Chapter 770 Reversal Performance

After having fun until the evening, the lunch dishes were almost digested. At this time, the late-night snack boxes that had been placed before the banquet were brought out.

“What are the rewards for the top three in this competition?”

Reba picked up a buttered abalone and ate it while asking curiously.

This time in the late-night snack box plating competition, the team formed by her and Yang Shaoyue successfully won the first place.

Li Yi said that there was a reward for this plate setting competition, and she was very curious about what good things would be rewarded.

Hearing her question, the guests at the scene all looked at Wang Tian behind the monitor.

When Wang Tian saw this, he stood up with a smile and came to the camera.

“How about we talk about punishment first?” she asked with a smile.


 “Hear the bad news first!”

Faced with the most powerful variety show producers in China, the guests are all on the right track.

 “The bottom three winners of this plating competition are...”

Wang Tian took out his notebook and read against the records on it: "The third one is the Legend of Fenghuang, the combination of Linghua and Zeng Yi."

 “That’s right, it’s us!”

Linghua raised her hands and waved around, smiling happily.

 For a woman like her who comes from the prairie, setting dishes is indeed not her specialty.

She could only pile up the food box with all kinds of ingredients. Whether they were beautiful or not was another matter, but the portions were substantial.

Wang Tian smiled and said the punishment: "Your punishment is to exchange props and costumes, sing a song of yours, and sing each other's lyrics."


 When the guests heard the punishment, they immediately started cheering excitedly.

Linghua and Zeng Yi were confused when they heard this. Zeng Yi looked at the phoenix robe on Linghua and asked in shock: "What do you mean? You want me to wear her clothes and she wears mine?"


Wang Tian smiled and nodded.

 “You don’t want it anymore? Why are you playing so hard?”

 Zeng Yi’s face was full of rejection.

But the guests at the scene refused to let him go, and they all held up their seedlings for fear of causing chaos in the world.

 “Change! Change! Change!”

 Among them, Reba and Yang Shaoyue were the ones who screamed most enthusiastically.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also filled with excitement and started cheering along with them.

“Hahaha! I’ve never seen Zeng Yi wearing women’s clothing! It must look good!”

“I really can’t imagine my brother Zeng Yi wearing a phoenix robe! Haha!”

“It’s easy to wear women’s clothing, but the main thing is to sing. Can Linghua’s Key Zeng Yige sing well?”

 “Hahaha! I want my grandma to come and watch! This is a big scene!”

Seeing the whole audience roaring, Zeng Yi couldn't say anything else, so he could only admit defeat and followed Linghua to the dressing room, where they changed their clothes.

Soon, Linghua, who had changed into her dragon robe first, returned to the scene with her hands behind her back.

 “Everyone loves me! Haha!”

She raised her hand in a pretentious manner, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

 “Wow! Sister Linghua is so handsome!”

Yang Shaoyue’s group of little girls’ eyes shone, they clapped their hands happily and were full of praise.

“I haven’t even put on a beard yet! I’ll look even more handsome with a beard!”

Linghua touched her bald chin, hesitated, looked back at the door of the men's dressing room, then turned and walked to the women's dressing room: "Old Zeng hasn't come out yet, I'll glue on a beard first."

With that said, she hurried back to the dressing room.

Shortly after she entered the dressing room, the door of the men's dressing room opened.

Upon seeing this, all the guests at the scene stretched their necks curiously and looked over.

The door was empty, with no one around, but then, a hand holding a handkerchief stretched out and shook it.


"Ha ha!"

 All the guests at the scene knew that it was Zeng Yi’s hand, and they all laughed.

Following that, Zeng Yi, wearing a phoenix robe and lipstick, walked out of the men's dressing room a little shyly.

  “Ah ha ha ha ha!”     Reba immediately raised his head and laughed so much that he almost leaned over, while Yang Shaoyue had already slapped the table.

Other guests present also burst into laughter, and the live broadcast room was filled with "laughing", "dumbfounded" and "eye-catching" emoticons.

Zeng Yi could afford it. When he came out, he put his hands on his hips, pinched his throat, raised his hand holding orchid fingers, pointed at the guests and complained: "What are you laughing at? Dare you laugh at me? Drag them out and behead them!"

It's okay if he didn't say anything. Upon hearing his pinched tone, everyone present couldn't help but laugh even more happily.

 At this time, the door to the women's dressing room also opened.

Linghua, who had her beard glued on, walked out of the dressing room and happened to see Zeng Yi holding up an orchid finger. She couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

 “Hahaha! Old Zeng, you hahahaha!”

She laughed so hard that she staggered on her feet, pointing at Zeng Yi, and she couldn't breathe evenly.

 “You **** ghost! Even you laugh at me!”

Zeng Yi turned around and rolled his eyes, looking charming.


Linghua laughed so much that she sat down on the ground, raised her hands and patted the floor, tears of laughter bursting out of her eyes.

 Seeing her look, Zeng Yi couldn't hold back anymore and laughed.

 After laughing for a long time, everyone stopped laughing.

“Okay, now let’s ask our Phoenix Legend to sing a song for you!”

Wang Tian greeted and invited Linghua and Zeng Yi to the vacated performance area.

When they arrived at the performance area, Zeng Yi and Linghua couldn't hold back anymore when they looked at each other's looks. They laughed a few times before finally holding back and starting to prepare to sing.

Soon, the prelude of "It's All About Love" sounded.

 “If you don’t love me, give me my heart back!”

Linghua lowered her voice, imitating Zeng Yi’s singing, and sang the chorus.

 Her singing immediately aroused laughter and applause from the whole hall.

Although it’s funny, I have to say that she did a pretty good job of imitating it.

 When Zeng Yi spoke, the laughter at the scene suddenly escalated to a higher level.

 “Why do you tell me? It’s all my fault!”

“Everyone thinks love is too beautiful and the reality is too tempting!”

Zeng Yi pinched his throat and sang every word in tune, but he was still smiling.

 While laughing, the guests at the scene were also aroused and sang along with them.

 “Why on earth? It makes you even more sad!”

“What else can I do to love you like this besides comforting you?”

 Seeing that the effect was so good, Linghua and Zeng Yi also completely let go.

 When it came to the rap part, Zeng Yi not only pinched his voice, but also added movements.

 “That’s right, it’s all my indifference,”

 “Making you feel extremely lost,”

 “However, a woman’s heart,”

 “More than a promise to be desired,”

  When singing "A Woman's Heart", Zeng Yi even winked at the camera.

 Suddenly, barrages flooded into the live broadcast room.

  "Hahaha! Oh my god! Brother Zeng Yi is really having fun!"

“Zeng Yi: I feel like I’ve opened the door to a new world!”

“Haha! This performance is a classic of the century! It is recommended to record the screen and watch it again and again!”

 “That’s it, let’s play with him!”

 In a joyful atmosphere, the performances of Zeng Yi and Linghua ended successfully.

 “Thank you! Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone for your likes!”

Zeng Yi raised his hands high and was very unrestrained. As a result, with a strong force, the thread under the armpits of the phoenix robe was torn apart, and the two groups of armpit hair were immediately exposed to the air.


The scene was suddenly filled with screams and chaos.




 (End of this chapter)

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