu Yifei's hand and smiled: "Yes, we are together."

Hearing his personal admission, the suppressed screams suddenly turned into excited screams and cheers, and many female staff members turned red with excitement.

Although the male staff were not as crazy as their female colleagues, they were still a little excited and looked at them with expressions of amazement.

"Do not believe!"

 Some staff members who liked to join in the fun joked: "Unless you prove it!"

 “That’s right!”

Other staff members were also shouting and looking at them excitedly in order to prevent chaos in the world.

Seeing this, Li Yi smiled, looked around, and pointed at a female staff member who took out her mobile phone to take pictures: "No pictures are allowed!"

 “Huh? Oh! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m used to it.”

The female staff member was stunned when she heard this, then she quickly put away her cell phone and apologized again and again with a red face.

This kind of thing is very taboo in the program group, and if it is serious, you may even lose your job.

Li Yi smiled, didn't care, and waved his hand to appease: "It's okay, just kidding."

 Speaking, he turned back to look at Liu Yifei beside him, and slowly lowered his head.

 Liu Yifei held back her smile, her breathing became a little rapid, and she raised her head slightly.

 Under everyone's gaze, Li Yi kissed Liu Yifei's pink lips.


"Wa hahaha!"

  “Niu beep!”

 Seeing this scene, the scene immediately exploded.

Everyone jumped up excitedly, clapped their hands, and looked excited.

This time, no one doubts the authenticity of this incident.

 Li Yi and Liu Yifei are actually together!

 This is awesome!

This was the first time Liu Yifei was kissed by Li Yi in front of so many people. She blushed for a moment and hid in Li Yi's arms after the kiss.

Seeing Li Yi hugging Liu Yifei, the staff on site had different moods.

The female staff members had aunty smiles on their faces and looked like they were enjoying themselves after sipping candy.

The male staff members had complicated expressions, with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

 Liu Yifei can be called the fairy sister, but her base among domestic male audiences is still quite scary.

 More than half of the staff present are her fans.

But no one expected that just after recording a variety show, Liu Yifei would actually be together with Li Yi.

This sour feeling made many staff members unable to help but drink a large glass of wine on the spot.

 After announcing the news, Li Yi took Liu Yifei and sat back down.

Liu Yifei finally no longer had to hide and hug Li Yi. She took Li Yi's arm openly and put her head on his arm, looking like a cute little bird.

Zhao Jinmai on the side saw it and was so envious that his mouth watered.


She looked at Li Yi and Liu Yifei with a sad face, holding her chin and looking at Li Yi and Liu Yifei enviously, muttering and sighing: "I really want to have a sweet love!"

As she spoke, she suddenly glanced at Wu Lei: "Shut up!"


Wu Lei was struggling to scoop up the slippery tendons with his left hand. He was stunned when he heard this, and the tendons he finally scooped up fell back onto the plate.

 He looked at Zhao Jinmai in confusion: "What did I say?"




 (End of this chapter)

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